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The first of the dichotomous axes is Rhythm, which describes the speed and intensity with which people process information, make decisions, and engage in activities. Rhythm describes a spectrum of Acceleration or Slowness, corresponding directly to what is understood as Extrothyme and Introthyme in the Socionics conception.

Individuals with a pure temperament (i.e., without blends) correspond better to what we popularly understand as introverted or extroverted, while blends that highlight an opposite Rhythm may be less common. For example, the Sanguine-Melancholic highlights Idealism and diminishes Optimism and Acceleration, so that, commonly, they appear less like a Sanguine and more like a Melancholic — and the same occurs with the combination with the other opposite base Temperament, the Phlegmatic.

Slow-Paced — Low and Internal Energy. Stability. Surrender. Cold.

Slowness characterizes a tendency towards meticulousness and deliberation in action. Individuals with a slow base prefer to deeply analyze situations before making a decision. These "cold" individuals place more importance on details and live life in a more cautious way. They tend to reflect and plan their actions in advance, seeking to avoid impulsivity. Generally, these types take time to analyze and ponder situations before acting or making decisions. Here we observe caution, control, a preference for observation, and the absorption of information before actively engaging.

They have a cautious nature, wanting to foresee possible problems and obstacles before acting. They possess great patience, tolerance, and resilience, not easily shaken by setbacks or challenges, preferring to remain calm and composed in adverse situations. From this patience comes persistence, hard work without haste. They are perseverant and tenacious individuals who do not easily give up in the face of obstacles or difficulties. A notable quality is how these individuals maintain emotional stability, not easily disturbed by stressful situations. They possess a deep and introspective mind, pondering issues with seriousness and depth. They prioritize quality over quantity, even if it means taking more time to complete a task. Details are observed with attention and meticulousness; they seek to understand all the nuances and complexities of a situation before taking a stand.

Slow individuals have reduced but stable energy, more dedicated to internal life and, therefore, charged with a sense of surrender. They may prefer activities that require less physical effort and feel more comfortable concentrating on tasks that demand stable rather than unstable mental effort — they are dedicated rather than explosive. Their energy source is dedicated to the interior, seeking motivation and inspiration from their own thoughts, feelings, and internal world. External stimuli may not have as much impact on their energy levels, or at least, it will take some time for the individual to tune in to their speed. They are stable, firm, and determined people with a consistent and unwavering approach to life. Their resilience is notable, their ability to recover from setbacks, and adapt to changes — especially in the long term. Their composure is also noteworthy, their ability to maintain a sense of control over their emotions and actions, avoiding impulsive or reactive behaviors; they prefer to handle things carefully before acting.

Slow-paced individuals go through a warming-up process, which we understand as "surrender". They are meticulous and approach tasks with a high degree of attention to detail to ensure that everything is done correctly and completely. They are individuals who live life one goal at a time, varying from meticulousness to perfectionism. They are highly careful and considerate due to their concern with consequences and potential outcomes. They are not hasty, despite the decision or commitment. They are essentially reflective, valuing the time to consider their experiences and learn from past mistakes, giving vital importance to good decisions and information that ensure the future.

Fast-Paced — High and External Energy. Instability. Possession. Hot.

Acceleration highlights a tendency towards high energy and quickness in a person's actions. These types like to make decisions quickly and act immediately. They live life dynamically and proactively. They tend to act on impulse and intuition, making quick decisions without much reflection. Here we observe a preference for action and movement, living in the present moment without concern for the future. These individuals possess great vitality, always seeking new challenges and opportunities. They usually demonstrate enthusiasm and excitement in their activities, infecting others with their energy and positivity.

They have a proactive nature and take the initiative, often taking the lead in projects and tasks, being flexible, adaptable, and easily adjusting to changes and unforeseen circumstances. From this quick adaptability, diverse skills and interests are born, leading these people to appreciate variety and novelty in their lives. The focus here is on action, on direct experience rather than planning or retrospection. Their energy level is high, and they generally overflow with vivacity, vibrating at a frenetic pace that infects others and drives engagement in various activities and the pursuit of new challenges. Their energy originates externally, being nourished by active contact, denoting inspiration and motivation from the outside world, involving social interactions and constant changes. They tend to be dynamic, excited, and in search of newness and experiences.

Being unstable, they carry a sense of agility and adaptability, understood as movement — a movement that reacts and adapts quickly to changes and unforeseen circumstances, making these individuals flexible to some extent. They usually avoid routine, seen as an aspect of a monotonous, repetitive, and essentially boring life. Therefore, they are eager for novelty and stimulation, sometimes even challenging in a certain sense. They do not usually ponder much about the consequences, being more guided by intuition and immediate impulse. Even so, due to the same volatility with which they become unstable, they can perform various tasks simultaneously, differentiating themselves from slow-paced individuals in their ability to be efficient and productive in more dynamic and demanding environments. Similarly, they are effective, direct, and spontaneous communicators, often finding it easier to relate to others and create a more dynamic and engaged environment around some ideal or goal. With a fast pace, individuals prefer to learn through practical experiences, absorbing knowledge and skills through direct action and experimentation.

While slow-paced individuals need to warm up (an effect that occurs from the inside out), resulting in a sense of surrender, fast-paced people go through a process of possession, understood as taking energy defined by the world. When idle, these types can seem especially different from when they are in motion — their habitual state. It may be startling to see on their faces not the characteristic smile or assertiveness but, instead, a neutral expression. However, they are not necessarily sad or angry, just tired or without energy.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.