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The Truity Typefinder Test

The Typefinder is Truity's take on the MBTI test. Unlike most MBTI tests, the Typefinder uses Myers' definitions of the letter dichotomies but then uses factor analysis to determine whether those definitions are empirically valid. Essentially, the test creators have used big 5 techniques to make the test more accurate (accurate in the sense that it measures distinct traits with low intercorrelations). Unsurprisingly, this results in descriptions that are very similar to big 5 descriptions, not because they have simply copied the big 5 (as 16Personalities does) but because if different studies analyse the same subject (human personality) with the same technique (factor analysis) they are likely to come to the same conclusions, even if they started out with a different set of assumptions and suppositions. The big 5 and the Typefinder use different material as the starting point for their theory (Lexical analysis for the big 5, Myers' definitions for the Typefinder) but use the same method to refine and test the validity of that starting point.

Compared to 16Personalities, the Typefinder has a stronger claim to being a legitimate MBTI test because it at least uses the MBTI (in particular MBTI Step II) as its base material. 16Personalities however does not even make the claim that they have used any MBTI theory besides the choice of letters to label each type. This much is apparent from the fact that the Typefinder has no fifth letter (for Neuroticism), whereas 16Personalities does: A feature for which there is no precedent in the original MBTI theory.

The Typefinder may not be the most authentic of the free MBTI tests, but it might be the most scientific. What is lost in terms of "authenticity" is gained in terms of knowing that the metrics upon which one's personality is being measured are legitimate and accurate traits that have been empirically proven to exist. The overall accuracy of the Typefinder is probably similar to that of the big 5, albeit with the exclusion of Neuroticism, which means that the system is necessarily a less comprehensive summary of personality than the big 5.

If you wish to find out your MBTI type, according to the Truity Typefinder, then you can simply disregard the conventional "Tests are inaccurate" advice. Whilst there may be compelling arguments for why taking tests is an unreliable method of typology, those arguments are not valid in the case of choosing whether to take a test or to evaluate yourself based on a summary of those test items. When you take the test, you will be doing the same thing as evaluating yourself, the difference is simply that the test will be using numbers to accurately balance all your answers.

Below are the descriptions that summarise each MBTI trait, according to Truity's system. To re-iterate: these descriptions are not required if you simply wish to work out your own type. Taking the test will yield a much more precise result than simply typing yourself based on these descriptions because the test makes you assign numerical values (it uses a 5-point scoring system) to each item and then does all the necessary number-crunching to give you exact results as percentage scores. These descriptions are simply included as a reference for those who wish to understand the system better or to use it to type others.

Trait Descriptions


Placid or Energetic
I: Has a low energy level and prefers not to expend it unless necessary. 
E: Has a high energy level and likes to keep busy. 
Reserved or Expressive
I: Tends to keep thoughts to self. Shares ideas and thoughts cautiously. 
E: Shares thoughts and feelings readily. Does not often keep quiet. 
Private or Prominent
I: Socializes selectively and values privacy. Dislikes attention.
E: Enjoys attention and social status. Likes being in the public eye. 
Calm or Joyful
I: Not prone to strong positive emotions. Not easily excited. 
E: Experiences strong positive emotions. Excitable and enthusiastic.
Aloof or Friendly
I: Typically does not approach people. Lets others make the first move.
E: Tends to approach other people. Readily initiates social interaction. 
Solitary or Engaged 
I: Tends to be sensitive to stimuli and prefers quiet solitude.
E: Likes busy, noisy environments. Stimulated by crowds.


Realistic or Imaginative
S: Thinks about things concretely and focuses on what can be directly observed.
N: Thinks about things abstractly and focuses on ideas and theories.
Concrete or Conceptual
S: Learns by doing. Wants to experience things first-hand.
N: Learns by conceptualizing. Wants to understand theories and principles.
Traditional or Progressive
S: Distrusts new ways of doing things. Prefers tried-and-true methods. 
N: Attracted to innovation and futuristic thinking. Likes trying out new methods. 
Factual or Insightful 
S: Accepts things as they are. Not prone to ask “why.”
N: Wants to understand “why.” Explores cause and effect.
Practical or Aesthetic 
S: Appreciates things for their utilitarian value. Not interested in the arts. 
N: Appreciates art and other things with purely aesthetic value. 
Habitual or Adventurous
S: Enjoys familiar experiences. Dislikes trying new things.
N: Enjoys novelty and seeks new experiences. Easily bored by the familiar.


Objective or Subjective
T: Makes decisions based on objective, rational information.
F: Makes decisions based on values and the concerns of the people involved.
Rational or Compassionate 
T: Prefers to avoid displays of emotion and vulnerability. 
F: Comfortable with difficult emotions and likes being a shoulder to cry on. 
Challenging or Agreeable 
T: Likes debate. Unafraid of conflict and may find it exciting.
F: Finds ways to agree and avoid argument. Is uncomfortable with conflict.
Individualist or Helpful
T: Prefers not to have to take care of other people. Values independence.
F: Gains satisfaction from caring for the less fortunate or capable.
Self-Reliant or Cooperative
T: Likes doing things according to own agenda, without having to gain consensus. 
F: Likes to build coalition and work on projects in cooperation with others. 
Tough or Tolerant 
T: Is unforgiving when wronged by others. Hesitant to reconcile or give second chances. 
F: Forgives mistakes easily. Gives others the benefit of the doubt when hurt by their actions.


Relaxed or Orderly
P: Tends to have disorderly surroundings. Dislikes structure.
J: Has many organizational systems. Prefers to have a place for everything. 
Spontaneous or Scheduled
P: Avoids scheduling and prefers to decide on activities in the moment.
J: Plans ahead and keeps to a schedule. Dislikes last-minute changes.
Casual or Conscientious
P: Has a “play before work” philosophy. Puts fun before responsibility.
J: Has a “work before play” philosophy. Avoids fun until duties are taken care of.
Impulsive or Disciplined
P: Easily distracted by the environment. Abandons goals in favor of attractive diversions.
J: Resists temptations. Focuses on goals and does not get sidelined.
Easygoing or Ambitious
P: Does not think much about the future; focuses on enjoying the present moment. 
J: Has ambitious goals and is motivated by achievement.
Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.