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187 total results found

Inspirational State

3D Psyche The 27 States

Archetype: Muse/Charmer The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Charm. Physical: Abstraction Focus on introspection and away from physical activity; impulses not driven by sensorial response, but from thoughts or feelings. Rational: Ins...

Elemental State

3D Psyche The 27 States

Archetype: Monks/Farmer The best concept to describe the focus of this state is Serenity. Physical: Abstraction Focus on introspection and away from physical activity; impulses not driven by sensorial response, but from thoughts or feelings. Rational: ...

The Physical Processes

3D Psyche The Processes

The Physical Aspect: Sensorimotor focus; perception and interaction with immediate tangible surroundings. Physically Determined/Action: Focus on physical execution; developing, training, and favoring physical abilities, aptitudes, and impulses. Physicall...

The Rational Processes

3D Psyche The Processes

The Rational Aspect: Higher cognitive focus; information grasp and analysis, rules, and decision making. Rationally Determined/Regulation: Focus on rational conclusions; developing, following, and favoring rules, decisions, and structure. Rationally Perc...

The Emotional Processes

3D Psyche The Processes

The Emotional Aspect: Affective focus; relate, sympathize, feel bound, inspired, moved, or overtaken by feelings. Emotionally Determined/Valuation: Focus on emotional commitment; developing, following, and favoring respect, values, and bonds. Emotionally...

Process Positions

3D Psyche The Processes

Determination: Firmness; focus on conclusion, execution, or judgement, tendency towards tension. Perception: Flexibility, alertness, contemplation, and response to stimuli; tendency towards anxiety. Disengagement: Relaxation; ability to avoid or to contem...

MBTI Functions

The Unconventionals (Others) An ISTP's Guide to MBTI

MBTI is based on 4 different things: Feeling is emotional decision-making. Thinking is “rational” decision-making. iNtuition is abstract info-gathering. Sensing is physical info-gathering. Each of these things is one of two things, either Judging or Per...

PDB Discussion Boards

MBTI Types

The Unconventionals (Others) An ISTP's Guide to MBTI

The types are made up of a stacking of four of these functions. Here’s a guide on what each function placement means: The First Function is what gives you fulfillment in life. The Second Function is what you process the first function through. The Third Fun...

MBTI Groupings

The Unconventionals (Others) An ISTP's Guide to MBTI

After creating the types a few patterns emerge. Here are a few patterns that create 4 groups of 4 types: ExxJs are the people who are focused on leading other people. IxxPs are the people who are focused on their hobbies and interests. ExxPs are the people ...

MBTI Loops and Grips

The Unconventionals (Others) An ISTP's Guide to MBTI

When stressed, each type goes into a thing called a grip. Introverts go into an extraverted grip, which makes them obsessed with the external. INFP and ISFP [Te Grip] These types become obsessed with how others criticize them when under stress. INTP and IST...

Alpha-Water [The Hedonist]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Alpha-Earth [The Gladiator]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Alpha-Fire [The Commander]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Alpha-Air [The Activist]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Beta-Water [The Helper]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Beta-Earth [The Soldier]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Beta-Fire [The Advisor]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Beta-Air [The Philosopher]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Gamma-Water [The Crafter]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes

Gamma-Earth [The Blacksmith]

The Grecian Archetypes The 12 Archetypes