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Type 3 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Enneatype Three belongs to the fee...

Type 4 Instintual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/Social 4 This subtype i...

Type 6 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/social 6 This subtype o...

Type 7 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  The instinctual energies often app...

Type 8 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Each of the instincts of enneatype...

Type 9 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Enneatype Nines are out of touch w...

SO/SP Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

SO/SX Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

SX/SO Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

SX/SP Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

Argument from Authority

Similarly called appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam, an authoritative source is us...

Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

Otherwise known by the Latin phrase "cum hoc ergo propter hoc" ('with this, therefore because of ...

Type 2 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Healthy Twos know how to give of t...

Type 1 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/Social 1  Enneatype One...

Passive vs Active

This page is a work in progress Passive vs Active theory While references to class passivenes...

Classpecting Yourself

This page is a work in progress This page is incomplete and should be ignored until further deve...

Model A

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Viktor Gulenko

Feel free to replace the placeholder content on this page. Callouts Callouts are used on the to...

Ekaterina Filatova

Feel free to replace the placeholder content on this page. Callouts Callouts are used on the to...


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