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ES - Extraverted Sensing

Superior Function

Extraverted Sensing (Se) is:
  • An objective, irrational, sensing cognitive function.
  • The perception of the object's immediate concrete qualities, removed from the influence of the subject; thus perceiving and highlighting every concrete experience in it's view, and treating all of them as all being equally salient.
  • Se aims to attain an objective photograph, or actuality of what's there in the object's, concrete, explicit qualities.

Suppresses as far as possible the subjective element of the sense impression.

Values the object senses rather than the subjective impression, of which the individual may hardly be aware.

Sees things photographically, the impression being one of concrete reality and nothing more. The "primrose by a river's brim" is simply a primrose.

Leads to concrete enjoyment, seizing very fully the momentary and manifest existence of things, and that only.

Develops attention that is riveted by the strongest stimulus, which invariably becomes the center of interest, so that life seems wholly under the influence of accidental outer happenings.

Develops a pleasure-loving outer self, very rich in undigested experience and unclassified knowledge of uninterpreted facts.

Must be balanced by introverting judgement, or it makes a shallow, wholly empirical personality, with many superstitions and no morality except collective conventions and taboos.

Myers, "Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type"

Extraverted Sensing (Se) seeks extensive outer stimulation in the “here and now”—new sights, sounds, tastes, experiences, etc. It is open-ended and non-discriminating with respect to new experiences. It can also be
associated with image-consciousness and observation skills, displaying a keen eye for detail. Outwardly, it may manifest as a recurrent desire for activities beyond talking (“Let’s do something!”).

A.J. Drenth, "My True Type: Clarifying Your Personality Type, Preferences & Functions"

Whereas introverted sensation emphasizes the involvement of their own subject in perception (e.g. “this is how things are for me”), extraverted sensation takes it for granted that its ordinary perceptions touch the thing-in-itself (e.g. “this is how it is for everyone”). It involves the assumption that reality is publicly accessible; thus, its tendency is to assert matters as though they were obvious to anyone who cared to look. Truth is proportionate to the degree of its objective presence.

M. Pierce, "Motes and Beams -A Neo-Jungian Theory of Personality", p. 22

We know that Sensation is an information-gathering function with a focus on concrete sensory information. We
know that extraversion orients a function toward the external, objective environment and is energized by connecting
with the object.

We can reason then, that someone engaged in extraverted sensing (Se) is acutely aware of the
people, things, and events in his immediate surroundings; is enjoying their colors, sounds, etc. directly; and is
striving to engage with them.

We might guess that since the energizing aspect of extraverted sensing is the sensory experience itself, people with this preference would tend to be particularly present in the moment, inclined to trust only what they can detect with their five senses, and would actively seek out new experiences.

We can reasonably expect that people with highly-developed extraverted sensing would tend to be engaged in “smelling the roses” in the moment, rather than spending much time reminiscing, fantasizing, or planning; and they likely have a very
accurate and reliable awareness of their current environment.

(Source: M. Hunziker, "Depth Typology". 2016)

Mover Se: 

Physically active. Move and move others. Aggressive style. Tackle problems directly. Alert for relevant data. Court danger. Focus on actionable options for tangible, bottom-line results. Impulsive, strong, maybe crude. 

Sensate Se:

Absorb sensory experiences. Enjoy life's pleasures. Trust rich sensory data. Prefer fun, relaxing activities. Attend to others' motion and get in synch with them. Sensual style. Appreciate beauty. Artistic, graceful and inviting.

Dario Nardi, The Magic Diamond: Jung's 8 Paths For Self-Coaching

Inferior Function

What exactly is Dominant Se repressing Inferior Ni?

Dominant Extraverted Sensing is a type that prioritizes tangible and objective data over personal reflection, Se repressing Ni is basically concerning ones self with the concrete and tangible world and reality, seeking out objective and concrete sensations that are experiences heavily in the moment, while repressing subjective abstract perception. 

How does Inferior Ni play out?

The more Inferior Ni gets repressed and devalued, the more inferior intuition begins to assert itself. Inferior Ni begins to assert itself in forms of projections. Irrational suspicions and jealous emotions begin to arise. Due to Ni being in the "Inferior Position" it begins to experience paranoia, irrational beliefs, theories, pessimistic and misguided hunches. They start to see deep and prophetic significance in almost everything that they do in a negative manner. Instead of focusing on the future, they focus on the present moment influenced by intuition. 

Quote by Carl Jung:

The more sensation predominates, however, so that the subject disappears behind the sensation, the less agreeable does this type become. He develops into a crude pleasure-seeker, or else degenerates into an unscrupulous, effete aesthete. Although the object has become quite indispensable to him, yet, as something existing in its own right, it is none the less devalued. It is ruthlessly exploited and squeezed dry, since now its sole use is to stimulate sensation. The bondage to the object is carried to the extreme limit. In consequence, the unconscious is forced out of its compensatory role into open opposition. Above all, the repressed intuitions begin to assert themselves in the form of projections. The wildest suspicions arise; if the object is a sexual one, jealous fantasies and anxiety states gain the upper hand. More acute cases develop every sort of phobia, and, in particular, compulsion symptoms. The pathological contents have a markedly unreal character, with a frequent moral or religious streak. A pettifogging captiousness follows, or a grotesquely punctilious morality combined with primitive, "magical" superstitions that fall back on abstruse rites. All these things have their source in the repressed inferior functions which have been driven into harsh opposition to the conscious attitude, and they appear in a guise that is all the more striking because they rest on the most absurd assumptions, in complete contrast to the conscious sense of reality. The whole structure of thought and feeling seems, in this second personality, to be twisted into a pathological parody: reason turns into hair-splitting pedantry, morality into dreary moralizing and blatant Pharisaism, religion into ridiculous superstition, and intuition, the noblest gift of man, into meddlesome officiousness, poking into every corner; instead of gazing into the far distance, it descends to the lowest level of human meanness.


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