History and Overview
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Eysenck was a German-born British psychologist whose research stayed in the genetic and biological side of human personality and used personality types to indicate which conditions a person might have. He was very empirical, data oriented, and preferred to deal with raw facts rather than theorize, which can be seen in his book, Dimensions of Personality, where he analyzes the findings of multiple different psychologists to draw conclusions about their theories and synthesize his own. He was a behaviorist and most of the time he would find a way to connect his findings back to a physiological cause, preferring to leave the study of learned psychological traits to other researchers.
The main source of this theory was through the discussion and experiments based on the theories of other people, most notably Jung and Freud, where he would challenge the factual validity of them by comparing them to other factual sources, which can be seen in Dimensions of Personality.
The system itself consists of three bipolar dimensions, extraversion/introversion, neuroticism/stability, and psychoticism/socialization.
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