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Jovial State

Archetype: Entertainer/Comedian
The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Mood.

Physical: Sensation

Focus on the perception of tangible senses and space; attention and response to surroundings and actuality.

Rational: Instinction

Focus on instincts and intuition, and not on rationality; insights not resulting from rational analysis.

Emotional: Inspiration

Focus on perceiving emotions from external sources; attention and response to emotivity, expressiveness, and empathy.

It is the state of humor and vibe. It represents a psyche that is rationally relaxed, but physically and emotionally flexible. In this state we are aware of our surroundings looking for things that may propose a treat or threat, reacting with emotions, or attributing and perceiving emotions from them. In other words, experiencing sensorial emotions. We look to sense, connect and express ourselves. We are easygoing, sensitive and free spirited. This state is social, engages in new activities easily, and evokes sympathy.

By definition, this is the state of sensation, instinction and inspiration. Its main characteristic is sensing the surroundings for inspiration, or empathizing with what is presented to our senses, while avoiding rational stress. This defines our ability to sense what is happening at an emotional level without having to question or rationalize it. It also defines our ability to follow social interaction at an emotional level.

People who have a strong tendency to this state are simply cool, hip, groovy. They have low patience for explanatory details, deliberation and reflective analysis, their attention goes towards physical emotion; they are natural deejays, comedians and emcees. For them, being spontaneous, funny, and able to connect and follow the vibe is more pressing than order or propriety. Being alert and open to bond with others gives them a chance to get involved in several interests and topics. But, their participation can be subjective to the moment and the opportunities to unwind and be festive. They can be organized by following social codes or common sense. They enjoy sports, but are not necessarily competitive. They also enjoy art, but preferably in tangible forms (music, dance, fashion, etc.). They enjoy being part of the audience or crowd, and not necessarily struggle to be a contender or critic; although, they make great performers.

People that are strongly jovial look for fun and free expression, and feel out of place in solemn or serious environments. They react to feelings with expressivity, and are susceptible to their social environment. They focus on perceiving and connecting to the moment and transmitting these emotions to others, and have an amazing ability to bring people together. They are also gifted for recognizing other’s humors. They use personal instincts as guiding norms.

Tendencies towards introversion:

Instinction cultivates arbitrarity and rebelliousness; prompting self-confidence.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.