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Club Displacement / Worldview Groups (#22)

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Dual Conflict Dyads (#23)

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Accident Management (#24)

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Trigger Groups (#25)

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Informational Usage (#26)

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“Most Uncomfortable” group (#27)

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Disposition of Interest (#28)

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Equifinal Groups (#29)

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Quest Diminutive Function Groups (#30)

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Family Groups (#32)

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Peak Experiences (#35)

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Freedom of Choice (#34)

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Rings of Benefit (#7)

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Myers–Briggs Type Indicator INTP is an Introverted Thinking Type. (Another Introverted Thinking ...


Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ISTP is an Introverted Thinking Type. (Another Introverted Thinking ...

Differences between KeirseyTS and MBTI

Feel free to fill this page out References [1], Keirsey Temperament versus Myers-Br...

Change of Type

This page is unfinished - add alternate perspectives on this topic MBTI Perspective: It's Possi...

Age and Function Development

According to W. Harold Grant "At the age of twelve, the time of puberty which many religious t...

Alternative Function Stack

Akhromant (IIEE/EEII)[1] Akhromant uses IIEE/EEII function stack and correlated the 16 types to ...

At what minimum age is possible to type?

According to Óscar Ichazo The fixation is one point where we are the most sensitive and the mo...