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MBTI Functions

MBTI is based on 4 different things:

Feeling is emotional decision-making.

Thinking is “rational” decision-making.

iNtuition is abstract info-gathering.

Sensing is physical info-gathering.

Each of these things is one of two things, either Judging or Perceiving:

Feeling and Thinking are The Judging Functions. This means they are focused on decision-making.

iNtuition and Sensing are The Perceiving Functions. This means they are focused on info-gathering.

Each of these has an extraverted and introverted form:

Extraverted Feeling [Fe] is when you care about how other people feel.

Introverted Feeling [Fi] is when you care about how you feel.

Extraverted Thinking [Te] is when you listen to what the world thinks makes sense.

Introverted Thinking [Ti] is when you listen to what you think makes sense

Extraverted iNtuition [Ne] is when you explore the creative realm.

Introverted iNtuition [Ni] is when you want to change the world to be your way.

Extraverted Sensing [Se] is when you explore the physical realm.

Introverted Sensing [Si] is when you want to keep the world the way it has been.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.