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Self-Preservation 2 In Detail

Pride in the Preservation Sphere

When Pride gets distorted by the self-preservation instinct, E2 becomes worried with his safety and conservation, manifesting flattery and pride as ways to guarantee advantage in the face of danger, resulting in a neurotic need to be, as Ichazo said, "the most important thing".[1] If Pride is the passion to see yourself as higher than you are, than the conservation E2 is guided by the idea that they should be protected before all things, like explained in Naranjo's book about E2:

Conservation Two appears to be entitled. It can act as if it were he is superior to others and expect preferential treatment, becoming blatant in his expectation of being pampered and having a tantrum if he doesn't get what he wants. His logic is: "I give and do a lot for others; therefore I deserve special treatment." As if, unconsciously, she counts by the hour how much he has sacrificed for the other. He may appear to be a “diva”.

The Conservation E2 feels that to exist is enough to be entitled to receive affection; that he does not have to do anything to receive affection, that he does not have to do anything to receive care and love. Underlying this belief is the belief that he cannot be alone, that he needs another on whom he will project his pride and worth.[2]

Despite this, SP2 is the least prideful of the subtypes, as they feel like to do favors and be accommodating to receive love and attention in return. It entertains and pleases others expecting the right to be compensated back. This variation of the over-independent thus "alternates with complaints: from 'I don't need help' to 'no one cares about me'. He often resorts to emotional manipulation, blaming the other to achieve the satisfaction of his needs."[2]

Ichazo called SP2 "Me first", a drive to use one's pride to get ahead of everyone[3], appealing to more timid and somewhat childlike seduction, being convinced that others must take care of them, feeling like they deserve the best treatment.[4] Naranjo defined it as a need to feel worthy of being in the center of attention, combining childish seduction while also being temperamental when it comes to frustrations.[4]

Claudio Naranjo's Self-Preservation 2 Description[1]

Conservation E2: Dad's or mom's chosen one. Privilege.

If the emperor wants me, let him pay me, because the honor of being with him alone is not enough for me.
W. A. Mozart

The conservation E2 has been the whim of mom or dad, the eternal child who continues to seek the favor of their elders. Just as the emperor (social E2) is the most intellectual, and the king (sexual E2) is the most emotional, the prince is the most active (and dependent) of the three. They take advantage of their fragility and “giddiness” to get favoritism. They are selfish, capricious, tender, and playful. Unlike the other two subtypes, they manipulate from a more childlike position, similar to how a child would do.

The conservative E2 seems to have the right. They may act as if they are superior to others and expect preferential treatment, becoming brazen in their expectation of being pampered and throwing a tantrum if they don't get what they want. Their logic is: “I give and do a lot for others; that's why I deserve special treatment.” As if, unconsciously, they counted at the same time how much they have sacrificed for the other. They can seem like a diva.

When it is for the other, it is the subtype most prone to exhausting itself, without taking into account its own needs. They don't get enough rest or time. They love to entertain at home and cook, but maybe They don't allow themselves to enjoy the dinners and parties they offer. They subconsciously want their needs to be met, but they are rarely able to ask for help frankly, instead waiting for the other person to guess. They tend, in short, to feel like a martyr and to think that the other is indebted for the services provided.

Proud of their sacrifices, their motto is “I have the right” (to be compensated). They come to this conclusion, as a child: “I am the most important thing.” And since then they focus on satisfying their desires; they put all their desires there. They are the most miserly with their things and the most selfish of the three subtypes.

The demand for rewards for many sacrifices coexists with excesses of food and drugs to inhibit aggressiveness. Denial of problems alternates with complaints: it goes from “I don't need help” to “no one cares about me.” They usually resort to emotional manipulation, blaming others to achieve the satisfaction of their needs. (And when they dare to express themselves, they rarely take the resources offered to them.)

In their least healthy expression, conservation E2s show great neglect of their physique. Eating disorders, psychosomatic syndromes, and hypochondriacal disorders are common. In any case, the repression of emotional needs or aggressive feelings can cause serious health problems.

In reality, E2s generally take little care of themselves, since their grandiose self-image makes them feel invulnerable.

E2 Conservation – Privilege

In the conservative E2, seduction can be compared to that of a child towards parents. Just as the social type appears large, this is someone who is seen as small, childish, in their attitudes and even in their physical features. Just as the social two seems hyper-adult, over-mature, and the sexual E2 —like Bizet's Carmen— appears as a wild, force of nature, the conservation E2 seems tender and childish.

Precisely, psychoanalysts called this infantile character. Ichazo used for his characteristic neurotic need the expression: “I, the most important thing”, which in his day I misunderstood when I thought that it designated the Napoleonic attitude of one who shows off his chest. Finally, I came to understand that, unlike an ambitious person's desire for importance, this “me, the most important thing” of the conservational type refers to infantile egocentrism, which is a desire to be in the center of attention without having to be important through qualifications, performances or feats. For the child wants to be loved not for this or that, but simply because; that is, for being what he or she is.

What is most prominent in this human type, then, is the need for love, the naked need for love, obtained neither by sexual seduction nor by social self-importance.

But why would a person have the need to remain childish or to act like a child? Naturally, there is some advantage in this. They like children more than adults, and babies are very attractive to people of a motherly disposition. We can say that the infantile traits themselves are seductive, and that the neurotic need of that human type is one to seduce through infantility — which implies a need for tenderness, delicacy and fragility, although it also implies self-centeredness and evasion of responsibilities.


Of the three subtypes, this is the most dependent, although he shows a self-sufficient and independent façade. He distances himself from his family with the idea that distance will diminish his dependence, but it does not, because he compulsively establishes dependent relationships to ensure his protection and survival. He is chameleonic and his great intuitive capacity allows him to captivate others.

He seeks to relate to people with a strong character to compensate for his insecurity, but with this he “loses” his freedom, sticking to the role of being loved for being cheerful.

He projects aggression because he does not contact with courage, which would allow him to set limits, since he lives wanting to please everyone.


It is a very noticeable trait in this childish character. Shyness is related to the fear of exposing oneself if there is no certainty of recognition.

The passion of privilege hides a search for confirmation and a deep lack of self-esteem. Since this character does not want to acknowledge that he has limits and also does not contact this low self-esteem, he hides if he is not sure he will succeed. He prefers to hide behind “I don't know,” “I don't want to,” or “I can't,” in a childish way, rather than not admit that he does not feel he does not measure up. He also plays shyness and shame as a childish charm of a seductive nature, with which he avoids confrontation.


He tends to project blame, as seduction tries to make you see only what others want to see. The crazy idea behind it is that “to be accepted you have to hide the bad.” He blames the world for his difficulties and problems, otherwise he would have to take responsibility for his actions and change. It is easy for him to act as a victim when he does not feel understood or appreciated, although most of the time he prefers to close the chapter and leave the relationship.


When you are a child and depend on adults in every way, you idealize them by seeing them as great, decisive, capable, protective, independent, and determined. If those adults around him do not give him time to digest what is happening to him and thus make his own decisions, the conservation E2 learns to leave them in the hands of the elders.

The conflict is that he arrives at maturity with an idealized image of what it is to be an adult, assuming that upon reaching adulthood, getting married, having children or starting to work, the characteristics of an adult will magically and automatically emerge in him.


This type of E2 has an inordinately high criterion of competence, that is to say, a perfectionist and obsessive ideal self, which is what makes him so motor. This stems from a feeling of inferiority for not feeling loved and, on the contrary, abandonable. The difference with E4 is that he uses pride to get love and not to be abandoned. The conflict is that he lives comparing himself, disadvantageously and advantageously, with everyone. This fosters a disdainful attitude (raised nose), like royalty looking down on others.


The underlying theme of the conservation E2 is that he doesn't feel valuable enough or worthy of being loved. So he does things for others, seeking to be needed, because he assumes he won't be abandoned and the other will return protection. He doesn't realize that he ends up getting overwhelmed and angry when he is asked for something. And, as he doesn't know how to set limits, he does it with attitudes of rejection and annoyance, looking more like a tantrum child.


Many conservation E2s read avidly since they were children, seeking to feed their emotions. Claudio defines them in his workshops as constrained adventurers, that is, they long to feel free and to travel and to be able to do and undo and, failing that, they read. Above all, they read novels that allow them to break taboos, which they assume “bind” them. They feel that their reality is too narrow, and in fantasy they achieve things they would not otherwise achieve.


Physically they tend to be swallowing girls, reflecting less age than they are. Women wear little or no makeup and relate better to men than to women, behaving asexually with them.


As the conservation E2 believes that he is only loved when he is nice and good, he tends to be condescending (he says yes to everything), without stopping to think about whether he wants it or not. This leads him to accept commitments that later weigh him down and he reluctantly fulfills or abandons without warning.

In condescension there is a disdainful tinge towards others, a look that considers them inferior beings in need of support and affection. Sometimes, it is mixed with humor producing mockery, sarcasm, or cynicism.

Hypersensitive to criticism

Difficulty in making self-criticism and receiving criticism from those around him triggers the core of devaluation he keeps inside. It manifests itself with irritability, crying and feelings of incomprehension and anger, since it awakens the fear of not being accepted and, therefore, loved.

It is difficult for a conservation E2 to accept his mistakes. Even if he knows he is incompetent or expresses it: that is far from being able to tolerate having his faults and shortcomings pointed out to him. This is seen in his outbursts and anger, which can end in emotional explosions full of claims to the one who criticizes him.

Envious and Fear of envy

The conservation E2 seems not to experience envy at first glance, since he compensates for his downward comparisons by showing an attitude of abundance and superiority. Envy, human and inevitable, is hidden as a way of covering up shortcomings and avoiding competitive disadvantage. He can live it secretly, letting out some lapses of indifference and apathy for the people he envies.

The person of this character not only hides envy to himself and others. He is also afraid of being envied, because it remains unprotected. To feel the envy of others is to expose that one is powerful, that one has something that others want. And she fears the aggression of others. Being envied, she could be the object of rejection, criticism, and disaffection; so she will flatter and dissimulate to cover up her privileges or most desired qualities, she would even show herself to be anti-pride, in order to be safe and sound.


The meaning of “tender” is someone who is affectionate, loving and kind. It generally refers to childhood, to explain a delicate and docile way of being because of one's young age and experience. The conservation E2 is a person who especially highlights these traits, who invites that soft and gentle experience. This characteristic, in which she conducts herself with utmost naturalness, is a way of attracting protection, of being cared for, which guarantees her to remain intact and away from the complications of the rough and tumble of life and relationships.


The possessiveness of the conservation E2 arises from the desire to merge with the other, in search of the security that he is always available, to ensure that he does not live the experience of abandonment, or the protection and satisfaction of his basic needs.

Possessiveness also has to do with the difficulty of seeing people as “other,” different, and independent. For this character, this would be a threatening mirror of his fear of emotional independence. In the end, the other is an object over which to exercise power.


Jealousy, typical of emotional characters, is in conservation E2 connected with the neurotic need to be the only one in the place of privilege, in the heart and in the life of the other. They also have their roots in the triangulation experienced as a child, when the father or the mother involved him in their jealous competition against each other.

Arrogant and Egocentric

The proud arrogance of this character manifests itself above all in believing that what he wants or thinks must always be taken into account and confirmed. It is not that he believes he is intellectually right; it is rather the arrogance of one who claims in the first place, a capricious haughtiness.


The sadism of conservation E2 seems contradictory to his tenderness and condescension. It is expressed in an evident way when he feels not consented to or betrayed (in the sense of not satisfied in what he wants). If the other is not at his service or attentive to him, he will easily be the object of raw rage and mistreatment reinforced by the intuitive capacity of this character to “catch” the weak side of the other. It is also sadistic in its way of coldly wounding and leaving the other with no possibility of rescue.

Paranoid and Controlling

Paranoia explores in an obsessive and emotionally blind way when the conservation E2 projects on the other the manipulative dynamics that he himself practices when he wants to please or conquer the powerful place of privilege. When he feels that someone does not support him unconditionally, or has to confront someone he considers superior for some characteristic, he immediately feels him as a rival, an enemy that can take away his place. There he deploys his aggressive and controlling weapons with the crazy idea of having the right to attack whoever threatens him, even fantasizing plots.

Castrating and Vindictive

If someone disappoints him or feels him in competition, he is very skilled at humiliating and attacking them to the point of making them a harmless rival. This manifests itself especially in couple or sibling relationships, as if he feels entitled to make the other pay the price for being submissive to his orders or whims. But also if he feels offended, criticized, or abandoned, taking away the other's power is a way of taking revenge and thus re-establishing his pre-eminence.


As a character based on the idealization of himself, he forgives everything. This forgiveness shows his intolerance of limits and reiterates his childish attitude, whereby everything must be allowed. He thus compensates for frustration or contact with low self-esteem, hidden by the permissiveness granted to a child. It is a trait in short circuit with the fear of being an adult.


The conservation E2 is intolerant of discipline; any work that entails effort or renunciation is seen by him as something impossible to sustain. Obviously, he justifies himself with lies or devaluing the objective. He also solves the obstacle by delegating the task. This dynamic is basic to remain dependent on the other and to nurture his pride, unaware of how this intolerance prevents him from regaining inner security as an adult. [2]

Sandra Maitri's Self-Preservation 2 Description[5]

2+Self-Preservation – “Me First”

Self-preservation Twos are afraid of being neglected and not having their needs met, so out of their survival anxiety, they take care of others so that others will take care of them. They have a self-sacrificing facade: this is the proverbial Jewish mother syndrome in which she appears to be thinking of others first and putting them ahead of herself, but in fact is really manipulating them in this way on her own behalf. The passion of pride manifests here as a hidden sense of entitlement and privilege—a conviction that others must take care of them in compensation for their martyrdom, and that they deserve to keep the best bits in the kitchen for themselves.

Beatrice Chestnut's Self-Preservation 2 Description

Self-Preservation 2 Subtype description (2021)[6]

This subtype is more childlike, and more fearful and shy, than other Type 2 subtypes. They appear charming, youthful, and playful, but are also more sensitive to being hurt. They are more ambivalent about connecting with others and focus on creating rapport, but they may also withdraw when hurt or reluctant to commit. They crave freedom the most. They exhibit a mixture of high competence and periodic bouts of helplessness. They can be driven and hard-working, but are occasionally lazy, overwhelmed, self-indulgent, anxious, or needy

If this is your subtype, you sometimes adopt a childish attitude, throwing tantrums or sulking instead of growing up and engaging in life in a mature way. Hiding or withdrawing are your key modes of defense. You “play small” as a fearful reaction to the self-elevating tendency of pride. You take refuge in helplessness or hopelessness as a defense against showing up in life, opening up to people, or doing impactful work. You may consider yourself independent, but also maintain unconscious dependencies. You can tend to get stuck in resentment, fear, or anxiety to avoid taking responsibility and stepping into your power.

Self-Preservation 2 Subtype summary (2013)[10]

Self-Preservation Twos “seduce” like a child in the presence of grown-ups as a way of (unconsciously) inducing others to take care of them. Everyone likes children, and the SP Two adopts a youthful stance as a way of getting special treatment well beyond childhood. As the countertype, it’s less easy to see pride in this Two because they are more fearful of and ambivalent about connecting with others. The title “Privilege” reflects this Two’s desire to be loved and prioritized just for being who they are, not for what they give to others. Related to the youthful stance, these Twos are playful, irresponsible, and charming.

Self-Preservation 2 Subtype description (2013)[10]

The Self-Preservation Two: “Privilege” (Countertype)

This “cute” Two expresses pride and a need for protection through youthful ways of gaining attention and affection. The unconscious strategy the Self-Preservation Two employs is to “seduce” like a child in the presence of grown-ups. This represents both an unconscious need to be taken care of and a sense that children are naturally lovable, inherently deserving of affection, and usually more readily liked than adults. This Two has a childlike quality in presentation and emotional expression—no matter how old they are, this Two looks youthful or young. While the Sexual Two can seem overly adult, wild, and seductive in the usual sense of the term, the Self-Preservation Two unconsciously aims to attract love and attention through being cute and expressing a childlike sense of need.

As humans, we have a natural love of children, a biological imperative that ensures that we will care for children who are dependent on us for their survival. Children want and need to be loved not for what they do for others, but for who they are. This is a basic need of any child. So what is prominent in the Self-Preservation Two is this pure, young need for love. This Two “remains little” as a way of evoking care from others without having to ask for it, just as children shouldn’t have to ask for love and care or aren’t mature enough to articulate this kind of request directly.

Self-Preservation Twos thus unconsciously draw on the universal love of children by adopting the stance of a cute, youthful person. This presentation is a way of inviting people to like them and take care of them, just as a child’s “cuteness” inspires people to love them. This is their way of expressing the idea that, deep down, they want to be loved not for being pleasing or giving to others, or because of qualifications, performance, or achievements, but just because of who they are; they want to be loved for just existing. This Self-Preservation Two pattern has this person taking the position of the child in the family because a child’s needs naturally come first.

The name for the Self-Preservation Two, “Privilege,” refers to the idea suggested by this personality: “I’m young, and therefore I’m the most important.” This reflects this subtype’s (unconscious) assertion of a kind of childlike priority, wanting others to place a special emphasis on meeting his or her needs. These Twos don’t want to have to prove their importance to be important. Despite wanting to be the center of attention, they experience no accompanying feeling of having to do anything for it. They want to be seen without showing themselves.

Self-Preservation Twos need to feel unique and special—they have a compulsion about being the “cute” girl or boy who is liked by everybody. They charm or “give themselves” to others to remain the favorite. They excel at being the teacher’s pet.

It’s less easy to see pride in this type. The Self-Preservation Two is the countertype of the Twos; it’s a Two that doesn’t look like a Two. While the energetic direction of the flow of the Two personality (with its focus on seduction) is up and out toward others, the self-preservation instinct this Two has causes them to express more ambivalence about relationship. This Two moves toward others, but also has a “counter-move” away from others out of a need for self-protection. This Two is tender and sweet, but more guarded than the other Twos.

As might be expected from a more childlike character, the Self-Preservation Two is more fearful, less trusting, and more ambivalent about connections with others. Although these Twos may not be aware of how fearful they are—all Twos repress feelings—they may have a more pronounced need than other Twos to protect themselves in the presence of others, which might be perceived by some as an invisible “wall.” The ambivalence about connection experienced by this type takes the form of mixed or conflicting feelings about establishing close connections with others, especially important or intimate others.

Like other Twos, Self-Preservation Twos focus on meeting others’ needs as a way of gaining love, but they also feel a strong opposing pull to hide or withdraw in light of the threat of disapproval and rejection inherent in interacting with others. On the one hand, people and relationships feel compelling and important, but on the other hand, being close to people seems fraught with danger because it includes the possibilities of losing oneself or being judged, taken advantage of, humiliated, or rejected.

In this “youthful” Two, self-importance, irresponsibility, humor, playfulness, and charm are in the foreground. Until they engage in self-awareness work, this Two can be easily hurt and is hypersensitive to slights or anything that might sound like criticism or disapproval. They may have tantrums or sulk or withdraw when upset. Feeling hurt can result in pouting, angry recriminations, or childish accusations. They may manipulate through an expression of feeling instead of stepping up and saying what they want or what they dislike.

Dependency is prominent in this subtype, but mostly unconscious. These Twos, like other Twos, don’t want to see themselves as needy or dependent on others, and yet they can engage in a pattern of remaining unconsciously dependent, wanting someone to take care of them, or engineering situations in which people end up taking care of them. Because of this childlike stance of (unconscious) dependency, the Self-Preservation Two has less freedom; a child, after all, is rarely, if ever, completely free. So these Twos often yearn to be free while at the same time yoking themselves to people in unhealthy or unconscious ways.

Although, like other Twos, Self-Preservation Twos can be very competent, on a deeper level they don’t want to have to take responsibility for themselves. The thought of taking charge of themselves fills them with anxiety. They can wonder: “What am I to do with myself?” They have an underlying desire to be a child who will be excused for their ignorance, innocence, and the feelings they might express on a whim or “just because.” In more mature Self-Preservation Twos, however, their need for structure can make them more methodical and more organized than other Twos.

Self-Preservation Twos can be self-indulgent and hedonistic. They are drawn to cultivate a sense of “euphoria” through parties, shopping, drinking, or indulging in food and fun—anything to distract themselves from having to contact themselves. They are sensation-seeking, and they look for pleasurable experiences to distract themselves from feelings of self-abandonment and inner deprivation.

This Two fantasizes a lot (about being loved or admired) and idealizes people, especially in the early stages of relationships. They unconsciously project their power onto others whom they see as all-good as a way of not having to be “good enough” or responsible themselves, which can make it hard for them to own their own power or have equal and truly contactful relationships.

The Self-Preservation Two can look like a Self-Preservation Six in that they are fearful and ambivalent about relationships, but in the Six the emphasis is on a more generalized fear, while this Two’s fear mainly manifests in relationships. This Two can also resemble a Type Four in that they express more emotionality and a longing for love, but they repress their needs and feelings and focus on others more than Fours do.

Haiki Self-Preservation 2 Description[7]

Self-Preservation Two: Privilege

Here we have the princesses. This subtype does not tend to be as able or strong as the other Twos. These Twos tend to seem like children (especially girls). These childish traits often also match how they look as well, and they always seem younger than they are. They have a Peter Pan vibe that (Sexual) Sevens often have as well. It is as if the privilege they think they are worthy of receiving has not let them take up their own space in life and take charge of their own lives. Also, we should point out that the typical Two seduction takes the form of manipulation in the hands of Self-Preservation Twos.

When they take their place in the world and become conscious of their shenanigans, they become beautiful souls that anyone would love to have around. Of the Two subtypes, this is the subtype that can sometimes seem like Fours. They are not a complete counter-type, but they are not typical Twos, because their pride is not super obvious. They also can be differentiated from the other Two subtypes in the realm of relationships. They have less difficulty with commitment or being completely available for one person. This contrast needs to be made because the Sexual Two will have a tendency towards romantic excess, always looking for the greenest grasses to fulfill their needs and wants.

Carmen Durán and Antonio Catalán's Self-Preservation 2 Description[8]

SP2: Me First -> Center

In this subtype, pride is manifested as an impulse to be situated in front of others, to maintain scenarios of privilege in reality or imagination. They have a childlike aura, selfish, like the kid who feels righteous, and needs to be spoiled and looked at. They hide this position of dominance through involving the other in their greatness and portraying themselves as naturally empathetic. They need to be the “Center” (term of our choice) and to get it, they develop the most brilliant and seductive traits of their personality. They are equally charming with any person that they want to seduce in some way, no matter what social condition the other has.

La Mirada Libre's Self-Preservation 2 Description[9]

E2 Conservation: Privilege (Prince/Princess)

The word that defines this egoic pattern is PRIVILEGE. This subtype is the counterpassionate of E2, so it’s pride is not as evident as it is within the other subtypes. It is the most capable of acknowledging its shortcomings (which brings it closer to E4), as well as being the most compassionate and dependent of the E2s.

The E2 conservation has always been at the whims of mom or dad, an eternal child imprisoned in the obligation to give joy and good humor to preserve their PRIVILEGE, without expressing anger (only through capricious tantrums or avoidance). Under the mandate of eternal infant and dependent (what is valued), any attempt at autonomous personal fulfillment with respect to the plan designed by the parents is frustrated.

When a child remains childish, the parents have often kept it that way because they or their partner lack joy and tenderness. The 2 conservation soon learns to use his childlike affection in relationship with the father or mother, who have identified with that lovable, tender, idealized part of him.

He is prevented from seeing the dark or crude side of life (a characteristic he shares with the sexual 9) as he is under a family demanding that what is going wrong should not be said or shown. So, he tries hard not to feel pain and paints life in a rosy way.

Due to a more or less unconscious fear of being alone, suffering rejection, or lack of love, they do things for others, seeking to be needed. Without realizing it, they fill themselves with occupations, with people to attend to and with whom to do things for even if they are not of his interest. And then, for this very reason, he believes he deserves special treatment. All E2 (framed in the narcissistic enneatypes) tell themselves a fantasy – that of the prince/princess, and how the whole kingdom has realized how unique/wonderful it all is (a fairy tale where all their wishes are fulfilled). It seduces from the tenderness to receive.

When he grows up, he transfers the responsibility of making him happy to his partner, without making an effort. Physically, women of this type have a more rounded body and tend to be "lolitas" who reflect youth, hardly using makeup and getting along better with men – behaving erotically but asexually (as an eternal boy/girl, sexual behavior has no place but it is sold as a rejuvenating pill).

He is accommodating and seems very flexible, but it is only to maintain a relationship where he engages with the other (in this he may be mistaken for an E9). However, his childish complacency to not take responsibility always surpasses this easygoingness. 

He is very much in touch with what he wants (whims) but not with his needs (he does not know what makes him grow, mature, develop), because as a child his desires were satisfied but his needs for loving and evolutionary care were not. That is why he asks for whims, but does not know how to ask for what would really help him and guide him. He is the most concrete and active 2, but he suddenly becomes a tyrannical child who, with his capricious seduction, manages to put the other under his orders. He can't stand frustration and is hypersensitive to criticism, which he experiences as humiliation.

His most destructive tendency is that he cannot settle for anything less than special, and because of this it is difficult for him to pursue projects, even avoiding success for fear of not measuring up or losing the protection of his parents, his partner, or other relationships. Becoming autonomous for the 2C means losing the place of privilege and protection.

In order to heal, he must recognize issues that are very hard for him to accept, such as the fact that his alliance with his father/mother cost him the loss of his maturity and created envy in his brothers (he is afraid of envy). The father or the mother have seduced him against the others, assuring him the place of privilege in the family, but he feels guilty for it. As an adult, he still feels the threat that his place will be taken away from him and while he competes, he feels the fear of being excluded by one or the other.

It is the instinctive subtype of the E2 and its movement is to move away. 


[1] Naranjo, C. (2012). "27 personajes en busca del ser"

[2] Naranjo, C. (2020). "Psicología de los eneatipos: Orgullo." (Translated by members of the community, trait structure translated by QUWROF)

[3] "The Arica Training according to John C Lilly and Joseph E Tart"

[4] Naranjo, C. (2017). "Ensayos sobre psicología de los eneatipos"

[5] Maitri, S. (2001). "The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram"

[6] Chestnut, B. (2021). "The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up"

[7] The Haiki Enneagram Website (Link To Subtype Translations)

[8] Durán, C. and Catalán, A. (2009). "Los engaños del carácter y sus antídotos"

[9] Psychology of Ennea-types Volumes by Claudio Naranjo Interpreted by La Mirada Libre

[10] Chestnut, B. (2021). "The Complete Enneagram"

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