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Ni (Introverted Intuition) / T (Time)
Feel free to fill this page out Introverted Intuition according to Aushra Augustinavichiute All processes occur in time, which means they have roots in the past and continue into the future. Time is a relation between events occurring in sequence. This asp...
Intuitive Logical Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: ILE, ENTp, ILEgo Block Elements: NeTi ()Nicknames: Seeker, Inventor, Don, or archetype Don Quixote. Aushra Augusta ILE CharacteristicILE in Working Materials on Socionics and Nature of Erotic Feeling...
Sensing Ethical Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: SEI, ISFp, SEEgo Block Elements: SiFe ()Nicknames: Mediator, Peacemaker, Dumas, or archetype Alexandre Dumas. WS Composite - The Mediator Ego Leading-SiSEIs have a strong connection to and ability t...
Ethical Sensing Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: ESE, ESFj, ESEgo Block Elements: FeSi ()Nicknames: Enthusiast, Bonvivant, Hugo, or archetype Victor Hugo. WS Composite - The Enthusiast Ego Leading-FeThe ESE is quick to recognize and respond to pas...
Logical Intuitive Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: LII, INTj, LIEgo Block Elements: TiNe ()Nicknames: Analyst, Robespierre, or archetype Maximilien Robespierre. WS Composite - The Analyst Ego Leading-TiThe LII naturally assesses statements, opinio...
Sensing Logical Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: SLE, ESTp, FLEgo Block Elements: SeTi ()Nicknames: Conqueror, Legionnaire, Marshal, Zhukov, or archetype Georgy Zhukov. WS Composite - The Conqueror Ego Leading-SeSLEs are strong-willed, independent...
Intuitive Ethical Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: IEI, INFp, TEEgo Block Elements: NiFe ()Nicknames: Romantic, Lyricist, Yesenin, or archetype Sergei Yesenin. Aushra Augusta IEI Characteristic description WSS - The Mystic Ego Leading-NiIEIs can...
Ethical Intuitive Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: EIE, ENFj, ETEgo Block Elements: FeNi ()Nicknames: Mentor, Teacher, or archetype Hamlet. WSS - The Icon Ego Leading-FeEIEs are best characterised by the bright and vibrant emotional states they ex...
Logical Sensing Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: LSI, ISTj, LFEgo Block Elements: TiSe ()Nicknames: Inspector, Pragmatist, Maxim, or archetype Maxim Gorky. Aushra Augusta LSI Characteristic description (machine translation) WSS - The Inspector Eg...
Sensing Ethical Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: SEE, ESFp, FREgo Block Elements: SeFi ()Nicknames: Politician, Ambassador, Caesar, or archetype Napoleon I. WS Composite - The Politician Ego Leading-SeThe SEE is always present in the here and now....
Intuitive Logical Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: ILI, INTp, TPEgo Block Elements: NiTe ()Nicknames: Critic, Observer, Balzac, or archetype Honoré de Balzac. WSS - The Critic Ego Leading-NiThe ILI is disposed towards inner reflections on the flow...
Logical Intuitive Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: LIE, ENTj, PTEgo Block Elements: TeNi ()Nicknames: Enterpriser, Pioneer, Jack, or archetype Jack London. WSS - The Enterpriser Ego Leading-TeThe most important thing for LIEs is that they fulfill ...
Ethical Sensing Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: ESI, ISFj, RFEgo Block Elements: FiSe ()Nicknames: Guardian, Conservator, Dreiser, or archetype Theodore Dreiser. Aushra Augusta ESI Characteristic description (machine translation) WSS - The Guardian...
Intuitive Ethical Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: IEE, ENFp, IREgo Block Elements: NeFi ( )Nicknames: Psychologist, Reporter, Adviser, Huxley, or archetype Aldous Huxley. Aushra Augusta IEE Characteristic description (machine translation) WSS - The...
Sensing Logical Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: SLI, ISTp, SPEgo Block Elements: SiTe ( )Nicknames: Craftsman, Artisan, Gabin, or archetype Jean Gabin. Aushra Augusta SLI Characteristic description (machine translation) WSS - The Craftsman Ego ...
Logical Sensing Extratim Model A Type abbreviations: LSE, ESTj, PSEgo Block Elements: TeSi ( )Nicknames: Director, Administrator, Stierlitz, or archetype Sherlock Holmes. WSS - The Practitioner Ego Leading-TeLSEs are highly practical and busy individ...
Ethical Intuitive Introtim Model A Type abbreviations: EII, INFj, RIEgo Block Elements: FiNe ( )Nicknames: Empath, Humanist, Dostoevsky, or archetype Fyodor Dostoevsky. Aushra Augusta EII Characteristic description (machine translation) WSS - The Counse...
Historical Development of Socionics
This is a pseudoscientific theory of information processing and personality types. The basic structure of socionics was established in the 1960s and 1970s by Aushra Augusta (formerly Augustinavichiute), the founder of Socionics, along with a group of enthusia...
Aushra Augustinavichiute
This article is about Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, Founder of socionics, the pseudoscientific theory of information processing and personality types. Aušra Augustinavičiūtė was a Lithuanian psychologist and sociologist, and dean of the Vilnius Pedagogical Universi...
Grigoriy Reinin
This article has been reviewed and is now locked. This article is about Grigoriy Reinin, a Socionics theorist who developed the Reinin dichotomies traits. Reinin, Grigoriy Grigoriy Reinin is a Socionics theorist of St. Petersburg Community who has suggested...