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1181 total results found


Fictional Typology Systems

The Personas


The Persona Aspects


The Persona Positions


The Personatypes


The Personatype Groups


The 27 States

3D Psyche

The Processes

3D Psyche

An ISTP's Guide to MBTI

The Unconventionals (Others)

MBTI is a thing that you can use to understand all those stupid people surrounding you better. What it does is it creates 16 types you can identify those people by. That way you can learn what each type likes and get along with them better; or alternatively yo...

PDB Discussion Boards

The 12 Archetypes

The Grecian Archetypes

The 4 Outlooks

The Grecian Archetypes

Good type alignments

Moral Alignments

Neutral type alignments

Moral Alignments

Bad type alignments

Moral Alignments


The Hidden Desire Types


The Hidden Desire Types


The Hidden Desire Types


The Unconventionals (Others)



Background and methods

Objective Personality


Objective Personality

Enneatype 6 - The Loyalist

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Passion: Fear Fear as the ruling passion is mostly unconscious, therefore, it can manifest in the form of openly expressed anxiety, aggression, amiability, reservation, orientation to authority, being outspoken and reactive, being antagonistic etc etc.   ...

In Progress

Enneatype 7 - The Enthusiast

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Characterological Structure Modern Enneagram Passion: GluttonyAn order of values that puts pleasure above everything else.[1] A feeling of present insufficiency that seeks fulfillment in the escape towards satisfaction, pleasure and enthusiasm, that result...

In Progress

Enneatype 8 - The Challenger

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Characterological Structure Modern Enneagram Passion: Lust Intense, gusto, contact, sensory-motor disposition, passionately in favor of lust/hedonism in life, need to prove themselves/that things deemed "bad" are not that bad, need stimulation/excitement ...

In Progress

Enneatype 9 - The Peacemaker

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Passion: Sloth Sloth, in this context, refers to an unconscious psychological self-forgetfulness. A psychological self-fragmentation and inertia that leaves the self fuzzy, indistinct and dispersed, that a person doesn't have a clearly defined ego boundary,...

In Progress


Big 5 Personality Traits The NEO

Listed below are the facets that comprise the trait Agreeableness according to the IPIP. A1: TrustHigh Scorers: Trusting. Regard others as good, moral and well-intentioned. Low Scorers: Wary, suspicious and distrustful. Do not believe that others are moral an...



Big 5 Personality Traits The NEO

Listed below are the facets that comprise the trait Neuroticism according to the IPIP. N1: AnxietyHigh Scorers: Worry. Fearful. Stressed out.Low Scorers: Relaxed. Not bothered. Unperturbed. Don't worry. N2: AngerHigh Scorers: Irritable. Quick to anger. Easil...


How to use the NEO

Big 5 Personality Traits Applying the Theory

If you have read the previous pages in this wiki you should now have a basic grasp of the five traits and some of their facets. But how do you actually apply them to a real world situation? How would you calculate the big 5 scores for yourself or someone else?...


What constitutes a "moderate" score?

Big 5 Personality Traits Applying the Theory

It's important to know what qualifies as a moderate score. Many people have a tendency to overestimate Openness in their subjects because high Openness can be a conspicuous trait but low Openness doesn't seem to draw attention to itself. If we take Artistic In...



Jungian & Derivatives Debating Topics on MBTI and Cognitive F...

“Grip” experiences are when the various personality types bypass all their dominant functions and fall into “the grip” of their inferior function. This radically changes their behavior and make them appear a completely different type altogether. https://funky...

Not Yet Started

Impossible Type Combinations

Typology Starterpack

Introduction How other systems combine with one another is a controversial subject in typology, especially when it comes to Enneagram and MBTI. How many interpret it is that every combination of a types from each system (example being, INFP Enneagram 4, ESTP ...

In Progress

Change of Type

Jungian & Derivatives Debating Topics on MBTI and Cognitive F...

This page is unfinished - add alternate perspectives on this topic MBTI Perspective: It's Possible Cognitive functions - literally functions that happen within the brain - are what makes up MBTI. An analogy to this would be right or left handedness; there's...

Not Yet Started

Age and Function Development

Jungian & Derivatives Debating Topics on MBTI and Cognitive F...

According to W. Harold Grant "At the age of twelve, the time of puberty which many religious traditions and sociological views have recognized as significant and apt for ritual "passage," the child crossing the threshold into adolescence will, so to speak, ...

In Progress

Alternative Function Stack

Jungian & Derivatives Debating Topics on MBTI and Cognitive F...

Akhromant (IIEE/EEII)[1] Akhromant uses IIEE/EEII function stack and correlated the 16 types to Temperaments (Beren's Interaction Style as primary temperament, "Keirsey groups" as secondary[2] , although they don't match to Keirsey's original correlations), C...

Not Yet Started

Type 1 Instinctual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/Social 1  Enneatype One’s basic fear is of not being perfect, therefore, not being good enough. This manifests in the self-pres variant as the need to "fix" the environment.  This type ...


Type 2 Instinctual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Healthy Twos know how to give of themselves without the need for reciprocity on their terms. If their love goes unreciprocated, they might still focus energy on the situation, but they accept life ...


Type 3 Instinctual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Enneatype Three belongs to the feeling/image triad. The fear of being unlovable and the concern with validation are expressed differently with the different instinctual stackings. With the self-pr...


Type 4 Instintual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/Social 4 This subtype is the least volatile and fiery of the type Four stackings. They can resemble type One in terms of their efficiency and practicality. Although their focus will be m...


Type 5 Instinctual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  The self-preservational instinct is accentuated by the type Five fixation. The other two instincts are in opposition to the main type. When dominant, the social and sexual instincts therefore set u...


Type 6 Instinctual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  Self-pres/social 6 This subtype of Six is generally warm and friendly. The self-pres combines with the social instinct in such a way that the Six looks to find security in alliances. This type is ...


Type 7 Instinctual Variants

Enneagram Instinctual Variants

Copyrighted work from Ocean Moonshine. Used with permission.  The instinctual energies often appear to manifest differently in enneatype Seven, but the underlying structure really is the same as with any other type. The Seven fixation results in a running awa...
