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Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Vanity E2 is free and spontaneous; E3 is controlled, fearful of letting-go.[1] E2 tends to be invasive; E3 more mindful of limits.[1] E2 sells itself as great and expresses its generosity wit...
IF - Introverted Feeling
Introverted Feeling (Fi) is: A Subjective, Rational, Feeling cognitive function. Introverted Feeling seeks to judge the value of objects based on subjective factors, while completely suppressing the influence of the object. That means assigning value to obje...
IT - Introverted Thinking
Is fed from subjective and unconscious roots—archetypes. Depends upon the abstract idea as the decisive factor, and values facts chiefly as illustrative proofs of the idea. Relies on the thinker's powers of observation and appreciation and use of the inner...
ES - Extraverted Sensing
Superior Function Extraverted Sensing (Se) is: An objective, irrational, sensing cognitive function. The perception of the object's immediate concrete qualities, removed from the influence of the subject; thus perceiving and highlighting every concrete expe...
EN - Extraverted Intuition
Superior Function Extroverted Intuition (Ne) is: An Objective, Irrational, Intuitive cognitive function. Ne doesn't perceive what the object's concrete qualities are, but instead, what the object's inherent abstract implications are; focusing on the potenti...
IN - Introverted Intuition
Superior Function Uses the objective situation in the interests of the inner understanding. Regards the immediate situation as a prison from which escape is urgently necessary and aims to escape through some sweeping change in the subjective understandi...
IS - Introverted Sensing
Superior Function Suppresses as far as possible the objective element of the sense impression. Values the subjective impression released by the object rather than the object itself, of which the individual may hardly be aware. Sees things highly colore...
ET - Extraverted Thinking
Superior Function Is fed from objective data—facts and borrowed ideas. Depends upon the facts of experience and regards the abstract idea as unsubstantial and of negligible importance. Relies on facts outside of the thinker, which are more decisive tha...
EF - Extraverted Feeling
Superior Function Extroverted Feeling (Fe) is: A Rational, Objective, Feeling cognitive function. Extraverted Feeling seeks to judge the value of objects based on objective factors, while completely suppressing the subject. That means assigning value to ...
Alexander Y. Afanasyev[1] VFEL Alexander Tvardovsky[1][4]Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor LVFE Lao TzuHeraclitus AesopMarcus AureliusAdi ShankaraPseudo-Dionysius the AreopagiteJohn Scottus EriugenaBonaventurePope Sylvester IIMichel De MontaigneBaruch SpinozaA...
Superior Attitude 1. Complaisance 2. Trusting 3. Warm 4. Friendly 5. Enthusiastic 6. Optimistic 7. Erratic 8. Impulsive 9. Willing to reveal oneself 10. Extravagant 11. Flexible mimicry 12. A good mixer...
Rational Functions
Rational Rationality refers to that which accords with criteria. The rational is the reasonable, that which accords with reason. I conceive reason as an attitude whose principle is to shape thought, feeling, and action in accordance with objective values. ...
Irrationality || Rationality
Thinking and feeling are rational functions in so far as they are decisively influenced by the motive of reflection. They attain their fullest significance when in fullest possible accord with the laws of reason. The irrational functions, on the contrary, ar...
5th - Opposing personality (Beebe)
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6th - Senex/witch (Beebe)
According to John Beebe The senex is an archetype that shadows the good father that I consciously aspire to be when I try to help people. Senex is the Latin word for ‘old man’ and the root word for ‘senator,’ and it takes on the quality of everything that h...
7th - Trickster (Beebe)
According to John Beebe A third archetype that not infrequently makes its appearance in the psychotherapist’s consulting room is the trickster. It is one that is problematic for analytical work, because the very ethos of this kind of psychotherapy is a comm...
8th - Demonic (Beebe)
According to John Beebe I often use the term demonic/daimonic personality to convey that the archetype associated with the most unconscious of regions of the mind can deliver insights that are of the highest value, as well as depreciating and undermining on...
Ne-Fi vs Fi-Ne
Si vs Ni
From PDB Discussion Boards. Si: Personalised attachment to the object. How it reminds us of a life that has been imprinted in the object. How the object is part of someone's life. It is determined through the personal sense of how the object stimulates the...
Fe vs Fi
From PDB Discussion Boards. First in order to understand the difference we need to differentiate Introversion and Extroversion in cognitive functions. (I promise this is relevant to understand Fe/Fi; please keep reading.) Introversion is subjective and re...