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Extraversion (S/R)

High Scorers: Social
Low Scorers: Reserved


E1: Friendliness
High Scorers: Make friends easily. Warm. Comfortable around others. Raise the spirits of others.
Low Scorers: Hard to get to know. Uncomfortable around and uninterested in others. Avoidant and distant.

E2: Gregariousness
High Scorers: Love parties and group activities. Like to get others involved.
Low Scorers: Avoid crowds. Prefer quiet and solitude.

E3: Assertiveness
High Scorers: Take charge. Inclined to lead others. Persuasive and influential.
Low Scorers: Let others lead. Stay in the background. Don't say much. Avoid drawing attention to themselves.

E4: Activity Level
High Scorers: Constantly busy and active, even in their spare time. Good multi-taskers. React quickly.
Low Scorers: Take things slow and easy. React slowly.

E5: Excitement-Seeking
High Scorers: Seek out action, adventure and excitement. Enjoy reckless, wild and dangerous activities. 
Low Scorers: Not drawn to extreme sports. Dislike loud music.

E6: Cheerfulness
High Scorers: Fun and joyful. Positive. Amuse others. Laugh aloud.
Low Scorers: Not easily amused. Not fond of "joking around".

NEO Domains

High Scorers: Feel comfortable around others. Make friends easily. Socially Skilled. "Life of the party". Captivating.
Low Scorers: Not talkative. Stay in the background. Describe their life as dull. Don't like to draw attention to themselves.


High Scorers: Warm and friendly. Have fun and laugh a lot. Their happiness is conspicuous.
Low Scorers: Hard to get to know. Distant. Not excitable or enthusiastic.

High Scorers: Take charge. Charismatic and captivating. Happy to lead others. Persuasive. Pro-active.
Low Scorers: Not assertive. Not good at influencing others. Prefer to follow others. Hold their opinions.


High Scorers: Talk a lot. Never at a loss for words. Life of the party. Let others know when they're annoyed. Laugh loudly.
Low Scorers: Don't talk much. Don't draw attention. Bottle up feelings. Speak softly.

Social Boldness
High Scorers: Can make impromptu speeches. Don't mind being the centre of attention. Comfortable around others. Natural leaders. Strong personality.
Low Scorers: Afraid of public speaking. Stay in the background. Find it hard to approach others. Don't want to be the centre of attention. Have little to say.

High Scorers: Spend their free time with people. Talk to many people at parties. Love to chat. Make friends easily. Enjoy being part of a group.
Low Scorers: Less likely to enjoy interacting with others. Avoid jobs that require social interaction. Hard to get to know. Keep others at a distance.

High Scorers: High energy levels. Great stamina. Active. Smile and laugh a lot. Have fun.
Low Scorers: Get tired easily. Often feel blue.


Social: Love parties and conversation.
Limbic: Talk excessively. Speak loud. Often the centre of attention. Noisy.
Calm: Comfortable around people and in unfamiliar situations. Have fun. Rarely embarrassed. Love life.
Unorganised: Wild and crazy. Self-revealing. Let themselves go. Share all their thoughts. Jokers. Joyful. Laugh a lot.
Organised: Take charge. Assertive. Natural leaders. Action and solution oriented. Stick up for themselves. Always busy. Know what they want.
Accommodating: Make friends easily. Emotionally open. Comfortable with others. Joyful and warm.
Egocentric: Not afraid to say anything. Happy to criticise others. Boastful. Bend the rules. Happy to be the centre of attention. Demanding.
Inquisitive: Take charge. Captivating. Loquacious. First to act.
Non-Curious: Need the company of others. Like being on the go or with a crowd.


Reserved: Don't talk much. Stay in the background. Quiet. Conceal their thoughts/feelings.
Limbic: Uncomfortable around others. Find it hard to approach others. Withdrawn. Not persevering. 
Calm: Speak softly. Don't like to talk about themselves.
Unorganised: Get pushed around. Not motivated. Do things slowly.
Organised: Seldom joke around. Tend to be formal towards strangers.
Egocentric: Hard to know. Private. Avoidant. Distant. Secretive.
Accommodating: Dislike confrontation. Wait their turn. Don't want to seem pushy.
Non-Curious: Have little to say. Struggle to express their feelings. Natural followers. Fear being the centre of attention.
Inquisitive: Like to be alone. Like peace and quiet. Don't like crowds. Not fond of neighbours. Amuse themselves. Do their own thing.

Neuroticism (L/C)

High Scorers: Limbic
Low Scorers: Calm


N1: Anxiety
High Scorers: Worry. Fearful. Stressed out.
Low Scorers: Relaxed. Not bothered. Unperturbed. Don't worry.

N2: Anger
High Scorers: Irritable. Quick to anger. Easily upset. Ill-tempered.
Low Scorers: Rarely irritated, angry or annoyed. Cool-headed.

N3: Depression
High Scorers: Feel "blue" or "down". Dislike themselves. Feel their life is directionless and hopeless.
Low Scorers: Do not feel "blue". Feel "comfortable" or "pleased" with themselves.

N4: Self-Consciousness
High Scorers: Easily intimidated. Worried they'll "do the wrong thing". Shy. Uncomfortable with others but (probably) comfortable with friends. Feel awkward during conversation.
Low Scorers: Not easily embarrassed. Comfortable in difficult and unfamiliar social situations. Can stand up for themselves.

N5: Immoderation
High Scorers: Can overindulge in eating and drinking. Do things they regret.
Low Scorers: Do not over-indulge. Resist temptation. Control cravings. Do not over-spend.

N6: Vulnerability
High Scorers: Tend to panic and feel overwhelmed. Indecisive.
Low Scorers: Calm during tense and high pressure situations. Cope with problems. Overcome setbacks.

NEO Domains

High Scorers: Often feel down or blue. Dislike themselves. Have mood swings. Panic.
Low Scorers: Rarely blue. Rarely irritated. Comfortable or "pleased" with themselves. Not bothered by things.


High Scorers: Can easily become angry, upset or agitated. Highly changeable moods.
Low Scorers: Rarely irritated or annoyed. Composed and controlled.

High Scorers: Beset by feelings of doubt, fear and worry. Often feel threatened, overwhelmed or discouraged.
Low Scorers: Rarely feel depressed or embarrassed. Comfortable with themselves.


[In HEXACO, this trait is called "Emotionality"]

High Scorers: Cowardly. Tremble or panic when in danger. Worry about being mugged. Wary of participating in extreme sports.
Low Scorers: Get a kick out of frightening or dangerous situations. Think they would be good at rescuing others in danger. Risk-takers.

High Scorers: Worry about unimportant things. Become stressed. Upset by unpleasant thoughts. Panic.
Low Scorers: Rarely worry. Seldom depressed. Not easily disturbed. Calm under pressure. Don't worry about what's in the past.

High Scorers: Need to be reassured. Easily influenced. Seek approval. Need protection. Need help. Don't conceal their sadness. Seek support. Want to be liked.

High Scorers: Feel others' emotions. Feel sad when hearing sad news. Cry during movies. Sensitive to the needs of others. Moved by the misfortune of others.
Low Scorers: Don't cry during sad movies or when reading sad novels. Not bothered by the suffering of strangers. Alienated by displays of emotion. Rarely become emotional.


Limbic: Get stressed out easily. Get upset easily. Easily disturbed. Changeable moods. Fixate on problems.
Reserved: Often feel blue. Worry. Feel threatened. Self-loathing. Filled with doubt.
Social: Demand attention. React intensely. Talk when they know they shouldn't. Make a fuss. Indiscreet. Easily excited. Blurt out whatever's in their head. Barge in on conversations. Gossip.
Unorganised: Guided by their moods. Not sure where their life is going. Don't know why they do some things. Out of control. Can't concentrate. Do things they regret.
Organised: Want things perfect. Demand obedience. Pretend nothing is wrong. Love order. Conventional. Want things their way. Creature of habit. Try to impress others. Can't stand being contradicted. Want to be told they are right.
Egocentric: Get angry easily. Often in a bad mood. Sometimes furious. Snap at people. Lose their temper. Generally ill-tempered.
Accommodating: Overwhelmed by emotion. Cry often. Cry during movies. Wear their heart on their sleeve.
Non-Curious: Take offense easily. Panic easily. Easily hurt. Crushed by setbacks. Overwhelmed by events. Easily frightened. Easily confused.
Inquisitive: Intense emotions. Mood swings. Swayed by emotion.


Calm: Seldom get mad. Not bothered by things. Not easily frustrated. Rarely take offense. Remain cool-headed.
Reserved: Keep emotions under control. Let others finish speaking.
Social: Seldom feel blue. Comfortable with themselves. Adapt easily to new situations. Look on the bright side. Self-assured.
Unorganised: [No items].
Organised: Remain calm under pressure. Resist temptations. Rarely overindulge. Control their cravings.
Egocentric: Rarely emotional. Not affected by emotions.
Accommodating: Rarely irritated. Not easily annoyed. Take things as they come. Accept people.
Non-Curious: Experience few highs and lows. Feel the same every day. Always in the same mood. Rarely notice their own emotional reactions. Relaxed. Not disturbed by events.
Inquisitive: Calm in tense situations. Don't lose their heads. Know how to cope. Can stand criticism.

Conscientiousness (O/U)

High Scorers: Organised
Low Scorers: Unorganised


C1: Self-Efficacy
High Scorers: Complete tasks successfully. Tend to excel in their endeavours. Self-assured. Find good solutions.
Low Scorers: Can tend to misjudge and misunderstand situations. Struggle to foresee consequences. May not feel useful.

C2: Orderliness
High Scorers: Like order, regularity and tidiness. Meticulous. Follow plans.
Low Scorers: Forget to put things back. Create mess and disorder and are not bothered by others who do the same.

C3: Dutifulness
High Scorers: Follow rules. Keep promises. Pay bills on time. Tell the truth. Listen to their conscience.
Low Scorers: Break rules and promises. Get others to do their duties for them. Do not follow instructions. Flexible with the truth.

C4: Achievement-Striving
High Scorers: Oriented around pursuing goals and taking action. Industrious. "Go the extra mile". Expect exemplary performance from themselves and others.
Low Scorers: Not highly motivated. Just try to "get by" with minimal effort. 

C5: Self-Discipline
High Scorers: Complete tasks promptly. Always prepared. See plans through.
Low Scorers: Struggle to get started on work. Waste time. Postpone decisions.

C6: Cautiousness
High Scorers: Avoid mistakes. Careful with words. Stick to their plans.
Low Scorers: Rash. Do not consider for long before acting. Spontaneous. Make last-minute plans.

NEO Domains

High Scorers: Always prepared. Pay attention to detail. Complete chores and tasks promptly. Stick to their plans.
Low Scorers: Waste time. Struggle to start work then do only enough to get by. Leave things unfinished. Shirk their duties.


High Scorers: Accomplish their plans and do so in a timely fashion. Self-assured in their competence.
Low Scorers: Waste time. Procrastinate. Make mistakes. Don't concentrate. Become distracted.

High Scorers: Like order, tidiness and routines. Enforce rules. Precise.
Low Scorers: Leave things lying around. Not bothered by messiness and disorder. Dislike routines.


High Scorers: Tidy. Finish chores promptly. Prefer order. Want things to be "just right".
Low Scorers: Have messy rooms. Leave their belongings around. Don't finish what they start. Forget to put things back. Not bothered by disorder.

High Scorers: Work hard to succeed. Start work easily. Exacting. Complete tasks.
Low Scorers: Do just enough to get by. Stop when things become too difficult. Don't do enough work. "Do nothing". Lose interest in tasks.

High Scorers: Pay attention to details. Attain perfection. Have an eye for detail. Take care of every detail. Dislike imperfection. Detect mistakes. Insist on quality.
Low Scorers: Don't pay attention to details. Just "let things happen".

High Scorers: Avoid mistakes. Stick to their plans.
Low Scorers: Jump in without thinking. Make rash decisions. Behave impulsively when bothered. Make careless mistakes. Don't know why they behave the way they do. Act foolishly.


Organised: Finish work on time. Follow plans. Avoid mistakes. Plan ahead. Return borrowed items.
Reserved: Only buy practical things. Dislike impulsive people. Take precautions. Don't splurge. Don't overspend.
Social: Exacting. Stick to plans. Finish chores early. Follow through with plans. Finish what they start.
Limbic: Perfectionists. Concerned with details. Want everything "just right". Want things to follow the plan. Demand perfection from others. Scrutinise the work of others. Expect dedicated work from others.
Calm: Always prepared. Carry out plans. Start work at once. Not easily distracted. Handle tasks smoothly.
Egocentric: Do things in logical order. Get straight to the point. Believe in a logical answer for everything. Get a head start on others. Dislike imperfect work. Believe in an eye for an eye. No sympathy for criminals. Highly logical.
Accommodating: Follow directions. Well-groomed. Double check their work. Well behaved. Follow rules. Appreciate good manners.
Non-Curious: Like order. Follow a schedule/routine. Tidy up. By the book. Take care of their belongings. Enforce rules.
Inquisitive: Pay attention to details. Complete tasks successfully. An eye for detail. Demand quality. Expect high standards. Think through their decisions. Follow through with their commitments. Detect mistakes. Think ahead.


Unorganised: Forget to put things back. Neglect their duties. Don't treat tasks seriously. Leave work unfinished. Don't plan ahead. Put off unpleasant tasks. Often late to work.
Reserved: Waste time. Find it hard to start work/tasks. Postpone decisions. Need a push to get started. Forgetful.
Social: Do crazy things. Make last-minute plans. Easily talked into doing silly things. Laugh at many things. Act on whims. Jump in without thinking.
Limbic: Make a mess. Easily distracted. Shirk duties. Don't see things through. Do things at the last minute. Can't make their minds up.
Calm: Not bothered by messy people. Not bothered by disorder.
Egocentric: Behave improperly. Disregard rules. Do the opposite of what is asked. Don't care about their appearance. Think laws don't apply to them. Make rash decisions. Say inappropriate things.
Accommodating: Sympathise with the homeless. Not strict. Credulous. Their attention wanders. Favour rehabilitation over punishment.
Non-Curious: Seldom notice details. Put little time and effort into work. Don't pay attention.
Inquisitive: Leave things lying around. Their room is a mess. Dislike routines.

Agreeableness (A/E)

High Scorers: Accommodating
Low Scorers: Egocentric


A1: Trust
High Scorers: Trusting. Regard others as good, moral and well-intentioned. 
Low Scorers: Wary, suspicious and distrustful. Do not believe that others are moral and well intentioned.

A2: Morality
High Scorers: Tend to follow rules and dislike cheating.
Low Scorers: Manipulative. Cheat and bend rules. Obstruct, pressure and take advantage of others. May feign sympathy.

A3: Altruism
High Scorers: Make others feel welcome. Anticipate the needs of others and show concern. Helpful.
Low Scorers: Look down on others. Don't care if they make others uncomfortable. Not generous with their time.

A4: Cooperation
High Scorers: "I don't mind either way". Don't want to be confrontational or pushy.
Low Scorers: Sharp tongued. Contrarian. Confrontational. Vengeful.

A5: Modesty
High Scorers: Disinclined to brag about themselves. Believe they are fairly average.
Low Scorers: Think they are better than others. Inclined to brag about being virtuous or knowledgeable.

A6: Sympathy
High Scorers: Sympathetic, especially towards those who are worse off.
Low Scorers: Not interested in people's problems. Not soft-hearted. "An eye for an eye". Disinclined to assist the weak and the needy.

NEO Domains

High Scorers: Speak well of others. Believe others are well intentioned. Respectful. Accepting. Make others feel at ease.
Low Scorers: Sharp tongued. Adversarial. Suspicious of others. Vengeful. Insulting.


High Scorers: Ask about others' well-being. Sympathetic. Feel other's emotions. Interested in the lives of others. Do things for others.
Low Scorers: Disinterested in the feelings, lives and problems of others. Don't make time for others. Don't have a soft side.

High Scorers: Respect authority. Don't want to be pushy. Don't want to impose on or pressure others.
Low Scorers: Insulting. Think they are superior. Take advantage of others. Enjoy conflict and confrontation. Prioritise personal gain.


[HEXACO divides Agreeableness up into 2 separate traits]

HEXACO - Agreeableness

High Scorers: Loving. Forgiving. Nice.
Low Scorers: Unforgiving. Hold grudges. Vengeful. Not trusting.

High Scorers: Rarely complain. Take things as they come. Accepting. Have nice things to say about everyone.
Low Scorers: Frustrated by the shortcomings of others. Judgmental. Find faults with others. Speak ill of others. Sharp tongued. Critical of others.

High Scorers: Good at taking advice.
Low Scorers: Often annoyed by others, especially by their errors. React badly to criticism. Dislike having their plans changed by others. Stubborn. Don't like to be contradicted. Hard to please. Hard to reason with.

High Scorers: Not easily brought to anger. Patient. Rarely irritated.
Low Scorers: Easily made angry, irritated or upset.

HEXACO - Honesty-Humility

High Scorers: Unpretentious.
Low Scorers: Smarmy. Manipulative. Show-off. Disloyal. "Fake it to make it". Feign sympathy. Social Chameleon. Bootlicker. Servile.

High Scorers: Unlikely to cheat or steal but would feel bad if they ever did. Follow rules.
Low Scorers: Admire skilful deceit. Cheat. Steal. Betray trust. Don't feel bad about taking advantage of others.

Greed Avoidance
High Scorers: Don't want to be famous. Don't strive for elegance.
Low Scorers: Love luxury. Desire power, money and status. Try to impress others. Prefer expensive restaurants. Out for personal gain.

High Scorers: Don't think they're better than others. Regard themselves as "average" or "ordinary".
Low Scorers: Want to be more powerful than others. Think they're better and more competent than others. Like to attract attention. Tend to show off. Boast.


Accommodating: Sympathetic. Respectful. Interested in others. Like to help. Appreciate others opinions.
Social: Interested in people. Make people feel good/at-ease/welcome. Comforting. Interested in others. Make time for others. Grateful. Feel others' emotions.
Reserved: Prefer cooperation over competition. Listen to their conscience.
Limbic: Feel the sorrow of others. "Heart" over "head". Like children's movies. Want to please others. Remember birthdays. Cherish mementos. Want to be valued by others. Think crying makes them feel better. Show their feelings.
Calm: Easy to please. Speak well of others. On good terms with everyone. Trusting. Respectful.
Unorganised: Concerned for others. Moved by the misfortune of others. Sympathetic for those who are worse off. Interested in others. Do things for others. Reassuring.
Organised: Don't cheat on their taxes. Respect privacy. Seek harmony. Follow rules. Respect authority.
Non-Curious: Soft-hearted. Go above and beyond for others. Selfless. Will do anything for others. Like to please others. Wouldn't hurt a fly.
Inquisitive: Anticipate the needs of others. Sense others' wishes. Reflective. In touch with their feelings. Seek to better themselves.


Egocentric: Not concerned for others or their feelings. Not interested in other people's needs and problems. Don't make time for people.
Reserved: Not interested in others. Rarely smile.
Social: Impose their will on others. Enjoy/seek conflict. Prideful. Braggarts. Tricksters. Crude sense of humour. Indiscreet. Reckless.
Limbic: Hard to please. Judgmental. Insulting. Unforgiving. Contradict others. Criticise others.
Calm: Don't understand emotional people. Don't get excited. Don't call people just to talk. Don't care about dressing nicely.
Unorganised: Don't care for rules. Turn their back on others. Talk about themselves. Overestimate their achievements. Scheming. Act at the expense of others. Break rules
Organised: Demanding. Don't trust "sob-stories". "Head" over "heart". Dislike soft-hearted people. Don't think about the needy. Look down on weakness in others. Think people should fend for themselves.
Non-Curious: Feign concern. Don't have a soft side. Supercilious. Not in touch with their feelings.
Inquisitive: Make enemies. Oppose authority. Think they're better than others. Seek danger. Pressure others. Try to outdo others. Prefer not to rely on others.

Openness (I/N)

High Scorers: Inquisitive
Low Scorers: Non-Curious


O1: Imagination
High Scorers: Vivid imagination. Flights of fantasy. Often reflecting or lost in thought.
Low Scorers: Do not daydream or become lost in thought. Do not have a strong imagination.

O2: Artistic Interests
High Scorers: Believe art is important. Enjoy music. Notice beauty, especially in nature.
Low Scorers: Do not enjoy: Art, poetry, museums, concerts, dance performances.

O3: Emotionality
High Scorers: Experience intense emotions and also feel the emotions of others. Passionate about causes. Try to understand themselves.
Low Scorers: Unemotional and unaware of their emotions. Struggle to understand emotional people.

O4: Adventurousness
High Scorers: Prefer variety to routine. Diverse interests. Like to visit new places and try new things.
Low Scorers: Conventional. Creatures of habit. Dislike change and stick to what they know.

O5: Intellect
High scorers: Enjoy thinking, solving complex problems and reading challenging material.
Low Scorers: Uninterested in and can struggle with abstraction, philosophy and theory. Avoid difficult reading material.

O6: Liberalism
High scorers: Politically liberal (progressive). Believe in moral relativism. Prefer criminals to be rehabilitated rather than punished.
Low scorers: Tend to believe (if religious) that theirs is the only "true" faith. Politically conservative. Opposed to subsidies for the Arts. "Tough on crime". Patriotic.

NEO Domains

High Scorers: Believe art is important. Vivid imagination. Tend to vote liberal. Shift conversations to lofty topics. Interested in new ideas.
Low Scorers: Don't care for art, art museums or abstract ideas. Avoid philosophical discussion. Tend to vote conservative.


High Scorers: Perceive and enjoy the beauty of art, music, poetry and nature. Like to reflect and ruminate. Need a creative outlet.
Low Scorers: Tend not to enjoy or respond emotionally to poetry and art. Tend not to daydream or become lost in thought.

High Scorers: Quick thinkers. Adept with complexity and large amounts of information. Broad vocabulary.
Low Scorers: Slow learners. Struggle with abstraction, philosophy and challenging reading material.


Aesthetic Appreciation
High Scorers: Believe art is important. Become immersed in music. See beauty in things that others may not. Like being "close to the earth". Have read the great literary classics.
Low Scorers: Don't like art. Rarely notice the emotional aspects of paintings and pictures. Don't like poetry. Don't like concerts. Don't enjoy watching dance performances.

High Scorers: Interested in science. Like to explore. Enjoy intellectual games. Like to read challenging material. Find political discussions interesting. Have a rich vocabulary.
Low Scorers: Don't know much about history. Avoid difficult reading material. Not interested in political or social issues. Won't look deeply into a subject.

High Scorers: Vivid imagination. Original. Discuss lofty topics. Full of ideas. Inventive. Have good ideas.
Low Scorers: Don't have a good imagination. Have trouble imagining things. Have trouble guessing how others will react. Seldom experience sudden intuitive insights.

High Scorers: Eccentric. Their ideas can surprise people. Behave strangely. Rebel against authority. Swim against the current.
Low Scorers: Would hate to be considered odd or strange. Like being considered "normal". Avoid complex people.


Inquisitive: Rich vocabulary. Use difficult words. Make insightful remarks. Show mastery of language. Enjoy thinking about things. Try to understand themselves.
Reserved: Spend time in reflection. Spend time on their own. Live in their own world. Enjoy privacy. Don't mind eating alone. Do things at their own pace. Enjoy contemplation. Prefer being alone.
Social: Full of ideas. Have good ideas. Carry the conversation to a higher level. Have bold plans. Quick think up new ideas. Good at many things.
Limbic: Look for hidden meanings. Get lost in thought. Think deeply about things. Need to understand their motives. Analytical. Can think about something for hours. Enjoy self-examination.
Calm: Can handle complex problems. Quick to understand or "catch on" or "get the idea".. Like to read challenging material. Find things out on their own. Can handle a lot of information. 
Unorganised: Vivid imagination. Prefer variety to routine. Believe art is important. Enjoy wild flights of fantasy. Need a creative outlet.
Organised: Learn quickly. Brainy. Tend to excel. Fact-oriented. Rise to challenges. Seek explanations. 
Egocentric: Like to solve complex problems. Ask questions that no-one else does. Know the answers to many questions. Challenge others' point of view. Link facts together.
Accommodating: See beauty in things others may not notice. Take time to reflect on things. Make beautiful things. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Like to discuss books and movies with others. Like music. Love flowers.


Non-Curious: Not interested in abstract ideas. Won't look deeply into a subject. Poor vocabulary. Dislike learning. Skip difficult words when reading.
Reserved: Poor imagination. Can't think up new ideas.
Social: Can't stand being alone. Don't like to ponder things.
Limbic: Avoid difficult reading material and complex people. Don't try to understand things.
Calm: Rarely look for a deeper meaning. Never challenge things.
Unorganised: [No items].
Organised: Do not enjoy art/poetry/museums. Seldom daydream or get lost in thought.
Egocentric: Don't enjoy concerts or dance performances.
Accommodating: Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. Avoid philosophical/theoretical discussions. Consider themselves to be average. Not interested in speculating about things.

Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users.