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Inspirational State

Archetype: Muse/Charmer
The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Charm.

Physical: Abstraction

Focus on introspection and away from physical activity; impulses not driven by sensorial response, but from thoughts or feelings.

Rational: Instinction

Focus on instincts and intuition, and not on rationality; insights not resulting from rational analysis.

Emotional: Inspiration

Focus on perceiving emotions from external sources; attention and response to emotivity, expressiveness, and empathy.

It is the state of intuition and fascination. It represents a psyche that is physically and rationally relaxed, but emotionally flexible. We are in this state when we are alert to experience emotion—expect some surprise, good or bad feelings from things, people or ideas. If we are wrong about threats or blessings, we are willing to correct and reevaluate our feelings. This is the key for empathy, inspiration, and building intuition. It is an imminently spiritual state, but not necessarily dogmatic or moralistic. It devices emotions, moods or likings in order to sense the moment, adjust to it, or spice it up.

By definition, this is the state of focus in abstraction, instinction and inspiration. Its main characteristic is the perception of emotional attributes, and avoidance of physical and rational stress. This defines our ability to perceive vibes, motivations and inspiration beyond our senses and reason.

People who have a strong tendency to this state are more attentive to emotional exchanges, than physical demands and explanatory details or reflective analysis. They are charismatic without effort. They inspire creativity, sweetness, connection and communion, and tend to bring the best out of others. They look to connect with things. For them, having keen intuition and an open heart is more pressing than being industrious or aggressive. However, their love, fascination or disgust for diverse things make them active or curious about many subjects and practices. But, this fascination can be sporadic or lead to newer attractions. They are appreciative of animals, elders, children and strangers; but make better companions than guardians. They are artistic, and although they may seem shy, they are expressive, and develop talent for acting, singing, writing, modeling, dancing, etc.

People that are strongly inspirational look for fascination and empathy. They tend not to focus on physical labor or competition. Violence brings them prompt remorse and fear, since they are emotionally open to others. Their norms tend to be based on intuition more than rational analysis. And, they may get involved in thrilling activities impulsively.

Tendencies towards introversion:

Abstraction cultivates timidity and awkwardness; prompting self-reliance.

Instinction cultivates arbitrarity and rebelliousness; prompting self-confidence.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.