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MBTI in Hufflepuff

Hufflepuffs are known to be very loyal, kind and hardworking.  Hufflepuffs are one of the hardest...

MBTI in Slytherin

Slytherin is known to be a house filled with ambitious, cunning and strategic people. This house ...

True Neutral

True Neutral is one of the 9 alignments.  True Neutral otherwise known as "Neutral Neutral" or "N...

The Truity Typefinder Test

The Typefinder is Truity's take on the MBTI test. Unlike most MBTI tests, the Typefinder uses Mye...

At what age is a sociotype formed?

According to Aushra Augustinavichiute A child's IM code, i.e. his/her personality type, is for...

Can the sociotype change?

According to Victor Gulenko The actual sociotype is the deep nucleus. Its structure does not c...

Are all 30 NEO facets equally important?

Introduction The following list cites the 30 facets of the NEO and summarises which other system...

LFVE - "Plato" or "The Consultant"

Psyche Yoga Version: There is no doubt in my mind that everyone reading this article has heard o...


Listed below are the facets that comprise the trait Extraversion according to the IPIP. E1: Frie...

Masculine Di vs Masculine De

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Masculine Sensory vs Feminine Sensory

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Information Dominant vs Energy Dominant

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Consume vs Blast

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Sleep vs Play

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Observations Sensing vs Observations Intuition

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Decisions Feeling vs Decisions Thinking

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Observer Introverted vs Observer Extroverted

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Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ISFP is an Introverted Feeling Type. (Another Introverted Feeling Ty...

Clubs (#8)

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Communication Styles (#2)

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