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Industrial State

Archetype: Producer/Engineer
The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Productivity.

Physical: Action

Focus on physical execution; developing, training, and favoring physical abilities, aptitudes, and impulses.

Rational: Regulation

Focus on rational conclusions; developing, following, and favoring rules, decisions, and structure.

Emotional: Dispassion

Focus on objectivity and away from affectivity; reactions not dictated by the emotional state of external factors.

It is the state of work and functionality. It represents a psyche that is emotionally relaxed, but rationally and physically tense. We are in this state when organizing activities, and carrying out resolutions. We look to put hands into action and not stop until a job is completed as expected.

By definition, this is the state of focus in action, regulation and dispassion. Its main characteristic is acting upon decisions, or bringing order to actions, all while avoiding emotional stress. This defines our ability to compromise and act towards resolutions that do not involve emotional concerns.

People who have a constant tendency to this state focus on their actions and decisions. Their attention goes to where production and results are better met. For them, productivity is more pressing than worries about theories and aesthetics. They have sympathy for people with a clear mission or enterprise. They have a zealous and moralistic sense of duty, but are not prone to sharing their feelings openly. They like analyzing things practically, but could be arbitrary or frustrated when they don’t understand something. They like to keep things according to a plan, and could be reluctant to change habitual measures.

People that are strongly industrial are protective of their space and possessions, and have a defined sense of order. They value process and outcomes, and use this as a measure of how important or satisfactory things are. They want to feel in charge of things and getting them done. Because of this, they can get carried away, be stubborn or influenced by habits and routines. They look to guard and provide for what they love, but might appear self-centered. They might overlook new possibilities, or relax to search for fun or inspiration.

Tendencies towards introversion:

Action cultivates competition and impatience; prompting self-reliance.

Regulation cultivates righteousness and strictness; prompting self-confidence.

Dispassion cultivates aloofness and disinterest; prompting self-absorption.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.