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Organizational State

Archetype: Director/Coordinator The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Direct...

Judicial State

Archetype: Judge/Advisor The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Judgement. ...

Martial State

Archetype: Warrior/Athlete The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Might. P...

Sensational State

Archetype: Performer/Dancer The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Attitude. ...

Artisanal State

Archetype: Artisan/Musician The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Passion. ...

Practical State

Archetype: Builder/Mechanic The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Aptitude. ...

Official State

Archetype: Officer/Rescuer The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Service. ...

Protectoral State

Archetype: Guardian/Medic The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Security. ...

Industrial State

Archetype: Producer/Engineer The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Productiv...

Entrepreneurial State

Archetype: Entrepreneur/Commander The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Moti...

Imperial State

Archetype: Chief/Executive The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Responsibil...

Inspirational State

Archetype: Muse/Charmer The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Charm. Phys...

The Physical Processes

The Physical Aspect: Sensorimotor focus; perception and interaction with immediate tangible surr...

The Rational Processes

The Rational Aspect: Higher cognitive focus; information grasp and analysis, rules, and decision...

The Emotional Processes

The Emotional Aspect: Affective focus; relate, sympathize, feel bound, inspired, moved, or overt...

Process Positions

Determination: Firmness; focus on conclusion, execution, or judgement, tendency towards tension....

SP/SO Subtype

Overview Self-Preservation emphasizes grounding and stability and has a contained quality, and...

The Rationals

The Cerebrals

The Personals