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Process / Result

Process types: ILE, SEI, EIE, LSI, SEE, ILI, LSE, EII
Result types: LII, ESE, IEI, SLE, ESI, LIE, SLI, IEE

Aushra Augusta

For Aushra:
Process = Left
Result = Right
Left-Right Quadral Mobilization in Theory of Reinin Dichotomies, Part 4

Victor Gulenko

For Gulenko / SHS:
Process = Right
Result = Left
Right and Left in Socionics
Evolution–Involution Dichotomy in Forms of Thinking

Socionics Working Group - 2003 Study of Reinin traits


Process types perceive themselves "within the process", they "immerse" into it, become a part of it. Because of this, they have great difficulty managing several processes at once.

Process types perceive the process as something whole, integral, inseparable. They tend to follow through its course without switching, as it is difficult for them to return to previously started then abandoned processes (for them, returning back to the track from which they "switched off" and continuing where they left off is equivalent to starting anew).

Lexicon: frequent use of word "process".


Result types place themselves "outside of a process", they dissociate from it. For them the situation, the process (what they are doing) is something external to themselves, managed from aside. Because of this, Result types can deal with multiple tasks/affairs simultaneously, tracing the beginning and end of each (it is easier for them to oversee several processes at one time).

Result types are inclined to make intermediate and final estimates, to sum up the results or outputs. They are oriented towards the result i.e. the finishing point of a process. They experience discomfort if the matter in which they are involved does not have a clearly delineated result. This happens because these types put themselves outside of a process, thus they poorly monitor its progression—they use intermediate and final "result" estimates to track the natural flow of the process.

Lexicon: in speech they often use words "beginning", "end", "stage", "interval", "result".


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