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Passive vs Active

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Passive vs Active theory

While references to class passiveness or activity has been mentioned in canon, namely by Calliope (who is considered to be fairly unreliable), it's still widely regarded as a theory to most. Despite there is a generally agreed upon consensus in the fandom concerning the intrinsic activity, unrelated to lunar sway, in each class, some, such as the Knight, are still a subject of debate.


What is the Active vs Passive theory?

It's believed that both classes and aspects have their own level of intrinsic need to play defense or offense- that is what the theory covers. While its main concern mostly includes that of classes, observation has shown that aspects also correlate with more or less activity. It's important to note that an active class may manifest itself less in a player, especially one who may have a passive aspect and/or Lunar sway, and vice versa.

The general consensus follows:

Active: Lord, Thief, Mage, Witch, Prince, Knight, Maid

Passive: Muse, Rogue, Seer, Heir, Bard, Page, Sylph

The activity of Knights, Pages, Maids, and Sylphs is still undetermined; this is the general idea

Players with higher activity are more likely to be Derse dreamers, and play offense. They're typically more relevant to the plot, thus being centered development-wise around learning to be comfortable fighting from the sidelines.

Players with higher passiveness are more likely to be Prospit dreamers, and play defense. Passive players tend to have a weak influence over events, thus being developmentally centered around learning to take action.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.