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CynicalOptimist Essay Entry

On Core Aspects of Enneagram: The Beginning of Spiritual Individuation _____________________________________________________________________________________

Brief History of Enneagram Enneagram on itself was firstly introduced as symbols by G.I. Gurdjieff, a philosopher, mystic, and spiritual teacher on a subject of his lectures. All of these were recorded hence then presented in a book that was written by P.D. Ouspensky, namely "In Search of the Miraculous". According to Ouspensky, the Enneagram symbol was developed to express the objective truths, or "Unity" which is the unity of diversity. And it requires objective consciousness to attain knowledge from symbols that are being said, including "symbolism of speech" to comprehend the hidden meanings and to express the Law of Sevens in its union with the Law of Tree. which later known as the Cosmic Laws. And the very fundamental premise of this Enneagram symbol is the Law of Seven. It explained why things aren't turned out to be what one desires or is expected, as nothing in life constantly occurs in a straight line, but octaves. While deviation after deviation can result into the up and down of tones which are occurred, it is mostly caused by involution and evolution which are characterized by a certain period of acceleration and deceleration at definite intervals. Hence then, the Law of Seven correspondences with the Law of Three, as it is a law that stated that Holy-Affirming (Active), Holy-Denying (Passive), Holy-Reconciling (Neutral) are equally active but different when in relation to one another when they meet. This law stands out of the Law of Seven, as it is stated, “The triangle penetrates through the period and these two figures in combination give the inner structure of the octave and its notes”. (ISOM 290). Ichazo then later used these laws as "Arica Theory" to introduce Arica School, in which he presented the theory of “Protoanalysis/Fixations” and “Mentations” but also many others which can't be mentioned due to the limitation of this essay. And Protoanalysis theory has been popularized by Dr. Claudio Naranjo who was the responsible for bringing back the theory that was presented by John Lilly and Joseph Hart in Charles Tart’s “Transpersonal Psychologies” in Arica, Chile at that time. Passions and Virtues These are mental constructs that define the identification of personality type structure. According to Sandra Maitri in her book "The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues", as it was cited by Ron Esposito, Passions are drives, orientations and emotionally imbued attitudes that characterize humans being when they are in-touch with their personality or, in other words, the natural inclination of each personality type. While Virtues are the inner-landscape of Enneagram type that is characterized by dissociation, detachment and depersonalization as human beings begin to be free and less identified from their personality or ego structure. In this book, Maitri described the way how shift in human's consciousness, or soul, take a shape from the awareness of passions that leads into the manifestation of Virtues that are said to be "the affective atmosphere that replaces the compulsive and reactive emotional patterns-called the Passions-as one becomes freer of the ego". Critics on Stress and Security Points The shortcoming of Stress and Security Points is that it leads to an oversimplification as it is a simplistic approach to identify someone's Enneagram type using the theory of integration to disintegration thus does go either way instead of one or another. In fact, it is not either stress or security, but rather, positive, negative, and neutral. This theory was debunked by Leslie Hersberger, an Enneagram online tutor, who stated that it requires inner practice to make use of the Enneagram types, not just the state of consciousness and unconsciousness. As the Law of Three stated previously, it does, in fact, take Holy-Reconciling, that is oblivious to others, to be in a relation with Holy-Affirming and Holy-Denying. Holy Ideas and Fixations Holy Ideas are the highest essential qualities of enneagram; it is the highest point where humans experience object. Each of Holy Ideas represents a particular direct perception of reality as a facet of transparent perception of what is. This provides humans a comprehensive view of reality but also duality delusion that forms a psychological complex that humans view as a particular fixation. While Fixations are the quality of humans to be conscious and have a present quality in the world of duality, which is related to Holy-Reconciling on itself. Sources Reference:

[1] The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues: Finding the Way Home
[2] Facets of Unity


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