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1181 total results found


Observation-Based Personality Systems Graphology

Incomplete Dimensions The six basic dimensions that Elaine Quigley BA Hons uses are:  the average size of letters the pressure to the paper they rhythmic repetition of the strokes the slant of the letters the spacing, regular or irregular the roundne...

Red Herring

Logical Fallacies

Examples of Red Herring Fallacy in typology debates:  The "Intuitive Bias" claim in some situations can be used to mislead others from the topic of discussion.   Definition: As an informal fallacy, the red herring falls into a broad class of relevance fall...

Can my Big 5 Change?

Big 5 Personality Traits Assorted Questions and Issues

Yes Whilst a certain degree of development with age is outlined in the MBTI orthodoxy (e.g. the development of functions) one of the fundamental rules seems to be that a person will never change their MBTI type. Once your type is established you will be that ...

Argument from Ignorance

Logical Fallacies

Examples: "You can't prove he is ENTJ. So he cannot be an ENTJ." Definition Argument from ignorance is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not y...

Why are Some SLOAN Types Better Than Others?

Big 5 Personality Traits Assorted Questions and Issues

It has been noted by many PDB users that unlike other systems (Enneagram, MBTI) SLOAN types don't appear to be equal and some seem objectively "better" than others. This page will explore this issue. The Baseless Assumption That "All Types are Equal" Firstly...

Settling on a Big 5 type

Big 5 Personality Traits Assorted Questions and Issues

Inconsistent Results Choosing a SLOAN type is a complicated issue. Due to the inadequacy of the PDB SLOAN system and the lack of consensus regarding the best version of SLOAN it is not obvious how one should convert big 5 scores into a SLOAN code. Before you ...

The Four Hand Shapes

Observation-Based Personality Systems Palmistry

In palmistry, there are four general hand shapes that correspond to the four elements, earth, fire, water, and air. These often correspond to the astrological symbols and add a sense of spirituality to the system Earth Short fingers + Short palms Earth ...

Palm Lines

Observation-Based Personality Systems Palmistry

The folds and creases of the palms — referred to as lines — are used to form narratives and predict future happenings. The meanings of lines are determined by analyzing their length, depth, and curvature. No two palms are unique, so remember that context is ...

Palm Topography

Observation-Based Personality Systems Palmistry

Palms have a natural topography. Fleshy areas called mounts and plains are related to different life themes. The classic mounts correspond with the seven classical planets within astrology: Apollo (the sun), Luna (the moon), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, an...

Ad Hominem Fallacy

Logical Fallacies

What is ad hominem (personal attack) fallacy? Ad hominem → "argument to the man." To attack the person creating the argument, instead of the argument created by the person. Example 1: "Of course your argument doesn't make sense! It's because you're an INFP."...


The Three Extraversions The Three Extraversions

(Represented by Red) The Dominance Dichotomy measures one's ability to work towards goals, whether cooperatively or independently. Dominance Traits: Assertive, Leader-Like, Determined, Conscientious\, and Structured. Levels of Dominance: High Dominance T...


The Three Extraversions The Three Extraversions

(Represented by Green) The Enthusiasm Dichotomy measures one's interest in exploring new things and ideas. Enthusiasm Traits: Energetic, Creative, Adventurous, Innovative, and Imaginative. Levels of Enthusiasm: High Enthusiasm To be added Medium Enthusi...


The Three Extraversions The Three Extraversions

(Represented by Blue) The Charisma Dichotomy measures one's interest in starting and keeping conversations going. Charisma Traits: Talkative, Sociable, Welcoming, Friendly, and Caring. Levels of Charisma: High Charisma To be added Medium Charisma To be...


The Three Extraversions The Three Levels

The High Level means the Dichotomy that it is applied to will be used often enough to pull Mediums in the same Dichotomy towards using it at a High Level. Dichotomies when Level High: High Dominance To be added High Enthusiasm To be added High Charisma ...


The Three Extraversions The Three Levels

The Medium Level is balanced in the Dichotomy it is applied to in such a way that if encountering an environment of people with a different level of the same Dichotomy, the Medium will act in a way that may appear High or Low depending on which level is domin...


The Three Extraversions The Three Levels

The Low Level means the Dichotomy that it is applied to will be used rarely enough to pull Mediums in the same Dichotomy towards using it at a Low Level. Dichotomies when Level Low: Low Dominance To be added Low Enthusiasm To be added Low Charisma To be...

High/High/Low - The Debator

The Three Extraversions The 27 Types

High/High/Medium - The Innovator

The Three Extraversions The 27 Types

Low/Medium/High - The Explorer

The Three Extraversions The 27 Types

Low/Low/Low - The Lone Wolf

The Three Extraversions The 27 Types