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Sensational State

Archetype: Performer/Dancer
The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Attitude.

Physical: Action

Focus on physical execution; developing, training, and favoring physical abilities, aptitudes, and impulses.

Rational: Instinction

Focus on instincts and intuition, and not on rationality; insights not resulting from rational analysis.

Emotional: Inspiration

Focus on perceiving emotions from external sources; attention and response to emotivity, expressiveness, and empathy.

It is the state of expressiveness, histrionics and charisma. It represents a psyche that is rationally relaxed, but emotionally flexible and physically tense. We are in this state when we are active, but willing to let go of control to experience or express emotions. We will look for fast pacing and vibrant fields, especially those that combine rhythm, thrill and excitement.

By definition, this is the state of action, instinction and inspiration. Its main characteristic is acting on inspiration, or bringing excitement to action, all while avoiding rational stress. This defines our ability to perform actions guided by our emotions or excitement, and to be inspired by actions without need for rationalization.

People who have a constant tendency to this state focus on action and emotion. Their attention goes to thrilling activities, eye candies and up-beat environments. For them, being valiant and vibrant is more pressing than being logical or philosophic. They have bright, charismatic and expressive personalities; people tend to them, and they enjoy the spotlight. They create connections with those that are part of their team, group or crew. But, if thrown into new activities or environments, they are very open to reconnect. They have low patience for explanatory details, but can be attentive to whims and aesthetics. They want to be part of the action, but most of all, valuable players. They are very responsive to the needs of others and look to be of assistance. They may like being in command using their instincts or common sense and not analysis as guidance. They tend to be sweet and charming when relaxed.

People that are strongly sensational struggle to feel alive, shine, be agile, pronto and attentive to respond. They are impulsive, and physically competitive, and will avoid relaxed activities. They are able to focus on their passion and training, but do not like focusing on calculations or contemplative feelings, and might be easily distracted by things that propose excitement. This ability makes them entertaining, attentive, responsive and resourceful, but can make them unnerving to solemn types.

Tendencies towards introversion:

Action cultivates competition and impatience; prompting self-reliance.

Instinction cultivates arbitrarity and rebelliousness; prompting self-confidence.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.