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Reinin Dichotomies

Reinin dichotomies or Reinin traits refer to a set of higher-tier dichotomies that were derived f...

Vera Stratiyevskaya

This page is about Vera Stratiyesvkaya, the author of of Socionic type and intertype relationship...

Grigoriy Reinin

This article has been reviewed and is now locked. This article is about Grigoriy Reinin, a Socio...

Aushra Augustinavichiute

This article is about Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, Founder of socionics, the pseudoscientific theory o...

Historical Development of Socionics

This is a pseudoscientific theory of information processing and personality types. The basic str...

Harmonizing subtype (Designer)

-Dichotomies: Initiating, Distancing, Connecting-Formula: TR(S) | NiFi(Si)-Role: Layout Artist, F...

Normalizing subtype (Conscience)

-Dichotomies: Terminating, Distancing, Ignoring-Formula: LS(R) | TiSi(Fi)-Role: Perfector, Implem...

Creative subtype (Contactor)

-Dichotomies: Initiating, Contacting, Ignoring-Formula: IE(F) | NeFe(Se)-Role: Idea Generator, Pr...

Dominant subtype (Motivator)

Dichotomies: Terminating, Contacting, ConnectingFormula: PF(E) | TeSe(Fe)Role: Informal Leader, E...


Sensing Ethical Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: SEE, ESFp, FREgo Block Elements: SeFi ()Ni...


Overview Nen is a power system within the Hunter x Hunter universe that has correlations with ...

Overview of DCNH Subtypes

Feel free to fill this page out. Dichotomies Contacting / Distancing -D & C are Contacting: th...


Sensing Logical Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: SLE, ESTp, FLEgo Block Elements: SeTi ()Ni...


Logical Intuitive Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: LII, INTj, LIEgo Block Elements: TiNe ()...


Ethical Sensing Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: ESE, ESFj, ESEgo Block Elements: FeSi ()Ni...


Sensing Ethical Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: SEI, ISFp, SEEgo Block Elements: SiFe ()Ni...


Logical Sensing Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: LSE, ESTj, PSEgo Block Elements: TeSi ( )N...


Logical Intuitive Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: LIE, ENTj, PTEgo Block Elements: TeNi ()...


Intuitive Logical Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: ILI, INTp, TPEgo Block Elements: NiTe ()...


Ethical Intuitive Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: EIE, ENFj, ETEgo Block Elements: FeNi ()...