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This book is split into two sections. The first is Clinical Enneagram, developed by Naranjo and his students, Maitri, Duran and Catalan, and so on. The second section is Protoanalysis, the original system of the Enneagram developed by Ichazo and some his students, Lilly and Hart, Bernadette Schmidt, Almaas, and Dueck.

History and Development of Enneagram

From Óscar Ichazo, Claudio Naranjo, RHETI (Riso + Husdon), Katherine Fauvre (Tritype) to Beatrice...

The Basic Structure of Clinical Enneagram

Being The Enneagram is a vast and complex personality system and for people who are just start...

The Nine Enneatypes

Description of each type

The Twenty-Seven Subtypes

What happens when a core type mixes with an instinct?

Self-Preservation 1 In Detail

Anger in the Preservation Sphere In the E1, the passion of Anger combined with the SP instinct t...

Sexual 1 In Detail

Anger in the Sexual Sphere Originally the SX instinct with the Anger of a 1 would produce a high...

Social 1 In Detail

Anger in the Social Sphere Ironic thing that happens when you mix the Anger of the E1 with the i...

Self-Preservation 2 In Detail

Pride in the Preservation Sphere When Pride gets distorted by the self-preservation instinct, E2...

Sexual 2 In Detail

Pride in the Sexual Sphere Combining the Prideful passion with the instinct of relations we get ...

Social 2 In Detail

Pride in the Social Sphere Once the social instinct meets the Pride of a 2, it transforms said p...

Self-Preservation 3 In Detail

Vanity in the Preservation Sphere When Vanity gets distorted by the self-preservation instinct, ...

Sexual 3 In Detail

Vanity in the Sexual Sphere When Vanity meets the sexual instinct it manifests as a deceiving of...

Social 3 In Detail

Vanity in the Social Sphere Vanity in the sphere of adaptation makes the individual desire a goo...

Self-Preservation 4 In Detail

Envy in the Preservation Sphere The Envy of the E4 when combined with this instinct leads to con...

Sexual 4 In Detail

Envy in the Sexual Sphere The Envy of the SX4 is closest to the most literal meaning of the word...

Social 4 In Detail

Envy in the Social Sphere The social instinct combined with the type 4 gives us a character whic...

Self-Preservation 5 In Detail

Avarice in the Preservation Sphere The Self-Preservation twists the Avarice of a 5 into a greed ...

Sexual 5 In Detail

Avarice in the Sexual Sphere As the instinct of relations leaks into the passion of Avarice, it ...

Social 5 In Detail

Avarice in the Social Sphere Combining the social instinct with the passion of avarice manifests...

Self-Preservation 6 In Detail

Fear in the Preservation Sphere The E6s Fear combined with the anxiety for survival of the SP in...

Sexual 6 In Detail

Fear in the Sexual Sphere Sexual instinct combined with the passion of Fear gives a character wi...

Social 6 In Detail

Fear in the Social Sphere The adaptation instinct when coming into contact with the fearful pass...

Self-Preservation 7 In Detail

Gluttony in the Preservation Sphere The Gluttony in the SP7 is the closest to the literal defini...

Sexual 7 In Detail

Gluttony in the Sexual Sphere Gluttony when it merges with the instinct of relations gives us th...

Social 7 In Detail

Gluttony in the Social Sphere Social Gluttony manifests as a hunger for this sense of social eas...

Self-Preservation 8 In Detail

Lust in the Preservation Sphere The SP8 has a drive for the type of life one deserves, their com...

Sexual 8 In Detail

Lust in the Sexual Sphere In this subtype Lust combines with the sexual instinct which gives a c...

Social 8 In Detail

Lust in the Social Sphere When lust meets the social instinct, it manifests as passionate and po...

Self-Preservation 9 In Detail

Sloth in the Preservation Sphere Satisfying one's own hungers is the driving force of the conser...

Sexual 9 In Detail

Sloth in the Sexual Sphere Sloth of the 9 when combined with the sexual instinct gives us the se...

Social 9 In Detail

Sloth in the Social Sphere Social sloth can be simply described as the need to be in the group. ...


The triad is the most basic building block of the Enneagram, so how do they work?

Instinctual Variants

Theory and description of each variant

The Three Instincts

Feel free to add any IV content here or wherever it says [to be added] Origin and Differentiatio...

Type 1 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/Social 1  Enneatype One...

Type 2 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Healthy Twos know how to give of t...

Type 3 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Enneatype Three belongs to the fee...

Type 4 Instintual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/Social 4 This subtype i...

Type 5 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  The self-preservational instinct i...

Type 6 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/social 6 This subtype o...

Type 7 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  The instinctual energies often app...

Type 8 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Each of the instincts of enneatype...

Type 9 Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Enneatype Nines are out of touch w...

SO/SP Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

SO/SX Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

SP/SO Subtype

Overview Self-Preservation emphasizes grounding and stability and has a contained quality, and...

SP/SX Subtype

Overview  "To have an underdeveloped Social Instinct is to operate from a vague notion of the ...

SX/SO Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

SX/SP Subtype

Overview [to be added] With Enneagram Types Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 ...

Synflow & Contraflow

Differentiation of types

Differences between types by Enneagram authors

1 vs 2

Ones and Twos can appear similar because both have sets of rules that they expect others  to ad...

1 vs 3

Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Vanity E1 is restrained and serious; E3 is expansive and che...

1 vs 4

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Envy   References

1 vs 5

Claudio Naranjo's types Anger vs Avarice E1 is aversive to pleasure; E5 appears as having a d...

1 | 6

Claudio Naranjo's types Anger | Fear E1 is more assertive than E6.[1] E1 makes decisions easie...

1 vs 7

Feel free to fill this page out

1 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Anger | Lust They are similar to the E...

1 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out

2 | 3

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Vanity E2 is free and spontane...

2 | 4

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Envy E2 uses pride to get lo...

2 vs 5

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride vs Avarice   References

2 | 6

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Fear Self-Preservation E2's ...

2 | 7

Claudio Naranjo's types Pride | Gluttony Though both are seductive and hedonistic, E2 is a trul...

2 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride vs Lust   References

2 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Pride vs Sloth   References

3 vs 4

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Vanity vs Envy   References

3 vs 5

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Vanity vs Avarice   References

3 vs 6

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Vanity vs Fear   References

3 vs 7

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Vanity vs Gluttony   References

3 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Vanity vs Lust   References

3 | 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Vanity | Sloth E3 is the most other-...

4 vs 5

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Envy vs Avarice   References

4 | 6

Claudio Naranjo's types Envy | Fear E4 is emotional and expressive, E6 is intellectual and in...

4 vs 7

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Envy vs Gluttony   References

4 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Envy vs Lust   References

4 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Envy vs Sloth   References

5 vs 6

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Avarice vs Fear   References

5 vs 7

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Avarice vs Gluttony   References

5 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Avarice vs Lust   References

5 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Avarice vs Sloth   References

6 vs 7

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Fear vs Gluttony E6 idealizes the fath...

6 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Fear vs Lust   References

6 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Fear vs Sloth   References

7 vs 8

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types The connection between gluttony and l...

7 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Gluttony vs Sloth   References

8 vs 9

Feel free to fill this page out Claudio Naranjo's types Lust vs Sloth   References

Famous Authors' Typings

What do experts say?

Debating Topics on Enneagram

How to Type Yourself and Others

The 27 Tritypes

Theory and description of each tritype

125 - The Mentor Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre[1] If you are a 125, you are very diligent, caring, and knowledg...

126 - The Supporter Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+6: Th...

127 - The Teacher Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+2: Th...

135 - The Technical Expert Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[2] 1+5...

136 - The Taskmaster Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+3: Th...

137 - The System Builder Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+3: Th...

145 - The Researcher Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+4...

146 - The Philosopher Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+4...

147 - The Visionary Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 1+4...

258 - The Strategist Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+5...

259 - The Problem Solver Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+5...

268 - The Rescuer Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+6...

269 - The Good Samaritan Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+6...

278 - The Free Spirit Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+7...

279 - The Peacemaker Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 2+7...

358 - The Solution Master Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 3+5...

359 - The Thinker Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 3+5...

368 - The Justice Fighter Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 3+6...

369 - The Mediator Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 3+6...

378 - The Mover Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre - The 378 Tritype is the ‘can do’ mover and shaker with an ab...

379 - The Ambassador Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 3+7...

458 - The Scholar Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 4+5...

459 - The Contemplative Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 4+5...

468 - The Truth-Teller Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 4+6...

469 - The Seeker Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 4+6...

478 - The Messenger Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 4+7...

479 - The Gentle Spirit Archetype

According to Katherine Fauvre Community descriptions Karkino (Personality Cafe)[1] 4+7...

The Basic Structure of Protoanalysis

The Scarab Protoanalysis is the original system of personality devised by Oscar Ichazo and diffe...

Sphere 15

note for later: Sphere 7 (Creative Mind) holds the divine forms

Childhood Traumas/Wounds

Type Description

The 9 Enneatypes:

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.