Jungian & Derivatives
Previously named: MBTI & Cognitive Functions
This books includes
1) History and development of cognitive functions,
2) Description of each function,
3) Description of each MBTI type,
4) Debating topics on cognitive functions and the MBTI system,
5) How to type yourself and others,
6) Stacks
History and Development of Jungian Typology
The original theory as proposed by Jung and his contemporaries
Fundamental Structure of the Psychological Types
Introduction Carl Jung’s psychological types are a taxonomy for categorizing different kinds of ...
Carl Gustave Jung
Marie-Louise von Franz
Feel free to fill this page out Typology Books 1971-06 Lectures on Jung's Typology (with James ...
Alfred Meier
Friedrich Nietzsche
J Van Der Hoop
Law of Opposites
Fill out For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - Sir Isaac Newton
Conscious || Unconscious
Superior Attitude 1. Complaisance 2. Trusting 3. Warm 4. Friendly 5. Enthu...
Superior Attitude Introversion prefers ideals and ideal thoughts about the outer world, formed b...
Irrationality || Rationality
Thinking and feeling are rational functions in so far as they are decisively influenced by the ...
Explicit || Implicit
Psychological Types
The eight psychological types as proposed by Jung
ET - Extraverted Thinking
Superior Function Is fed from objective data—facts and borrowed ideas. Depends upon the fa...
EF - Extraverted Feeling
Superior Function Extroverted Feeling (Fe) is: A Rational, Objective, Feeling cognitive func...
ES - Extraverted Sensing
Superior Function Extraverted Sensing (Se) is: An objective, irrational, sensing cognitive func...
EN - Extraverted Intuition
Superior Function Extroverted Intuition (Ne) is: An Objective, Irrational, Intuitive cognitive ...
IT - Introverted Thinking
Is fed from subjective and unconscious roots—archetypes. Depends upon the abstract idea as the...
IF - Introverted Feeling
Introverted Feeling (Fi) is: A Subjective, Rational, Feeling cognitive function. Introverted Fe...
IS - Introverted Sensing
Superior Function Suppresses as far as possible the objective element of the sense impressi...
IN - Introverted Intuition
Superior Function Uses the objective situation in the interests of the inner understanding....
History and Development of Neo-Jungian Typology
What is the difference between Jungian and Neo-Jungian?
What is the difference between Jungian and Neo-Jungian?
I thought of making this post as I thought that some parts of this community get them mixed up ...
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
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William Harold Grant
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Lenore Thomson
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Linda Berens
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John Beebe
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User-Created Theories
Feel free to replace the placeholder content on this page:What to write on this page: user-made t...
Jungian vs Socionics Definitions
From PDB Discussion Boards Jungian Definitions & Socionics Definitions Comparison [short versi...
Functions & Structure
According to Daryl Sharp A form of psychic activity, or manifestation of libido, that remains th...
1st - Dominant
Dominant function(or Primary function) by Daryl Sharp Primary function The psycholog...
2nd - Auxiliary
Auxiliary function by Daryl Sharp A helpful second or third function, according toJung’s m...
3rd - Tertiary
The Tertiary Function, (also called as the child function) is our third function. It is the funct...
4th - Inferior
Inferior function by Daryl Sharp The least differentiated of the four psychological functions...
5th - Opposing personality (Beebe)
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6th - Senex/witch (Beebe)
According to John Beebe The senex is an archetype that shadows the good father that I consciou...
7th - Trickster (Beebe)
According to John Beebe A third archetype that not infrequently makes its appearance in the ps...
8th - Demonic (Beebe)
According to John Beebe I often use the term demonic/daimonic personality to convey that the a...
Function Contrasts
Te vs Ti
From PDB Discussion Boards. Ti makes reason/logic-based judgements using personal, subjective ...
Fe vs Fi
From PDB Discussion Boards. First in order to understand the difference we need to differenti...
Se vs Si
Ne vs Ni
Te vs Fe
Se vs Ne
Si vs Ni
From PDB Discussion Boards. Si: Personalised attachment to the object. How it reminds us of a...
Ti vs Fi
Te-Ni vs Ni-Te
Before we start, I'd like to shortly summarize these functions first. Extraverted Thinking (Te) ...
Te-Si vs Si-Te
Before we start, I'd like to summarize both Te and Si: Extraverted Thinking: "Depends on externa...
Fe-Ni vs Ni-Fe
Before we start, I would want to summarize Fe and Ni Extraverted Feeling: "Extraverted feeling i...
Fe-Si vs Si-Fe
Before we start, I'd want to summarize both Fe and Si: Fe: "Extraverted feeling is based upon ac...
Se-Ti vs Ti-Se
Before we start, let's define both of these functions; Ti and Se: Introverted Thinking (Ti): "In...
Se-Fi vs Fi-Se
Ne-Ti vs Ti-Ne
Ne-Fi vs Fi-Ne
Myers's Types
Description of each type in the MBTI model
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ESTJ is an Extraverted Thinking Type. (Another Extraverted Thinking ...
ENTJ is an Extraverted Thinking Type. (Another Extraverted Thinking Type: ESTJ) Common traits of...
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ISTP is an Introverted Thinking Type. (Another Introverted Thinking ...
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator INTP is an Introverted Thinking Type. (Another Introverted Thinking ...
ESFJ is an Extraverted Feeling Type. (Another Extraverted Feeling Type: ENFJ) Common traits of E...
ENFJ is an Extraverted Feeling Type. (Another Extraverted Feeling Type: ESFJ) Common traits of E...
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ISFP is an Introverted Feeling Type. (Another Introverted Feeling Ty...
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator INFP is an Introverted Feeling Type. (Another Introverted Feeling Ty...
ESTP is an Extraverted Sensing Type. (Another Extraverted Sensing Type: ESFP) Common traits of E...
ESFP is an Extraverted Sensing Type. (Another Extraverted Sensing Type: ESTP) Common traits of E...
ISTJ is an Introverted Sensing Type. (Another Introverted Sensing Type: ISFJ) Common traits of I...
ISFJ is an Introverted Sensing Type. (Another Introverted Sensing Type: ISTJ) Common traits of I...
ENTP is an Extraverted Intuitive Type. (Another Extraverted Intuitive Type: ENFP) Common traits ...
ENFP is an Extraverted Intuitive Type. (Another Extraverted Intuitive Type: ENTP) Common traits ...
INTJ is an Introverted Intuitive Type. (Another Introverted Intuitive Type: INFJ) Common traits ...
INFJ is an Introverted Intuitive Type. (Another Introverted Intuitive Type: INTJ) Common traits ...
Debating Topics on MBTI and Cognitive Functions
Loops, grips, impossible type combinations, change of type, age and function development, alterna...
What is a Loop? Looping is the idea that a type will neglect it's auxiliary function and rely on...
“Grip” experiences are when the various personality types bypass all their dominant functions and...
Change of Type
This page is unfinished - add alternate perspectives on this topic MBTI Perspective: It's Possi...
Age and Function Development
According to W. Harold Grant "At the age of twelve, the time of puberty which many religious t...
Alternative Function Stack
Akhromant (IIEE/EEII)[1] Akhromant uses IIEE/EEII function stack and correlated the 16 types to ...
Differences between KeirseyTS and MBTI
Feel free to fill this page out References [1] Keirsey.com, Keirsey Temperament versus Myers-Br...
How to Type Yourself and Others
The dichotomic method, the function method, self-typing questions, etc.
Are Tests Reliable?
Tests It is a popular assertion on PDB that Four Letter tests are much less reliable than altern...
Decipher Personality Tests
Keys2Cognition test Determine E/I: E score = Se + Ne + Te + Fe I score = Si + Ni + Ti + F...
Self-Typing Methods
The Dichotomic Method Step 1: Determine the Orientation of Dominant Function: I/E Individual-...
Questionnaires for Self-Typing
17 Questions What’s your biggest fear? What’s your biggest desire? What are you ‘’the best’...
Common Misinterpretations on Functions
TO INCLUDE:Common misinterpretations on functions, ditchotomy, 16p, etc.What provoke mistypes? St...
The Truity Typefinder Test
The Typefinder is Truity's take on the MBTI test. Unlike most MBTI tests, the Typefinder uses Mye...
Official MBTI Tests
The Myers-Briggs Company offers two official MBTI tests: Step I and Step II. Step I identifies ea...
How accurately does 16p represent the MBTI?
This article will compare items from the 16 Personalities test with official MBTI resources in or...
Classic Jungian
Classic Jungian is a way of representing a type using two functions to indicate its dichotomies. ...
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