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The second of the fundamental axes of Temperament describes how an individual sees the world around them, including their outlook on the future and their expectations. Perception describes a spectrum of Pessimism and Optimism, operating on a more complex scale than Rhythm. We could relate the structure of Temperaments to the understanding of the Enneagram's Law of Three, where, in its internal triangle, there are two opposing and interdependent points, and in turn, a point opposite to both, serving as a third neutralizing force. The interdependent points of the "temperamental triangle" would be Perception and Attitude, while the neutralizing force (and thus serving as an independent diagnostic criterion, given its direct relationship to the verticalities of Socionics) would be Rhythm.

Mixtures between Temperaments with the same Perception (SF, MC) have it highlighted, while Temperaments of different Perception (SM, CF) have it attenuated, thus going against the pure version of the type. Melancholic-Sanguines and Sanguine-Melancholics can be seen as "countertypes" of their primary Temperaments, as well as Choleric-Phlegmatics and Phlegmatic-Cholerics.

Pessimist — Deep. Immutable. Independent. Assertive.

Pessimists tend to view the world through a negative lens, focusing on problems, risks, and challenges. They generally anticipate unfavorable outcomes and prepare for the worst. They exhibit skepticism and question the validity of information and people's intentions. They are pragmatic, focused on solutions, seeking concrete and tangible results. Pessimism is characterized by focusing on problems and difficulties, leading to the anticipation of obstacles. People of this type have a sharp critical sense, analyzing situations with objectivity and discernment, not swayed by emotions or unfounded beliefs.

Pessimists prefer to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, adopting a defensive approach to life. However, they believe (and often say) they are being realistic by considering all potential negatives. Whether pessimistic or realistic, these individuals recognize the challenges and obstacles that may arise in life, not easily deceived by promises or unrealistic expectations. While slow-paced individuals take time to warm up, we could say that pessimists resist deep touch, hiding or even taking refuge in the deepest aspects, whether existential or material. They are cautious and prudent, taking preventive measures to avoid failures and problems. Prudence is a highly relevant value as it serves to avoid unnecessary risks and make well-considered decisions. The minds of pessimists are analytical and logical, a reason for deconstructing problems and seeking solutions.

Pessimists have solid and well-founded convictions, resulting from their deep and reflective analysis. They are not easily influenced by superficial opinions or weak arguments, defending their beliefs with conviction and consistency. They resist change due to the need to carefully analyze the pros and cons of each new proposal and path. They do not rush to embrace new ideas or practices, preferring to thoroughly evaluate their potential benefits and risks before adapting. They are persistent in the face of challenges, not easily discouraged by obstacles or setbacks, remaining firm in their goals and seeking alternative solutions with tenacity and resilience.

They are independent, autonomous, and self-confident people, as these aspects are valued by their worldview. They make decisions and act based on their own judgments and convictions, not feeling pressured to follow the majority opinion or conform to external expectations. The thinking of these people is critical, dense, and independent, allowing them to question established beliefs and values and seek truth and authenticity in their own analyses. They are not content with pre-fabricated answers or dogmas, always seeking a deeper understanding of reality. Above all, self-sufficiency and responsibility for their own actions and decisions are relevant. Pessimists take the consequences of their choices with maturity and do not seek to blame external factors for their results. Pessimists are concrete, objective, and blunt, assertive people.

The communication of pessimists is direct and honest, as they wish to express their opinions and convictions with clarity and assertiveness. They are not intimidated by criticism or disagreements, defending their points of view firmly and respectfully. Assertiveness serves to defend their interests and needs so that they do not allow themselves to be manipulated or exploited, setting clear boundaries and acting firmly to protect their rights and values. In decision-making, a pessimist is confident and solid, due to their deep and reflective analysis of the situation. They feel secure acting based on their convictions even in complex or uncertain situations.

The honesty of a pessimist is brutal. They do not hesitate to point out flaws and problems, even if it annoys or offends others. However, their intention is always to contribute to individual and collective improvement and growth. These people have a realistic view of the world, making them pragmatic and focused on tangible solutions. They do not get lost in dreams or fantasies but seek concrete and achievable results through planned actions and strategies. Similarly, pessimists often carry with them, due to deep analytical thinking and critical posture, a sense of emotional detachment. Prioritizing logic and reason in their evaluations and, therefore, existence, they may show less expression of positive feelings such as optimism or enthusiasm. Still, they are not devoid of emotions, nor are they indifferent: they are deep people, thick-skinned, whether in a slow or fast-paced sense. In truth, their seriousness and caution reflect a deep care and concern for individual and collective well-being.

Optimist — Superficial. Mutable. Dependent. Submissive.

Optimists tend to view the world positively, focusing on opportunities, solutions, and hopes. They generally anticipate favorable outcomes and believe in the best in people and situations. They exhibit unshakable confidence in the future and the possibilities it brings. They have great self-confidence and trust in their abilities, facing difficulties as opportunities for learning and growth. These people focus on finding solutions to problems and see opportunities amidst challenges. They have an inspiring and ambitious vision of the future, working to realize their dreams. Optimism is characterized by the anticipation of positive results and a hopeful approach to situations. The resilience of optimists lies in their quick recovery from disappointments, failures, and difficulties. They are inspiring individuals who motivate others with their positive vision and encouragement. They transmit their positive energy and enthusiasm to the environment, making them similar to fast-paced types.

The superficiality of optimists does not necessarily imply a weakness or defect but rather highlights their broad vision, adaptability, and openness to experience. For optimists, life is lived in contact with the best of the external world — in contrast to pessimists, who have less of a social sense and are more individualistic, preservationist, and even sexual. In this sense, optimists are focused on solutions and opportunities, which can lead them to a broader view of situations, recognizing various aspects and possibilities. They can concentrate on the positive, making them more adaptable to changes as they can see new perspectives and opportunities amidst challenging situations. These people have an open mind and are receptive to new experiences, learning, and ideas, which can contribute to broader personal development. However, here we also notice a polarity: being more open, optimists tend to be less dense, and thus, being easily penetrated by the information and experiences of the world, they may face difficulties in truly absorbing and adhering to what they learn.

They are flexible people, open to new ideas and solutions, and quickly adapt to changes in course and unexpected challenges. Creativity is the greatest quality of an optimist, an effect of their mental flexibility that allows them to see new perspectives and solutions to complex problems. Optimists do not cling to rigid ideas or plans that may become unfeasible. They cope better with the world by being open to its changing, dynamic nature and social essence. In this way, we observe a certain "dependency" on the part of optimists compared to the independence of pessimists. Dependency corresponds to a sense of collaboration and teamwork, as optimists seek support and help when necessary, while pessimists may be seen as arrogant due to their hardness and inflexibility. Optimists are community-oriented and see strength in the union of people. These people recognize the learning value that others can provide, so they are often willing to listen to others and seek new knowledge and perspectives that can contribute to their growth.

And if pessimists are assertive and blunt, optimists are soft and submissive to some extent. They are empathetic and understanding people who seek to understand the perspectives and feelings of others, even when they disagree. They are cooperative and value constructive dialogue, seeking solutions that benefit everyone involved. The humility of optimists is noted in their ability to recognize their own limits and be open to learning from their mistakes, always seeking to improve their skills and knowledge. As a temperamental basis, that is, as a path to homeostasis, optimism achieves organic balance with realism and common sense. Excessive optimism can lead to reckless decisions or the denial of real problems. However, cultivating optimism in a conscious and balanced way can contribute to personal development, increasing resilience, creativity, and the ability to deal with challenges. Their positive and hopeful vision can inspire and motivate others, contributing to building a better world. An optimist achieves virtue when, even recognizing negativity, they decide to remain optimistic and maintain contact with life.

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