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The Temperament Essences

Sanguis (FOI)

Sanguis is the tenderness, intensity, and quality of the spirit's life in a terrestrial intermediary. Sanguis represents exchange, maintenance, and the quest for warmth. Its core is expansion, elevation. Through blood, we accept and socialize with each other. We come into contact with nature and life as lightly as our own essence and existence. The base of this Temperament, which is carried by the wind, is of Accelerated Rhythm, Optimistic Perception, and Idealist Attitude. Homogeneously, Sanguines align with those extroverted, idealistic, sociable types fundamentally destined for pleasure. To a greater or lesser extent, Sanguines are creative, fun, extravagant, and innovative people. The Sanguine bends follow the same base of the Temperament in its pure nature, although they manifest in different ways, with a more or less accelerated rhythm, a more or less optimistic perception, and a more or less idealistic attitude. We will observe all this more appropriately throughout this chapter.

Choler (FPR)

Choler is the combustion of the spirit, the perennial flame of the soul. The base of the Choleric Temperament is Accelerated Rhythm, Pessimistic Perception, and Realist Attitude. Homogeneously, Cholerics align with those strong and pragmatic extroverted types. The Choleric folds follow the same base of the Temperament in its pure nature, although they manifest in different ways, with a more or less accelerated rhythm, a more or less pessimistic perception, and a more or less realist attitude. We will observe all this more appropriately throughout this chapter.

Melancholy (SPI)

Melancholy is absorption, the fertile soil in which the spirit is cultivated. The base of the Melancholic Temperament is Slow Rhythm, Pessimistic Perception, and Idealist Attitude. Homogeneously, Melancholics align with those introverted and deeply reflective types, to some extent distant or averse to the concrete world. The Melancholic folds follow the same base of the Temperament in its pure nature, although they manifest in different ways, with a more or less slow rhythm, a more or less pessimistic perception, and a more or less idealistic attitude. We will observe all this more appropriately throughout this chapter.

Phlegm (SOR)

Phlegm is the flow of the soul before the universe, a letting go in the river of life. Implying a sense of fluidity, ease, and adaptability, the base of the Phlegmatic Temperament is Slow Rhythm, Optimistic Perception, and Realist Attitude. Homogeneously, Phlegmatics align with those introverted types, and although not necessarily less reflective, definitely less rigid. To a greater or lesser extent, Phlegmatics are cooperative, adaptable, and peaceful people. The Phlegmatic folds follow the same base of the Temperament in its pure nature, although they manifest in different ways, with...

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