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Constructivist / Emotivist

Constructivist types: ILE, ESE, EIE, SLE, ILI, ESI, SLI, EII
Emotivist types: LII, SEI, IEI, LSI, LIE, SEE, LSE, IEE

Aushra Augusta

Constructivist-Emotivist Realization in Theory of Reinin Dichotomies, Part 3

Victor Gulenko

Constructivism / Emotivism in Signs of Reinin

Socionics Working Group - 2003 Study of Reinin traits


In contact with other people, constructivist types try to reduce or completely avoid any stages of emotional contact (to "skip" it). They do not consider overall emotional attitude as a necessary element of interaction (in interaction, they discuss or do something together, not always emotionally "re-adjusting")

For the constructivist emotional "anchors" are important (connected to a certain place, book, movie, etc.) which resonate with their internal emotional condition. With the help of such anchors, they hold onto or strengthen their inner emotional state. They are inclined to re-reed a book or to visit the same place again just to go through the emotions connected with that place.

They can get "emotionally hooked", experience strong emotions regardless of whether they like the overall quality of material presented (for example, they may dislike a movie as a whole but laugh or cry during a single scene from it).

They disassociate themselves from other's emotions and worries with greater difficulty than from requests to do or think over something.


In interaction with other people, they try to get them into the "correct" emotional state (or readjust themselves). In interaction they are drawn into the overall emotional orientation (they distinguish communication and relating as a separate type of activity—as "immersion into the atmosphere"). While discussing some matter, an emotivist may "wander off" away from the subject and "go off" on an emotional exchange.

Emotivists would rather prefer new impressions than returning to something already lived through, an old experience (even if its emotionally pleasant). They will re-read a book or revisit the same place in cases they have forgotten something or in hopes of finding something new.

Information (for example, book, movie, excursion) perceived as presented unprofessionally, of "poor quality", does not provoke the emotivist emotionally but leaves them indifferent.

They distance themselves form requests of others to do or consider something with greater difficulty than from emotions and worries of others.


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