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Decider Introverted vs Decider Extroverted

Extroverted Deciders

Types that are Tribe above Self, have what is called a De savior function. This will be either Extroverted Thinking (Te) or Extroverted Feeling (Fe), depending on whether or not the type is either savior Thinking (T) or savior Feeling (F).

Extroverted Deciders: Fe and Te

Fe looks at others (the tribe) and what they value when making decisions. Fe is about shared community values, they ask questions like "What do others like?" "What does everyone want and care about?"

Te looks at others (the tribe) and focuses on what works for others when making decisions. Te is about tribe reasoning and understanding, they ask questions like "What will work for everyone?" "What does everyone understand?".

Introverted Deciders

Types that are Self above Tribe, have what is called a Di savior function. This will be either Introverted Thinking (Ti) or Introverted Feeling (Fi), depending on whether or not the type is either savior Thinking (T) or savior Feeling (F).

Introverted Deciders: Fi and Ti

Fi looks at ones own self and focus on what they personally value when making decisions. They ask questions like "What do I personally care about?" "What do I like?" What do I care about?"

Ti looks at ones own self and focuses on what personally makes sense to them when making decisions. They ask questions like "What will work for me?" "What do I personally understand?" 



Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.