The Achiever Subtypes
Realist Subtype: Doer Subtype: Fun-Lover Subtype:
The Realist Subtypes
Achiever Subtype: Scholar Subtype: Peacekeeper Subtype:
The Doer Subtypes
Achiever Subtype: Scholar Subtype: Idealist Subtype:
The Scholar Subtypes
Realist Subtype: Doer Subtype: Artist Subtype:
The Fun-Lover Subtypes
Achieve Subtype: Peacekeeper Subtype: Idealist Subtype:
The Peacekeeper Subtypes
Realist Subtype: Fun-Lover Subtype: Artist Subtype:
The Idealist Subtypes
Doer Subtype: Fun-Lover Subtype: Artist Subtype:
The Artist Subtypes
Scholar Subtype: Peacekeeper Subtype: Idealist Subtype: