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Pythagoras of Samos
Criticisms of Riso-Hudson
Introduction Libido Functions Mortido Functions Self
Four Loves
Libidinal: Eros, Philia, Agape, Storge Mortidinal: Mania, Phobia, Pragma, Tyranny
Structure I Ego II Persona III Shadow IIII Anima
What happens when a function and pattern synthesize.
Libido Patterns According to the wisdom of Plato there are four fundamental forms of love, and these forms saw greater explications in C. S. Lewis' The Four Loves. These patterns are Eros, Philia (or Filia), Agape, and Storge. These are the normal and psychot...
Structure I Ego II Persona III Shadow IV Anima
Basic Theory Introduction The theory of Amatorics comes from very eclectic bases and is very similar to Psychosophy in many regards, both in its structure and what it attempts to achieve. The essential idea behind Amatorics is to ...
Rob Zeke Collopy
Notable People Database
Resources for fleshing out
What is the difference between Jungian and Neo-Jungian?
I thought of making this post as I thought that some parts of this community get them mixed up when they shouldn't since it could cover some of the other "good" parts in Jung and Neo-Jungian concepts that are better seen and exemplified on their own. Without...
Alfred Meier
Introduction to Temporistics
What is it, the overview of aspects and types. 1. What is Temporistics? Temporistics is a theory made by Alexander Latyshev and Veronica Shelman about the relationships between individuals and time: the Present, the Future, the Past, and Eternity. Each perso...
Fixation: ResentmentAlways angry with himself and others for not being perfect. Trap: PerfectionWhile demanding perfection of himself he also expects perfection in others. Of course he always hates himself for not being perfect, and is always disappointed i...
Fixation: Flattery Needs an approving audience. Many entertainers belong to this group. Trap: Freedom Although dependent upon others for constant approval of himself and his actions, he is fighting that dependency in order to be free from social disapprov...
What Are The Jungian Archetypes?
Jungian archetypes are a concept from psychology that refers to a universal, inherited idea, pattern of thought, or image that is present in the collective unconscious of all human beings. The psychic counterpart of instinct, archetypes are thought to be the b...