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Role and Aspect models

The uneven distribution of attention among one's aspects, giving more to some and less to others, is not random. Different individuals assign different roles to their aspects, each requiring varying levels of focus.

The aspect positioned first, whether it be the Past, Present, Future, or Eternity, serves as the goal. It is within this primary aspect, receiving the maximum amount of energy, that the realm of self-realization resides — the fundamental need to influence the world. Each person has only one goal aspect, while the other aspects fulfill different roles. The second aspect functions as a tool — a helper in achieving goals. The third aspect acts as a criterion, imposing limits and helping to avoid missteps. The fourth aspect, receiving the least energy, acts as a resource, akin to fuel. We sacrifice the dynamics of fourth aspect to direct more energy toward our primary area of self-realization. The unique allocation of roles among these aspects provides insights into an individual's values, behavior, and personal philosophy.

1.1. Role Characteristics
Title Goal Creative Insecure Blind
Priority I (strong) II (strong) III (weak) IV (weak)
Purpose Goal Instrument Criterion Resource
The attitude towards oneself and others by E. Berne You + I - You + I + You - I - You + I -

1.2. Aspect Characteristics

  Past Present Future Eternity
Primary Question Who am I? Where do I belong? Where am I heading? Why am I here?
Negative Emotions Grief, Pain Boredom, Emptiness Fear, Despair Longing, Horror
Positive Emotions Power, Delight Engagement, Happiness Hope, Peace, Inspiration Connection, Joy



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