Personality & Typology
Big 5 Personality Traits
The 4 Temperaments
My own description of The 4 Temperaments system. Don't know if there actually is an official version, but this probably isn't i...
Psychosophy & Attitudinal Psyche
Temporistics is a typology system pertaining to the human relationship with various aspects of time: the Present, the Past, the...
This book is split into two sections. The first is Clinical Enneagram, developed by Naranjo and his students, Maitri, Duran and...
Jungian & Derivatives
Previously named: MBTI & Cognitive Functions This books includes 1) History and development of cognitive functions, 2) Des...
Typology Starterpack
What is typology? How to use it? How to type yourself and others? What are the common mistypes? Why is PDB serious about typology?