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MBTI Types

The types are made up of a stacking of four of these functions. Here’s a guide on what each function placement means:

The First Function is what gives you fulfillment in life.

The Second Function is what you process the first function through.

The Third Function is what you enjoy doing but aren’t always doing.

The Fourth Function is what you want but don’t think you can get.

Here’s a list of each type. It shows their nickname, function stack, and a quick description:
ENFJ - The Manipulator

Utilize one’s understanding of others feelings to understand what needs to be changed.

Want to use physical exploration to understand what makes sense.


ESFJ - The Gossip-Monger

Utilize one’s understanding of others feelings to understand how to keep the peace.

Want to use creative exploration to understand what makes sense.


ENTJ - The Dictator

Utilize one’s understanding of what is objectively correct to understand what needs to be changed.

Want to use physical exploration to understand what oneself feels.


ESTJ - The Micro-Manager

Utilize one’s understanding of what is objectively correct to understand how to keep the peace.

Want to use creative exploration to understand what oneself feels.


INFP - The Crybaby

Utilize one’s understanding of one's own feelings to understand creative ideas.

Want to dissect what one has experienced to understand what is objectively correct.


ISFP - The Drama Queen

Utilize one’s understanding of one's own feelings to understand what is comfortable.

Want to dissect the world at large to understand what is objectively correct.


INTP - The Neckbeard

Utilize one’s understanding of what makes sense to understand creative ideas.

Want to dissect what one has experienced to understand what others feel.


ISTP - The Couch Potato

Utilize one’s understanding of what makes sense to understand what is comfortable.

Want to dissect the world at large to understand what others feel.


ENFP - The Ditz

Utilize one’s understanding of what could be to understand how to achieve one’s dreams.

Want to create a logical structure in order to understand their experiences.


ESFP - The Hedonist

Utilize one’s understanding of what is to understand how to achieve one’s dreams.

Want to create a logical structure in order to understand the world at large.


ENTP - The Devil’s Advocate

Utilize one’s understanding of what could be to understand how to get a reaction.
Want to create an emotional structure in order to understand their experiences.


ESTP - The Adrenaline Junkie

Utilize one’s understanding of what is to understand how to get a reaction.

Want to create an emotional structure in order to understand the world at large.


INFJ - The Prig

Utilize one’s understanding of what should be to understand what is ethical.

Want to use what they think makes sense to understand physical changes.


ISFJ - The Passive-Aggressor

Utilize one’s understanding of what has been to understand what is ethical.

Want to use what they think makes sense to understand new ideas.


INTJ - The Snob

Utilize one’s understanding of what should be to understand what is correct.

Want to use what they feel and value to understand physical changes.


ISTJ - The Nit-Picker

Utilize one’s understanding of what has been to understand what is correct.

Want to use what they feel and value to understand new ideas.


Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.