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At what minimum age is possible to type?

According to Óscar Ichazo

The fixation is one point where we are the most sensitive and the most accomplished. The fixation is an imbalance of the instincts which appears in a human being before nine years of age.[1]

According to John C. Lilly & Joseph E. Hart

When a child is born he is pure essence: a natural being in an ordered cosmos, one with all men and with God, instinctive, loving. This is the perfect state of innocence, but the child must grow. Under the influence of his surroundings, parents, society, he begins to develop a personality for survival, the ego, between four to six years of age.[2]

According to Claudio Naranjo

Taking for granted that emotional deterioration is supported by a hidden cognitive disturbance (fixation), I will now examine this realm of passions, i.e., the sphere of the main deficiency-motivated drives that animate the psyche. It is logical to begin with them since, tradition tells us, they constitute the earliest manifestation of our fallenness process in early childhood. While it is possible to recognize the predominance of one or another of these attitudes in children between five and seven, it is not until an age of about seven years (a stage well known to developmental pscyhologists from Gesell to Piaget) that there crystallizes in the psyche a cognitive support for that emotional bias.[3]


[1] Ichazo Ó. (1976) The Human Process for Enlightenment and Freedom: A Series of Five Lectures, 59, Scale of time
[2] Lilly J. C. & Hart J. E. (1975), The Arica Training, 332, Assumptions inherently unprovable
[3] Naranjo C. (1990), Character and Neurosis: An Integrative View, 24, The dynamic core of neurosis

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