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Technical State

Archetype: Technician/Inspector
The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Functionality.

Physical: Sensation

Focus on the perception of tangible senses and space; attention and response to surroundings and actuality.

Rational: Regulation

Focus on rational conclusions; developing, following, and favoring rules, decisions, and structure.

Emotional: Dispassion

Focus on objectivity and away from affectivity; reactions not dictated by the emotional state of external factors.

It is the state of order and efficiency. It represents a psyche that is emotionally relaxed, but physically flexible and rationally tense. We are in this state when implementing or developing plans, techniques or arrangements of tangible things. We will struggle to understand how things are, and find optimization. We are attentive to what is going around, thinking about placement or functionality.

By definition, this is the state of sensation, regulation and dispassion. Its main characteristic is observing structure, bringing order to tangible things, and avoiding emotional stress. This defines our ability to find, supervise and bring order, and not get involved or carried away by subjective feelings.

People who have a constant tendency to this state focus on structure and objectivity. Their attention goes towards efficiency and actualization. For them, a clear plan of action is more pressing than subjective passion or sentimentality. They connect with responsible people, and avoid the moody or erratic. They can be comfortable in academic environments, but are not very interested in abstract theories or plain creativity. They are susceptible to physical interaction, and alert of things happening. They like keeping track of records, patterns, and goals; this drives them to sports, technology, commerce, politics, law and economics. They are people of high value and respect, but their emotions are internal and personal.

People that are strongly technical are very aware when things are dysfunctional, excited about bringing order, and frustrated when structure is not applied or overlooked. They enjoy physical activities, the feeling of things happening, and challenges. They like collaborating if there are clear objectives. They are very responsible and tend to make steps in calculated ways. They are gracious, diplomatic, and good with terms, protocol and policies. They are also witty and alert, good at finding ways to resolve or take advantage of a situation.

Tendencies towards introversion:

Regulation cultivates righteousness and strictness; prompting self-confidence.

Dispassion cultivates aloofness and disinterest; prompting self-absorption.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.