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1181 total results found

Combination of all mbtis with all enagrams

Combination of all mbtis with all socionics

Combination of all mbtis with all big 5

Combination of all mbtis with all AP

Combination of all mbtis with all temperaments

Combination of all mbtis with all signs


PDB Announcements

Hogwarts Houses (Sorting Hat)

A book about the Hogwarts House personality system, as applied and elaborated by the sorting hat.

Cognitive Functions

DiSC Personality

DiSC® is an acronym that stands for the four main behavioral styles outlined in the DiSC model of personalities. The lower-case i in DiSC identifies it as part of the original Everything DiSC® and DiSC® Classic family of products produced by Wiley.

PDB Essay Contest Winners

This is where we will paste the essay of the winners of each essay contest for future viewing. User/s that get/s the highest and/or perfect score will be here.


Temporistics is a typology system pertaining to the human relationship with various aspects of time: the Present, the Past, the Future, and the Eternity.

Color Personality System

MOTIVES Personality System

Dungeons And Dragons Archetypes

Baron-Cohen's Empathising–Systemising Theory

Daniel Amen’s 16 Brain Types Theory

MBTI and Cognitive Functions

This book has been moved to a new location. Please visit:

Birkman Scales

Vocational Personality Systems

Belbin Team Roles

Vocational Personality Systems

Rorschach Testing

Observation-Based Personality Systems

PRISM Brain Mapping

Vocational Personality Systems


Observation-Based Personality Systems


Observation-Based Personality Systems


Observation-Based Personality Systems

Occupational Personality Questionnaire || OPQ

Vocational Personality Systems

History & Overview


History & Overview

Jungian Archetypes

The Four Attitudes

Jungian Archetypes

The Twelve Archetypes

Jungian Archetypes

The descriptions are based on the research by Carol S. Pearson, Ph.D.


Observation-Based Personality Systems

Assorted Questions and Issues

Big 5 Personality Traits

An FAQ style chapter, which will tackle the most commonly covered topics on the PDB Big 5 forum.







The Three Extraversions

The Three Extraversions

Explains The Three forms of Extraversion this system measures.

The Three Levels

The Three Extraversions

Explains The Three Levels that are used in this system.

The 27 Types

The Three Extraversions

Describes each of the 27 types.

Rational Functions

Jungian & Derivatives Functions

Rational Rationality refers to that which accords with criteria. The rational is the reasonable, that which accords with reason. I conceive reason as an attitude whose principle is to shape thought, feeling, and action in accordance with objective values. ...

In Progress
PDB Discussion Boards

Jungian vs Socionics Definitions

Jungian & Derivatives History and Development of Neo-Jungian ...

From PDB Discussion Boards Jungian Definitions & Socionics Definitions Comparison [short version] Ni as a Jungian cognitive function gains a singular prophetic vision by peering behind the scene to holistically examine the underlying essence, archetypes ...

PDB Discussion Boards
In Progress

Schools of Psychology

Typology Starterpack

Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis school studies the influence of conscious and unconscious mind on behavior.  Key words: conscious, unconscious, identity, ego, superego Key persons: Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung (Analytic psychology)   Behaviorism All behavior...

Perspectives on Personality

Typology Starterpack

This article is an excerpt from Carver, C. S., & Scheier, M. F. (2004). Perspectives on personality (7th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc. What is Personality? Personality is a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that create the pe...

Irrationality || Rationality

Jungian & Derivatives Dichotomies

Thinking and feeling are rational functions in so far as they are decisively influenced by the motive of reflection. They attain their fullest significance when in fullest possible accord with the laws of reason. The irrational functions, on the contrary, ar...

In Progress

MBTI Criticisms

Typology Starterpack

Professional opinion on MBTI is divided. On one hand, there are modern psychometrics criticize MBTI for its low reliability and validity and prefer assessments like the Big 5. However, there are also Jungian scholars who acknowledge MBTI's value and think it c...

Friedrich Nietzsche

Jungian & Derivatives History and Development of Jungian Typo...


J Van Der Hoop

Jungian & Derivatives History and Development of Jungian Typo...

In Progress


Jungian & Derivatives Dichotomies

Superior Attitude 1. Complaisance 2. Trusting 3. Warm 4. Friendly 5. Enthusiastic 6. Optimistic 7. Erratic 8. Impulsive 9. Willing to reveal oneself 10. Extravagant 11. Flexible mimicry 12. A good mixer...


Big 5 - The Origins

Big 5 Personality Traits Introductory Matter

The big 5 was initially developed via the lexical hypothesis. All the words which described human personality in the English language were compiled. Words which had a purely value oriented meaning (e.g. angel, jackass, scoundrel, hero) were excluded. This resu...

Big 5

Development and Theory

Big 5 Personality Traits Introductory Matter

The inception of the big five theory relied upon the assumption that language was a good tool for investigating the underlying traits in human personality. The next stage built upon the lexical hypothesis and instead used self-assessment tests to see if the or...

Big 5

Introduction to Various Big 5 Systems

Big 5 Personality Traits Introductory Matter

Unlike some personality systems where someone originates the theory and every subsequent writer has to build on that theory, and attempts to totally re-engineer fundamental claims are viewed negatively (e.g. Carl Jung's work being the basis of MBTI theory) the...

Big 5

The NEO PI-R and the IPIP-NEO

Big 5 Personality Traits The NEO

The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) was developed by Paul Costa and Robert McCrae from the 1970s through to the 2000s. This is a version of the big 5 which subdivides each trait into six facets. This has become one of the most popular and influent...


Openness (to experience)

Big 5 Personality Traits The NEO

Listed below are the facets that comprise the trait Openness according to the IPIP. O1: ImaginationHigh Scorers: Vivid imagination. Flights of fantasy. Often reflecting or lost in thought.Low Scorers: Do not daydream or become lost in thought. Do not have a s...



Big 5 Personality Traits The NEO

Listed below are the facets that comprise the trait Conscientiousness according to the IPIP. C1: Self-EfficacyHigh Scorers: Complete tasks successfully. Tend to excel in their endeavours. Self-assured. Find good solutions.Low Scorers: Can tend to misjudge and...



Big 5 Personality Traits The NEO

Listed below are the facets that comprise the trait Extraversion according to the IPIP. E1: FriendlinessHigh Scorers: Make friends easily. Warm. Comfortable around others. Raise the spirits of others.Low Scorers: Hard to get to know. Uncomfortable around and ...


Enneatype 2 - The Helper

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Characterological Structure   Passion: Pride Imaginary exaltation of self-worth and attractiveness, demanding privileges, boasting, needing to be the center of attention, "playing the part of the princess".   Fixation: False-abundance The cognitive sup...

In Progress

Enneatype 3 - The Achiever

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Characterological Structure Fixation: Vanity Strives for degrees, positions of importance, power over others. Trap: Efficiency He has little patience with inefficiency in others, and is looking for more effective and quicker methods of achieving his goal...

In Progress

Enneatype 4 - The Individualist

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Characterological Structure Fixation: MelancholyNever happy with the present, always looking toward a happy future. Trap: AuthenticityFor this person, the really real mate will always be just around the comer of the next hour or day, or year. With such a m...


Enneatype 5 - The Investigator

Enneagram The Nine Enneatypes

Characterological Structure Fixation: StinginessDesires anonymity and to view life from the sidelines Trap: Observer For him life is fascinating to watch from a safe hidden place, but is much too terrifying to take part in. Holy Idea: Holy Omniscience T...

In Progress