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99 total results found

Palm Lines

Observation-Based Personality Systems Palmistry

The folds and creases of the palms — referred to as lines — are used to form narratives and predict future happenings. The meanings of lines are determined by analyzing their length, depth, and curvature. No two palms are unique, so remember that context is ...

Palm Topography

Observation-Based Personality Systems Palmistry

Palms have a natural topography. Fleshy areas called mounts and plains are related to different life themes. The classic mounts correspond with the seven classical planets within astrology: Apollo (the sun), Luna (the moon), Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, an...

Hogwarts Houses

Fictional Typology Systems

Attitude Relations

Psychosophy & Attitudinal Psyche Relationships

Type Relations

Psychosophy & Attitudinal Psyche Relationships

The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

Jungian Archetypes

Laleh Bakhtiar

Enneagram History and Development of Enneagram

Do Ichazo and Naranjo Contradict?

Enneagram Debating Topics on Enneagram

Post-edit: they don't necessarily contradict, but they are different. Clinical Enneagram can have someone as one specific core type, and Protoanalysis can have them as something completely different. E.g. someone can be E8S and 287 (in that order) at the same ...


Enneagram Triads

Head - Fear - Schizoid With an orientation to intellect. The angle on the left entails an introverted disposition (V, VI and VII)—although in Enneatype VII (EVII), the underlying introversion is compensated by superficial sociability. These types tend to b...


Enneagram Triads

Explain Karen Horney's own conception of the basic types, then their application to Enneagram. Turn diagrams into <usemaps> Introduction My conclusions finally found their expression in The Neurotic Personality of Our Time. The main contention here was tha...


Enneagram History and Development of Enneagram

Typology Links By @[CDCS] on PDB The Essential Enneagram Library By @[Perhaps] on PDB temporary reference:


Enneagram Triads

Eros - Agape - Philia Naranjo makes the observation that there are three kinds of love which form a triad, Eros, Agape, and Philia. The first is child-like and self-referential, oriented more so the to individual desires. Agape is mother-like and is oriented ...

Possible Type Combos with Other Systems

Enneagram Debating Topics on Enneagram

This page is actively being updated. Some information may be incomplete, so please be patient. All of the correlations are hypothetical and not definitive. Form your own opinion. This is a very controversial topic in the typology community. Heated debates re...


Enneagram Triads

Child - Mother - Father The Enneagram has an aspect of gender and family to it which is not exactly essential to understanding the Enneagram, but provides insight into how the overall Enneagram works, as well as clarifies some of the language modern Enneagr...


Enneagram Famous Authors' Typings

*Typings from "Ensayos sobre psicología de los eneatipos" and "Dramatis personae. Eneatipos, cine y literatura" to be added E5 >= subscript links < E6. Type 1 Ludwig Wittgenstein[10]John Locke[10]Auguste Comte[10]Bertrand Russell[10]José Ortega y Gasset[10]...


Enneagram Famous Authors' Typings

Óscar Ichazo DSM-IV Personality Disorders[30] E1: Obsessive-compulsive E2: NarcissisticE3: HistrionicE4: BorderlineE5: Schizoid, AntisocialE6: ParanoidE7: SchizotypalE8: Passive–aggressiveE9: Avoidant/Dependent References [30] Enneagram Monthly (201...

Beatrice Chestnut

Enneagram Famous Authors' Typings

Subscript links complete Type 1 Sexual 1 Eliot Spitzer[1] Type 2 Sexual 2 "Scarlett O'Hara"[1] Type 5 Sexual 5 Frédéric Chopin[1] Type 8 Social 8 Karl Marx[1] Type 9 Social 9 Barack Obama[2] References [1] Chestnut B. (2013), The Complete ...


Enneagram Famous Authors' Typings

Subscript links completed Riso-Hudson[1][3] Of course, in their private lives, a few of these people may be substantially different from their public persona, and may even be another type. However, these examples were chosen because their public personalit...


Enneagram Triads

WIP - turn bottom diagram into a <usemap> Ego - Id - Superego The influence of Freud on the Enneagram of Personality is immense, as Freud's work with personality was largely the basis of integrating personality into Enneagram's intense spiritualism, and this...

Synflow & Contraflow

Enneagram Instinctual Variants