Intuitive Logical Extratim
Model A
Type abbreviations: ILE, ENTp, IL
Ego Block Elements: NeTi (
Nicknames: Seeker, Inventor, Don, or archetype Don Quixote.
Aushra Augusta
ILE Characteristic
ILE in Working Materials on Socionics and Nature of Erotic Feelings
ILE Psychiatric Descriptions correlations
Wikisocion Composite - The Seeker
The ILE is typically a “big picture” kind of person, and tends to speak in generalizations about both people and things, omitting any details he deems mundane or uninteresting. He is acutely aware of what interests and what bores him. This leads him to always search for novelty and surprising things. At any given moment, the ILE usually has a number of projects and/or skills that he is working on developing, and stays with these interests as long as he feels they have potential for growth. The ILE gets bored easily with rote tasks that do involve lots of repetition and little innovation, although he tolerates them if they are necessary to succeed in society.The ILE is a creative thinker, and enjoys discussing his often unusual perspectives with others. These will often be expressed through unique and strange (but effective) analogies.
The ILE is constantly aware of the possibilities inherent in social, natural or other systems, and of the areas with the greatest potential within them. The ILE operates by using Extroverted Intuition to attune themselves to the multiple variables continually being expressed within the environment and proceeds to elucidate feasible connections and boundaries of context in order to change the way one perceives that which is operating below the surface of either everyday life or more dynamic technical arenas. To An ILE, the world is a vast network of stars with infinitely interchangeable constellations emerging from the open-ended framework. Extroverted Intuition as a leading function pushes with white-hot intensity the active rearranging of the lego-blocks of reality; not necessarily with any intention towards construction or creativity, but with the ultimate goal of introducing novelty and fresh perspectives. Combined with Introverted Thinking as a secondary function, Extroverted Intuition finds compatible yet more disciplined, objective thinking to harness its irrational, unruled nature into a potentially functional talent.
ILEs are obsessed with how things work, and how they will work together. Understanding how something works is merely the baseline for the ILE. When the ILE finds something new or interesting he thinks about how it could be used in conjunction with other objects he has come into contact with in the past.The ILE will freely voice comments on whether a rule (especially one imposed on him by society) makes sense to him. If it does not, he will break the rule or find a creative way of mocking it to express his dissent, rather than working within the system itself to change the rule. Unlike a Ti-leading type, he will often not replace the rule with one of his own.
The ILE is not afraid of discussing and arguing his views, and may appear to take them more seriously than he actually does. The ILE only makes use of structural frameworks if he can see some kind of intuitive relevance in them, e.g. to make sense of and solve a problem he is interested in. Thus, his thoughts may often appear unstructured. Especially if his actions affect others, the ILE will make sure that they are logically consistent and fair.
The ILE finds it difficult to get himself to do uninteresting, tedious work simply out of responsibility. If he has to, he will acutely feel his own lack of discipline. Thus, the ILE is more comfortable when he has a flexible schedule and is free to pursue whatever seems most interesting to him at the moment.The ILE is typically only able to sustain short periods of strenuous activity.
ILEs are uninterested in forcing people to do things, and are not keen on those who impose their will on others, so they do not take well to direct commands. They often detest authority exercised in this way, and will often challenge abuses of power. When backed into a corner by an aggressive Se, the often harmless appearing ILE will immediately rise to meet the threat and strike it down with carefully crafted ease. The impact the ILE has on society is usually through his understanding of how the world works rather than a position of material influence. For example, an ILE might rather advise a person in power than hold an official position of high authority. He will only take such a position if it is necessary (and if no one else will do so).
Unstable in maintaining psychological distance. May have trouble making clear attraction. Can hide their personal sentiments when pushed and avoids the public examination of their desires. ILE's tend to be unaware of how others view them relationship wise, unstable in levels of trust. View relationships skeptically unless legitimized. This can result in a mistrust of others and a general wariness regarding others' opinions of them, potentially causing irrational behaviors based on misconceptions in this area. They appreciate people who can reassure them of the status of a relationship.Emotional responses to trauma will often manifest themselves several years later, triggered by things that seem to have little to do with the event responsible for the reaction e.g. abandonment issues surface after visiting a nursing home.
An ILE may view many accepted moral standards with scorn if they do not make logical sense to him and may be frustrated if convenient loopholes in a system are said to be “out of bounds” morally. Indeed, the ILE may come to the conclusion that if he has not done anything legally wrong, then he could not possibly have done something morally wrong. Such thinking may bemuse more ethical types. In more extreme circumstances, the ILE will see morality as just another system to be taken apart and studied, shocking types who value moral traditions when he uses logic and his clever insight to dissolve moral imperatives. e.g. “You may view human sacrifice as something inherently wrong but that's just a result of your upbringing. If you were raised an Aztec you would have seen it as a remarkable thing, believing it to be responsible for keeping your crops watered and the sun moving across the sky.”
ILEs need assistance with balancing their inner life and deriving enjoyment from all the things in life around them, and not just their mental activities. ILEs appreciate people with a solid sensory awareness that can help them feel a healthy sense of pleasure from their surroundings.The ILE's focus on constantly chasing after new things often leaves him to neglect his physical and psychological well-being. He appreciates pleasant stimuli that help him to “turn off” his active mind for a little while and to find some kind of balance between the mental and physical. An ILE will commonly use some short burst of physical activity to take a break from his interests.
Enjoy lively, animated, and fun interaction with people, but tend to be unemotional when left on their own. However, he is not inclined to create this atmosphere himself but can create situations where there is a good chance that others will take the emotional initiative and create a fun and emotionally stimulating atmosphere. Failure at such attempts are met with dismay, which the individual either hides or reacts to with frustration and annoyance.He may misjudge the mood of a situation and unintentionally irritate those around him in an attempt to raise the mood. Lacking the finesse of someone leading with Ethics, he may be interpreted as silly or immature by those who think that a sense of occasion is important.
While the ILE may seem entirely spontaneous to the observer, he will often plan extensively for the fallout of his ideas in order to rally the support of others and guide it towards actualization. As a by-product, most ILEs will view lectures about foresight and planning as irritating and unnecessary. There is no need to go over that which he has already considered, in the privacy of his own mind.Additionally, with too much attention to consequences the ILE loses the thrill of discovery associated with his base function and finds it difficult to think outside of Ni's natural complement: Se. He prefers to think about immediate possibilities (Ne) and what can be done to materialize them (Ti) rather than to dwell on the outcome of what might or might not be.
Though the ILE can demonstrate a head for practical or efficient reasoning, particularly in conjunction with the ignoring function Ni, he will typically resort to it only to sell the merits of his ideas. The ILE is more concerned with the possibility of creating than in finding the best way to do something.When the demand exists, the ILE will deliver a practical and realistic rationale or solution, but be prepared for a tack that is singularly unorthodox. The ILE will not be boxed in by the rules of convention, rather he will actively search for a new way to perform a task. In this way, ILEs are often seen cutting corners. To others, this may be seen as snubbing the rules, and rightfully so, because the ILE dislikes the idea of a preset way of performing a task. It is counter-intuitive to their Ego. To the ILE, they are more likely to playfully reinvent convention in order to show how their skills are best used or perhaps to prove that their manner of approaching the task surpasses that of Te-ego types in efficiency and practicality.
WSS - The Inventor
ILEs are best characterised by their rampant curiosity for the latest idea to enter their heads. When they discover something new, they can intuitively grasp its potential to illuminate alternative avenues and open previously unconsidered windows. Those ideas which are most packed with possibility entice the ILE and can capture their obsessive interest until its potential has been fully explored. The more complex the idea and the more applicable it is to a variety of different situations, the longer the ILE's attention can be held. However, at some point, another shinier idea presents itself and the ILE will dart after the latest fascination, leaving the debris of numerous projects in their wake. ILEs tend to have a very broad range of different, unusual interests and will casually talk about these areas with others, likely coming across as a particularly curious person. The ILE draws from a large breadth of different topics or fields and is not hesitant to jump between them as and when the opportunity arises, often having something out-of-the-box to say in each situation, whether or not the thing said was entirely relevant.Creative-Ti
In their pursuit of limitless potential, the ILE readily and rapidly systemises the content of their ideas into a structural form. When ravenously exploring an idea, they will be assessing the integral qualities that make it up, divining the parts which are fundamental from those which are superfluous or contradictory. From here, they may take pleasure in playing around with its fragments to create new combinations, relishing the chance to take a concept to its logical absurdities, especially if doing so pushes the boundaries in some way. ILEs tend to place an emphasis on people making internal logical sense in their discussions and debates. However, their consistency is usually limited to that particular situation, with ILEs creating a good, clear argument in one conversation, but then debating a completely different line in another. For ILEs, multiple choice keeps things interesting, as long as each option is internally well reasoned. Such intellectual flexibility can be seen in how many an ILE, upon learning something momentous, can rapidly re-calibrate their entire perspective to assimilate this new piece of information into the overall structure.Super-Ego
ILEs are not natural fighters and dislike harsh action that can shut down new possibilities. Rather than take an issue head on, they prefer to divert their attention to the multiple, potential routes around an issue that may be more interesting. However, should ILEs feel that opportunities available to them are being shut down by someone else, or that something of particular interest needs decisive action, they should be able to put up a fight with some determination, provided they can articulate a logical reason for doing so. When in a position of leadership, ILEs will understand that they have to lay down the law for anything interesting to happen, and so will reluctantly impose some authority, rather than allowing things to drift apart. However, the ability to summon their willpower is normally short-lived, dying down when they lose interest as they lack the ability to force themselves to do anything they might find boring. This can mean that ILEs have particular trouble with procrastination, exploring other things and feeling unable to force themselves onto the matter at hand if it does not capture their interest.Vulnerable-Fi
It seems like the ILE can talk fluently about anything, except when asked how they personally feel about something. At this point, the ILE may clam up, or else, deviate from the question. ILEs are not good at forming value judgements of things, whether something feels 'good' or 'bad' and tend to suppress these attitudes. In the absence of a more logical reason, such feelings seem invalid and unjustified, becoming uncomfortable to bother anyone with. In practise this can make ILEs extremely non-judgemental, treating everyone the same, and having friendly conversations with those others may find morally detestable. If you then ask them if they like that person, they won't have a clue. It simply doesn't matter. A problem is that it matters to others, and the ILE may easily hurt other people who feel close to them, being too familiar with strangers or else, not treating their loved ones with the intimacy they deserve. ILEs without a handle on this may be unfaithful and end up with a string of failed relationships, which they may move on from in a coldly detached manner. With close friends, they may similarly come up short, wanting to spend time with new, interesting people rather than investing in quality time, and seemingly only returning to an old friend if they think they have something useful or interesting to offer.Super-Id
Few things are more attractive to an ILE than experiencing a positive 'Nirvana' of physical pleasure, through any of their senses. Unfortunately, ILEs are at a loss on how to create and maintain enjoyable, physical experiences for themselves and others. With an often poor eye for detail and lack of moderation, ILEs may pursue sensations of inappropriate intensity, trying too much, or else, just end up making a mess. At the same time, when other interests and pressures take precedence, the ILE may neglect their sensory needs, staying up long hours, or going out without a coat. The minutiae of regular daily tasks, such as cooking, cleaning or ironing the creases out of shirts may elude them, with the logistics of such activities quickly draining them. Frequently, they will feel that something is needed to feel truly satisfied and they will respond very positively to those who are able to guide them on this journey of discovery, helping them to savour their experiences more and introduce healthy balances, while ensuring daily concerns are attended to. Although a type that likes to push at norms, ILEs don't actually like heated confrontations and appreciate someone who can help them to not disrupt social harmony with their innovations.Mobilizing-Fe
Although out of touch with their personal attitudes, ILEs are intrigued by emotional expressions and the effects they can provoke in others. Growing up, an ILE may play the fool, engaging in unusual or alarming activities to excite, shock or surprise people. When maturing, this interest in the emotions of others becomes a desire to create positive responses. ILEs love to be loved, and may treat their interactions with others as a performance to make people laugh or attain some other positive feedback. Even if they themselves do not have a subjective awareness of good or bad things, this doesn't matter if they can appeal to what other people want and be met with praise. Despite this, the wit and charisma of ILEs lacks finesse. In unfamiliar situations, a polished presentation may quickly appear goofy, insincere or even insensitive and many ILEs walk a fine line between social success and disaster which can come down on the wrong side. For this reason, ILEs tend to attempt emotional appeal when they feel accepted in harmonious, non-threatening surroundings, otherwise relying on a more logical, matter-of-fact way of communicating.Id
ILEs much prefer to keep themselves open to all possibilities and opportunities. As such, they are likely to find it too restrictive to visualise a single outcome and commit their lives to it. The best idea is the one that seems to have the most potential in the moment, and they will only jump into it for as long as it is interesting to do so. They will not hesitate to leave one thing to try out another and will refuse to allow future projects to be limited by things they have already started. Furthermore, ILEs are not the sort of people to be told that something is 'impossible'. They have the imagination to think far enough ahead to have a good idea of where a possibility could go, and trusting in their their resourcefulness to always find a way of getting things to work, they will not be willing to reject a desired outcome on the grounds of it being deemed improbable. This causes ILEs to delay giving up on projects others may have dismissed as dead ends, and it is not unusual for ILEs to hang onto a range of unlikely objects and projects in the belief that they might come in handy or be completed at some point, leading to much clutter, which can be frustrating to some.Demonstrative-Te
The ability to solve problems and figure out how to make things work is a skill that ILEs take for granted. They tend to be very good at making objective, intelligent decisions based on the information available. Factual information can be like food to the ILE who readily absorbs knowledge of whatever takes their interest, making them like walking encyclopaedias. They have a fluid interplay between their large reserves of factual knowledge and the structure of that knowledge into coherent frameworks for explanation, allowing them to make sense of new information rapidly and flexibly. However, they are less motivated to do things for the sake of efficiency or productivity than because they find the area interesting and want to explore its potential, or because it feels fun to do. Although capable of confidently solving problems and articulately conveying their considerable knowledge, they don't place much pressure on themselves to work out the most efficient way of doing things and certainly don't expect similar attempts of others. Instead, their efficient, fact-oriented brains are taken for granted, and something safe to rely on when their latest social escapade has blown up in their faces.[1]
Model G
ILE in four words: curiosity, search, invention, while dispersion.[2]
Social Mission: Innovative Action
IP | I+ into P- (Ne+ into Te-)
ILE's social mission is to search for bold ideas or inventions and to make them work.[3]
Searchers are great at brainstorming, but what the society really needs them to do is to create new and innovative prototypes, so others can implement them into mass production and our benefit.[4]
SHS - The Searcher
Social Mission
Leading +Ne
They see well the prospects of new ideas and projects. Interested in everything in the hope of finding something unique. Quickly abandons those ideas that turned out to be unpromising, and switches to something new. Has a variety of interests. Often their hobbies have nothing to do with their main job. They strive to collect all the discoveries and innovations on the problem of interest to them. Generates bold, alternative ideas on any issue they have to deal with. Does not tolerate routine and the shackles of tradition. If the business they are forced to do does not captivate them, they give it a whole new twist. Can offer a large number of uses for an invention or discovery. Persistent and expansive in distributing their own developments. To catch fire with an idea, they must make it "theirs."
Creative -Te
They have a good command of the technology of parallel actions. Able to perform several heterogeneous processes simultaneously. Strives to combine maximum functions. In the monetary and entrepreneurial sphere, although they show resourcefulness and ingenuity, they start too many things at once to keep track of them. Because of this, they suffer from incompleteness and inefficiency. They like to command in business, to give orders. They need objects of influence that they could move around at will. From a small business, they follow a large one, requiring large energy costs for its implementation. Found ideas will immediately be tested in practice. An excellent experimenter and adjuster of unique equipment, they are effective in the field of new technologies.Social Adaption
Role-playing +Se
They are non-aggressive by nature, but they are able to defend their way of life and their theories very actively. They react very violently to an attempt to subordinate themselves to unreasonable, from their point of view, restrictions. If you put force on them, they immediately go into a short, but strong, counterattack. At the same time, they get so excited that they temporarily lose control over their actions. During a conversation, they try to capture all the attention of the interlocutor. At the same time, they gesticulates strongly, speaks in a loud voice, twirls an object in their hands, or touches the interlocutor. Although they can answer the challenge, they cannot stand long-term competition, because there is not enough strength to keep themselves in a mobilized state. Therefore, direct competition is avoided.Launching -Fe
They like companies, parties, emotional communication. Without nourishment with positive emotions, they stay in a lazy apathetic state for a long time. Always ready for a stormy exchange of views, an interesting debate. They respond to emotion with emotion, so it is important not to overdose on the degree of involvement, otherwise, in a fit of inspiration, they forget the starting point of disagreements. In an emotionally excited state, they speak quickly and chaotically. Thoughts begin to overtake their expression with words. This makes speech unintelligible. They have very sharp mood swings, noise, humor, cheerfulness are replaced by depression and unsociableness.Creative Self-Realization
Demonstrative +Ti
Strives to study and explain complex objects or phenomena for which there are no unambiguous concepts or logical theories. Clarifies the relationship of various schemes or structures. Compares different systems with each other. If the idea does not fit into the resulting scheme compiled by them, then they are able to change and present it in such a way so that it still fits into the required framework. They analyze any problem comprehensively, from several sides. Explains in what cases this or that aspect of it works. As a constructor, they assemble structures from ready-made components. They connect interesting observations or considerations with their own theory. Strives to find a common explanation for heterogeneous phenomena. It is important for them to find causal relationships between the particular and the general.Manipulative -Si
They are often unsure in assessing the physical qualities of objects. Everything is looked at, sniffed, and felt. To understand the taste of food or drinks, they need a significant dose. Maintains its tone with external stimulants. They put their own comfort first. Easily spends without thinking about stocks. Pays no attention to the order around them. Leaves items where they were used, and then searches for them for a long time. Interested in health and disease issues. Having fallen ill, they take increased doses of treatment, looking for radical methods. However, they are not engaged in daily prevention. Appearance is often sloppy. Wears clothes badly, they wear out quickly. They do not like changes in their usual environment in the room. Conservative in tastes and household habits.Inflation
Brake +Fi
They communicate with people at a short psychological distance. Relations are assessed by the degree of their democracy. The less formalism and ceremony, the better for them. They can be very inconsistent in relation to their relatives or friends. Either they are democratic to the point of familiarity, or they are suddenly harsh and impregnable, as with strangers. People who turn to them for help, they can provide this help disinterestedly. It can be very difficult for them to spoil relationships by refusing to communicate with a person. Feels connected to the relationship. They do not hesitate to share their personal problems with others. Inclined to discuss the peculiarities of people's behavior or their way of life.Controlling -Ni
Constantly keeps track of available time. They push other people, but they manage their own and other people's time as they see fit. Often late or forgets about their promises to do something on time. Sometimes too fussy, sometimes emphatically unhurried. The average pace of life cannot be adjusted. Lives by their understanding of time. Has a tendency to discuss issues of interest to them at the wrong time for others. But they themselves will not listen to what seems untimely to them. They predict the main trends of events quite well, as they rely on their past course. Interested in catastrophes, natural disasters, mass loss of life, and other fateful events.[5]
[1] WSS, ILE - The Inventor
[2] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2017), Sociotype in four words
[3] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2018), Social mission. Alpha quadra sociotypes
[4] u/Radigand (2021), Social Mission - A Closer Look
[5] SHS, ILE - The Searcher
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