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Te vs Ti
From PDB Discussion Boards. Ti makes reason/logic-based judgements using personal, subjective measures as a basis. it finds the most fulfillment in acting according to a logical system which applies to oneself and their context, i.e. what works for me. Te ...
Te vs Fe
Friedrich Nietzsche
J Van Der Hoop
Carl Gustave Jung
Fundamental Structure of the Psychological Types
Introduction Carl Jung’s psychological types are a taxonomy for categorizing different kinds of people into generalized groups based on their psychodynamic processes and philosophical assumptions about life. These type differences have been noticeable for a v...
Irrational Functions
Irrational Irrationality refers to that which accords with randomity. As I make use of this term it does not denote something contrary to reason, but something outside the province of reason, whose essence, therefore, is not established by reason. Elementa...
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator ESTJ is an Extraverted Thinking Type. (Another Extraverted Thinking Type: ENTJ) Common traits of Extraverted Thinking Types Are analytical and impersonal May be executive, legal, technical, or interested in reform Organize th...
Oscar Ichazo
Oscar Ichazo was born on the 24th of July, 1931 and died in March 2020. He was best known as Bolivian philosopher and an advocate of integral philosophy by many people. In his early life in Bolivia, Ichazo was principally based in Chile, that was where he fou...
Model G
This article page describes Model G, the SHS Model invented by Dr. Victor Gulenko. Model G is a Socionics model coined by Victor Gulenko and represented by the Socionics Humanitarian School. Model G describes the qualitative transformation of energy within a...
Socionics figures typing
Aušra Augustinavičiūtė ILE Sigmund Freud[1]Aušra Augustinavičiūtė[5][10]Ida Ferrier (Marguerite-Joséphine Ferrand)[1]Igor Kurchatov[8][10]Benjamin Franklin[8][10]Bazin Herve[10]Bor Niels[10]Burachas Jonas[10]Vaichunas Petras[10]Vishinskis Povilas[10]Galileo ...
Impossible Type Combinations
Introduction How other systems combine with one another is a controversial subject in typology, especially when it comes to Enneagram and MBTI. How many interpret it is that every combination of a types from each system (example being, INFP Enneagram 4, ESTP ...
Are Tests Reliable?
Tests It is a popular assertion on PDB that Four Letter tests are much less reliable than alternative methods of deducing one's Four Letter type. Is there a solid basis to this claim or is it merely an unexamined communal belief? A kind of "received wisdom"? ...
Questionnaires for Self-Typing
17 Questions What’s your biggest fear? Driving on the highway I know it sounds wild, but I think it comes from a lack of control and trust how can all the cars be in the right spot at all times to avoid wrecks and traffic jams. What’s your biggest desire? "...
The NEO PI-R and the IPIP-NEO
The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) was developed by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae from the 1970s through to the 2000s. This is a version of the big 5 which subdivides each trait into six facets. This has become one of the most popular and influent...
Sexual 1 In Detail
Anger in the Sexual Sphere Originally the SX instinct with the Anger of a 1 would produce a highly jealous character which was afraid that someone more perfect would come along to steal their partner, but Naranjo and his students would change this subtype int...
Self-Preservation 1 In Detail
Anger in the Preservation Sphere In the E1, the passion of Anger combined with the SP instinct turns the anger against oneself. The Anger of the SP1 is then transformed into worrying about not being perfect. They feel as if they have to be perfect to survive....
Enneagram Type 1 - The Reformer
Characterological Structure Passion: Anger Resentment at failure to meet their perfectionistic standards, vehement "righteous indignation", largely unexpressed hatefulness. Standing against reality. Fixation: Perfectionism The compensation for an i...
Enneagram Type 2 - The Helper
Characterological Structure Passion: Pride Imaginary exaltation of self-worth and attractiveness, demanding privileges, boasting, needing to be the center of attention, "playing the part of the princess". Fixation: False-abundance The cognitive sup...
Enneagram Type 3 - The Achiever
Characterological Structure Fixation: Vanity Strives for degrees, positions of importance, power over others. Trap: Efficiency He has little patience with inefficiency in others, and is looking for more effective and quicker methods of achieving his goal...