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Devilastef Essay Entry

Socionics is based on the idea that a person’s character acts as a set of blocks called "psychological functions". Different combinations of these functions give rise to different ways of accepting and producing information, which give rise to different mental patterns, values, behavioral patterns, and therefore different types of personalities. Socionics also has as a characteristic a theory of interpersonal relations that examines the interaction of these functions between types; it has been developed until now through introspection and observation; even describing a large part of human behaviors and interactions, so far has not given enough experimental evidence.The description of personality by socionics is reduced to the following in brief. Each person has eight cognitive functions. These are:

-Extroverted thought (Te)

-Feeling extroverted (Fe)

- sensing extrovert (SE)

-Extroverted intuition (Ne)

-Introverted thinking (Ti)

-Introverted feeling (Fi)

-sensing Introvert (Si)

-Introvert Intuition (Ni)

Each person has his preference for sequence of functions. each person uses some functions more often than others. Because of these different preferences, people’s personalities also differ. to better understand we divide into 4 groups to form subcategories , named with the Greek letters alpha, beta,gamma,delta. take as an example this table: this is about ILE ENTp , is part of the category alpha quadra , his fuction block in order are: EGO extraverted intuition (ne) , Introverted thinking logic (ti) ; SUPER EGO Extroverted Sensing (se), Introverted feeling Ethics (fi); SUPER-ID Introverted Sensing (si), Extroverted feeling Ethics (fe); ID Introverted Intuition (ni), Extroverted thinking Logic (te); ENTp by fuction, assertive, creative harmony.

1)NE (strong) leading ILE are interested in finding new perspectives and seeing things from multiple angles , accumulate ideas and bind them together to dynamic systems in continuous evolution and logically connected

2) TI (strong) creative extremely eloquent and creative in conveying his point of view,good at crafting explanations to complex phenomena, quickly incorporate newly identified facts into theory system.

3) SE (weak) role adapt his technical wit to succeed in real life practical tasks, gradually increasing self importance, react aggressively to high pressure situation.

4)FI (weak) vulnerable finds it hard to guess who to be wary of and who deserved to be trusted,tries to be equally friendly with everyone,find it hard to give moral support.

5) SI (weak) suggestive demanding in regards to fullfillingg his daily needs, work to estabilish the ideal enviroment for his goal. 6) FE(weak) mobilizing finds it stimulating when someone expresses interest in their knowledge,direct in his communicative ,dislike routine and monotony and benefits from the occasional crisis.

7) NI (strong) ignoring thought trying to foresee future events and plan accordingly , can be distracted easily and letting partners down by being late for scheduled activities.

8)TE (strong) demonstrative ILE are innovative and savvy in the realisation of ideas that appeal to him,easily find techinical issue, can optimize even a system that is well work out to maximize benefits.

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