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Claudio Naranjo's types

Pride | Gluttony

  • Though both are seductive and hedonistic, E2 is a truly emotional type, while in E7 a warm amiability exists in the context of a greater independence and in a background of cool non-involvement.[1]
  • While E7 disconnects from pain, E2 represses the sense of lack. E2 goes through life as if they had a surplus, in a position of false abundance sustained by a denial of frustration.[2]

The E2 and E7 are both oral-positive characters, also known as pseudo-socialites, and common to both of these characters is an outward demeanor of warmth, friendliness, liveliness, hedonism, narcissism, and impulsivity. However, the primary difference between them lies in the E2 being emotional driven and E7 being intellectually driven. The E2 appeals to the emotions of other people through a motherly (or fatherly, in some cases) benevolence and "falls in love" with themselves as love is at the forefront of their experience; their narcissism is more outer-directed. The E7 is a narcissist in the charlatanist sense, of speaking loquaciously, elegantly, and with good ideas; their narcissism is more inner-directed. The E7 is also more amiable and diplomatic, while the E2 has more capacity to be aggressive.

E2 E7
Emotional Intellectual
Outer-directed narcissism Inner-directed narcissism
Seduce through love Seduce through ideas
Sweet and aggressive Amiable and diplomatic


[1] Naranjo C. (1990), Character and Neurosis: An Integrative View

[2] Naranjo C. (1995), Enneatypes in Psychotherapy

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