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Assorted Questions and Issues

An FAQ style chapter, which will tackle the most commonly covered topics on the PDB Big 5 forum.

Correlations Between Big 5 Traits and Other Systems

Introduction There are studies which have attempted to map correlations between the big 5 and ot...

How can I tell if I'm RLUEI or SLUEI?

This question (substituted with different SLOAN types) is possibly the most frequently asked ques...

Can my Big 5 Change?

Yes Whilst a certain degree of development with age is outlined in the MBTI orthodoxy (e.g. the ...

Why are Some SLOAN Types Better Than Others?

It has been noted by many PDB users that unlike other systems (Enneagram, MBTI) SLOAN types don't...

Settling on a Big 5 type

Inconsistent Results Choosing a SLOAN type is a complicated issue. Due to the inadequacy of the ...

Why You Can't Rely on SLOAN Type Descriptions

For anyone who has read the rest of this big 5 wiki it will be obvious that the big 5 is not a ty...

Is Basically Just a Big 5 Test?

This article will compare and contrast the items from the 16p test with the items from the NEO an...

What is HEXACO?

HEXACO builds on the work of the Big Five and adds a 6th personality factor: Honesty-Humility. Th...

Are all 30 NEO facets equally important?

Introduction The following list cites the 30 facets of the NEO and summarises which other system...

How the Big 5 relates to each Enneagram

This article will take descriptions of each Enneagram and use them to speculate on what the typic...

How the Big 5 relates to each MBTI type

[Article based on data from PDB, early 2023] This article will take the same form as the Enneagr...


//: Indicates the trait that is second furthest from 50% in a SLOAN code. Not a standard or neces...

Big 5 Types By Clustering (Not SLOAN)

Introduction [Important note: This article discusses big 5 types that have been derived via clus...