The Phlegmatic Blends
Like all other Temperaments, Phlegmatic has 3 blends, one for each of the other Temperaments.
Phlegmatic-Choleric - The Realistic Peacekeeper (The Specialist)
The Phlegmatic-Choleric Blend enhances Phlegmatic's Realism and diminishes Phlegmatic's Slow-Pace and Optimism. This makes Phlegmatic-Choleric willing to sacrifice Phlegmatic's usual peaceful cooperation for Choleric's bold assertion.
Phlegmatic-Sanguine - The Optimistic Peacekeeper (The Mediator)
The Phlegmatic-Sanguine Blend enhances Phlegmatic's Optimism and diminishes Phlegmatic's Realism and Slow-Pace. This makes Phlegmatic-Sanguine willing to sacrifice Phlegmatic's usual content peacefulness for Sanguine's innovation.
Phlegmatic-Melancholic - The Slow-Paced Peacekeeper (The Therapist)
The Phlegmatic-Melancholic Blend enhances Phlegmatic's Slow-Pace and diminishes Phlegmatic's Realism and Optimism. This makes Phlegmatic-Melancholic willing to sacrifice Phlegmatic's usual comfortability for Melancholic's perfectionism.
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