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The fundamentals of Mind-Axes

Mind-Axes is a compass-based typology system that focuses mainly on the internal cognitions of two involved axes. The main goal of this theory is to educate people on cognition through generating an understanding of the power of cognition. This is involving the patterns of the cognition individuals starting from patterns of communication. The typology system is inspired by Neurotyping, which is similar to Mind-Axes in numerous ways such as the Lateral/Linear, Holistic thinking vs Linear thinking, though while Neurotyping explains more external patterns, Mind-Axes is more oriented on one's internal patterns of thought.

The compass acts on two axes. These axes involve Laterality (L)/Verticality (V) (the Y-axis) and Lexicality (Lx)/Impressionism (I) (the X-axis). The dichotomies of the two axes help to create four Quadrants on the graph. Alpha is (I, L), Bravo is (Lx, -L), Charlie is (-Lx, -V), and Delta is (-I, V). 


Each Quadrant has 9 ranges, adding up to a total of 36 possible ranges. These ranges tend to be deemed as specific "types" by typologists. These nine ranges each have its unique archetypes.

There are also ranges for the elements.

There exists:

- Extreme Laterality (B1, B2, B3, A3, A2, A1), Verticality (C1, C2, C3, D3, D2, D1), Lexicality (B1, B4, B7, C7, C4, C1), and Impressionism (A1, A4, A7, D7, D4, D1).
- High Laterality (B4, B5, B6, A6, A5, A4), Verticality (C4, C5, C6, D6, D5, D4), Lexicality (B2, B5, B8, C8, C5, C2), and Impressionism (A2, A5, A8, D8, D5, D2).
- Moderate Laterality (B7, B8, B9, A9, A8, A7), Verticality (C7, C8, C9, D9, D8, C7), Lexicality (B3, B6, B9, C9, C6, C3), and Impressionism (A3, A6, A9, D9, D6, D3).

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.