Ethical Sensing Extratim
Model A
Type abbreviations: ESE, ESFj, ES
Ego Block Elements: FeSi (
Nicknames: Enthusiast, Bonvivant, Hugo, or archetype Victor Hugo.
WS Composite - The Enthusiast
The ESE is quick to recognize and respond to passion and emotional involvement, stimulating it where there is none and fueling it where there is. He is well aware of his own and others' passions and tastes and likes to do and say things that stimulates and gives expression to these passions. The ESE likes to see people become lively and animated and show what they feel without thinking first. The ESE equally expects others to let out their negative emotions (despair, anger, sadness) in periods of distress, since he knows keeping them inside can only aggravate bitterness and discontent. His dual the LII finds this openness liberating, and appreciates someone who can positively guide and influence the emotions he communicates.The ESE is typically an engaging communicator, communicating a kind of naive excitement about whatever he talks about. He likes to playfully personalize discussion of topics by telling stories and sharing anecdotes drawn from his past.
The ESE sees reality through the prism of the emotional atmosphere around him, which is mainly, though not exclusively, influenced by the surrounding people and their moods. He will always have much to say about the "vibe" given off by various sensory stimuli.
He is not at all hesitant about steering the emotional environment in the direction he sees fit. He'll liven up the atmosphere with jokes if it's too gloomy, or get people down to business if they're being too frivolous.
The ESE makes inquiries into people's states based on cues given by their expressions.
The ESE will take great satisfaction in interacting with people who are receptive to emotional activation.
The ESE is naturally good at organizing recreation, and getting people to chill out and enjoy themselves—but only does so when he sees a specific need for it, rather than initiating relaxing activities all the time. Neither does a meandering, leisurely pace suit his natural temperament; he can engage it only for a limited amount of time, since he knows there are always things to be done and people to see.ESEs are aware of and attuned to people's tastes and personal preferences and they like to do things or give things to friends and family members that will let them enjoy themselves, such as creating a comfortable, clean, and spacious setting in the home, taking them out to do something they enjoy, or finding opportunities and people with whom they can pursue their hobbies.
The ESE is always cognizant of what needs are going unfulfilled, and likes to find the most refreshingly straightforward way to meet them. He is frequently a master of the sensual arts, and takes joy in finding new and exciting ways to make sexual and otherwise pleasurable experiences even more intense. Much like the SEI, the ESE can only enjoy an activity when everyone else is enjoying it too, so he always tries his best to make sure that everyone is having a good time.
ESEs feel a need to appear efficient, productive and knowledgeable in their endeavours, as long as that does not conflict with priorities set up by their base function, extroverted ethics. For instance, they may end up defending a decision or action, even if it is not the most efficient, if it's the one they see as most desirable in order to achieve or maintain the emotional atmosphere they are aiming at (for instance, not be seen as hostile to a given person or group). They are able to participate in discussions involving exchange of factual information, or involving decisions as to the most efficient actions to take, for relatively short times; their inclination is to either try to lighten up the atmosphere if they see it becoming too heavy, or to become emotionally agitated, revealing their frustration. In such situations, if attempts by the ESE to lighten up an atmosphere they see as too "business-like" are met with factual counter-arguments, the ESE tends to perceive that as emotional hostility and react accordingly.Vulnerable-Ni
ESEs prefer to focus on immediate tasks, taking things as they come, rather than try to evaluate whether or not the task at hand will be very important in the longer run. A common consequence of this is an inclination to get stuck with last-minute tasks that keep the ESE distracted from later appointments or tasks, leading to being late for those.They generally have a poor sense of how long things will take, and what the best amount of time to spend on things is. Therefore it is difficult for ESEs to stay on schedule without extensive (even total) pre-planning. ESEs very often have very precise agendas to plan their professional and personal lives, and yet be somewhat late when actually going about them.
ESEs are more comfortable narrating events or stories, or making a point, on a sequential basis - "this happened, and then this, and then that" - since they are not confident that others will connect the dots as to how one event leads to the other, since the ESEs do not feel confident when doing that themselves.
They perceive time in an undifferentiated manner: the past, present, and future are all perceived as being in or near the present. When talking about the future (especially one's longer-term plans), ESEs treat it as if it were accessible today and often they are not aware of all the developments that must happen first, and how long those can take.
The ESE often feels like he wants to go in many different directions at once, and hence desperately needs someone to cut out all the irrelevancies and select the proper course of action, rather than providing even more "helpful" information that is of ambiguous relevance to the situation. The ESE will greatly admire people who can analyze everyday situations and put them in context, as well as introduce them to exciting new concepts or "research". The ESE wants his actions to make sense, but is almost always too caught up in his emotions to make very methodical, introspective, and impersonal judgments. If he cannot find a source of certainty, he may become insecure and unable to act rationally. The ESE loves to learn about new things, and is especially intrigued when the teacher appears confident and knowledgeable.Mobilizing-Ne
ESEs deeply appreciate people who are full of ideas and imagination, and who give them a sense of connectedness to what is happening "out there in the world," even if this information cannot be applied practically at the present moment. They are even more grateful for people who provide insightful ideas and unconventional analysis to enhance what they are working on or going through at the present moment. However, they are a bit put off by people who are too "out there" in their ideas and creativity, if they don't think they connect to the present world or moment.ESEs try to discover, and point out, the unexpected, funny and bizarre side of things, as long as it is in an emotionally-positive way (rather than dark and gloomy), and appreciate the company of people who do so easily.
The ESE cares very strongly about maintaining personal bonds with friends and family, but always does so by creating clear and colorful displays of affection. Such expressions include smiles, compliments, affectionate expressions, and the like. If he thinks attraction is present, he will try to bring it out into the open, since he believes that it is a person's right (as well as a necessity of emotional well-being) to express and to realize his love in all its fullness. ESEs take for granted that feelings will result in external demonstrations of emotions and be welcomed gladly when expressed. For instance, ESEs will be inclined to regard a person's lukewarm response to an enthusiastic greeting as lack of interest, or even hostility.Accordingly, ESEs have a good understanding of discussions or explorations of one's own inner feelings regarding other individuals, but will become skeptical or bored if the style is too "matter-of-fact".
Some ESEs will occasionally become very outspoken or intense, putting people on the spot (while usually maintaining a sense of humor about the situation) if they feel they are being too timid or dishonest. An LII will in turn be forthright, but see through the act, knowing the ESE is not totally serious about it; he will sustain the innuendo using Ne. If emotionally excited ESEs will express themselves through confident physical gestures such as hearty laughter or song, tickling people, or giving smothering hugs. They will stop any physically invasive action if the other person asks them to — unless the person is secretly enjoying it.ESEs have a strong understanding of how desires are communicated. The ESE will never do something just to assert his authority; he prefers to gain attention and respect using his natural charisma.
WSS - The Host
ESEs are natural optimists with a bright, light-hearted and vivacious emotionality which they readily express and communicate to others. More than anything, ESEs are driven by a desire to lift the mood in those around them, creating a love of life and sense of fun. Consequently, ESEs tend to dedicate themselves towards the emotional wellbeing of others with a warm sense of humour, easily making others laugh or feel better about themselves, while filling up the room with positive energy. Naturally outgoing and gregarious, with an earthy charisma, they can be the life of the party and the epicentre of many a social occasion, being at their best in the role of a presenter, entertainer or host. They enjoy organising celebrations, bringing people together and ensuring everyone has a good time. As such, they tend to be very welcoming, inviting all people to share in the happiness they are trying to create and doing what they can to encourage enthusiastic participation.Creative-Si
The emotionality of ESEs is flavoured by an appreciation of the present moment and a desire to refine the quality of how people feel, reducing darker, more negative emotions in exchange for a positive, life-affirming joy. In event or performance-planning, ESEs are often known for the earnest care and attention to detail they put into such work, wanting to create the perfectly blissful experience for everyone. Similarly, ESEs can put a lot of attention into the aesthetic of their appearance, wanting to look as welcoming, friendly and attractive as possible so that they are enjoyable to be around. Sometimes the means of creating happiness is through the satisfaction of physical comforts, and here the ESE will be eager to assist, coming close to smothering their guests with attention to their needs and the relentless provision of food and drink. In all these ways ESEs will use sensory anchors to help build and support a convivial atmosphere for others.Super-Ego
ESEs tend to involve themselves in many projects and often with their enthusiasm are given much responsibility. For this reason, ESEs recognise that to not let people down, they need to be productive and competent in organising events, making sure things operate well in their projects. ESEs tend to possess a passionate work ethic and, when needed, will learn and improve their abilities in areas relevant to their commitments. In this way, they can put on a serious face, sweat the facts necessary to keep things running and manage their affairs with passing competence. If familiar with the tasks they need to do, others may even come to rely on them for their managerial capacity. However, the priority is not how efficiently the process is working, but how people are positively affected by the process. Sustained demands to absorb piecemeal facts and improve their working processes can be a strain over time. When explaining things to others, ESEs tend to focus less on the dry, factual accuracy of what is being said, but instead want to bring their stories to life, which may require some hyperbole or exaggeration.Vulnerable-Ni
ESEs prioritise the excitement and enjoyment of the mood in the here and now. As such, they can be blind to the far-reaching, longer-term outcomes of their enthusiasm. ESEs are unlikely to dwell on the past and find it very difficult to interpret future developments, being naturally grounded in the present and inclined to take each day as it comes. Additionally, the idea of something being inevitable is alien to ESEs, who tend to hold the view that anything is possible provided they put their heart and soul into making it a reality. This can put them at loggerheads with sceptics who might say that an idea inspiring their enthusiasm currently is destined to fail. In such situations, ESEs are unlikely to be open to such advice, seeing it as an uncouth, unwanted pessimism. In practice, this can mean that ESEs, despite working hard, find their efforts amount to nothing years down the line, not foreseeing the problem before and, in the ashes of their labours, not understanding how things came to fail.Super-Id
ESEs are emotionally driven and, in experiencing life through their changeable moods, lack the coherence of a formal thinking process. As a result, although they can effortlessly move others on an emotional level, ESEs have difficulty communicating with an intelligible structure, sounding to others like a stream of consciousness or a ‘word salad’. Internally, the landscape of their minds can be similarly chaotic, lacking a sense of order or priority. They crave the clarity and insight of those who can refine the noise of factual information into elegant, coherent principles so that everything clicks together and makes sense. Such systems provide a sense of priority and meaning for ESEs, enabling them to not only do what feels ‘good’, but is also unambiguously correct.Mobilizing-Ne
ESEs love to increase people’s enjoyment and satisfaction in the present. However, they will find that they can further elevate their interactions with others by finding ways to instil a sense of wonder at the many, intriguing possibilities the world has to offer. Although ESEs may come across as direct and action-oriented, their aspirations lie in being able to speculate about alternative viewpoints, and when they feel confidence in themselves, will begin to display a great curiosity in the different mysteries of life waiting to be uncovered. ESEs love brainstorming in groups of people, promoting the free and open exchange of ideas, while making their environments inclusive of a diverse array of opinions. In this way, the newness of possibilities is coupled with a communal enthusiasm for novelty and the desire to explore a multifaceted reality together. At their best, ESEs will come across to others as interesting and unique, able to expose people to things they have never thought before, rather than just regular entertainers. However, this acquired skill has its limits, with ESEs lacking the depth of interpretation seen with a natural. Because of this, the lateral perspectives they introduce may turn out to be more trite than truly profound.Id
With their overwhelming focus on the emotional atmosphere around them, ESEs are inclined to suppress personal attitudes that are unhelpful to the mood they wish to create in other people, especially if these are more negative or judgemental, rather than supportive and welcoming. This can cause them to maintain a public face of jollity, even when not feeling right inside, or else, they may remove themselves from public view until they feel more collected. Instead of keeping favourites or enemies, ESEs want everyone to be included together and tend to be non-preferential in their behaviour. Assuming they are not in the throes of anger, they will try to be warm to people, even those they may personally dislike, and simultaneously, may not commit all attention to their nearest and dearest in case that limits their interactions with the broader group. Despite this, ESEs are aware of personal attitudes and sensitivities, capably minding them in others, so that they are unlikely to unintentionally cross boundaries and cause an unwanted stir. Additionally, they reserve enough awareness of their own attitudes that their expressions are seen to come from a sincere, believable place.Demonstrative-Se
ESEs are highly energetic, proactive individuals who can fill up the room with their presence, easily commanding attention. With a keen awareness for everything going on around them, they can make things happen the way they want them to. Because of this, ESEs make effective leaders in social situations and easily assume the role of ringmaster once they can see people to entertain. However, ESEs dislike conflict and disharmony, putting much of their energy into keeping the peace between people and reducing tension in favour of safe, friendly emotions. They do not seek to control the environment around them for its own sake and place little value in being ‘the boss’, preferring to be a facilitator and enabler of joy. Nevertheless, their tireless energy, alertness, decisiveness and physicality effortlessly cause others to go along with their initiatives and an ESE that has taken a hit to their confidence may resort to more forceful, authoritarian tactics with people, as this is something they feel confident enough in to fall back on, even if they do not enjoy it. Despite this, ESEs will mostly try to downplay their innate assertiveness, coming across instead as friendly and easy-going to others so that they feel as safe and at ease as possible. However, on the rare occasion an ESE loses their temper, their rage can be terrifying and few will have the courage to resist.[1]
Model G
ESE in four words: cordiality, care, trust, while obtrusiveness.[2]
Social Mission: Emotional Pressure
EF | E+ into F- (Fe+ into Se-)
ESE’s goal in the socion is to engage people to new activities by overcoming their indifference.[3]
Enthusiasts are really good at flooding people with their emotions; sometimes too much of it is channeled. However, this emotional pressure should only be applied for involving people into a new activity, for overcoming people's apathy and disinterest.[4]
SHS - The Enthusiast
Social Mission
Leading +Fe
Their strength is the emotional impact on people. Showing stormy, sharp emotions, they can achieve a lot. It is not easy for others to withstand their emotional pressure. Well distinguishes in what mood the interlocutor is in. Knows how to cheer up themselves and others. An optimist, they seek to inspire their loved ones with faith in success. Very sociable easy to contact. With pleasure they talk about their connections, acquaintances, and relatives. Although they strive for a high social status, they can sacrifice it for the sake of the family. A good organizer of recreation and celebrations in their circle. They make sure that everyone is interested, and involves the invitees in a general conversation. They do not like skeptics and those who are isolated.Creative -Se
In business relations, they are persistent and rather picky. If people do not do what they think is right, they will constantly remind them, and not leaving them alone until they achieve their goal. A very independent and self-motivated person. They know how to defend their interests. Doesn't miss out on their benefits. Initiative. Constantly pushes people to business activity. Tries to control their actions. Slowness and stops in business annoy them They do not buy anything easily. Purposefully looking for a product or seller. Makes purchases quickly, but always makes sure that the thing matches its price.Social Adaptation
Role-playing +Te
Forces themselves to be enterprising and active in the business field. Moves a lot and starts various deals. They are very offended if they are considered an unbusinesslike and frivolous person. Quite fussy and scattered. Often overloads themselves with affairs, from which they are very overworked. In life, they achieve everything themselves, not counting on the help of others. They give the impression of a dexterous and quick-witted person. They themselves usually rank themselves among the impractical people, since the visible result is given to them dearly. They do their work quickly, but likes to be helped in some way. They need an assistant for small errands. They seek to accomplish several interconnected tasks at the same time, in one fell swoop.Launching -Ne
Willingly supports new, promising undertakings. They need alternatives that awaken their enthusiasm, stimulate them to be active. They are very happy when their abilities and energy are used. They are very depressed by the state of being unable to do anything. They need to be noticed and encouraged for their efforts. Provides emotional support to people who go their own way, which does not coincide with the beaten track. They can catch fire with an idea and break through with it on their own. They really want to be needed by someone. Offers a lot of ideas in the organization of holidays, celebrations, speeches, presentations, advertising campaigns, etc. Avoids templates and habitual vulgarity.Creative Self-Realization
Demonstrative +Si
They are very caring towards their family and friends. Attentive and responsive, takes care of people who are sick and impractical. Understands who needs what help. They will not help just for the sake of a good relationship. Happy to receive guests. They love festive feasts and treats. Knows who to invite, how to behave, what to serve, and to leave the right impression. Practical at home. Knows how to create comfort from what is at hand. Quickly settles into a new place. Gets rid of unnecessary things that they sell or simply gives. They have a picky aesthetic taste. Analyzes the harmony of the appearance of others. They dresses thoughtfully, well combines different details.Manipulative -Ti
Feels calm and confident when there is order, system, and no unclear questions around. Comprehends complex information only when it is presented in a clearly structured form. They have a sense of duty. Responsible for assignments, cannot relax if something has not been done as expected. They build their relationship on trust. They do not like to prove, chew, or repeat many times. Expects others to understand their problems and concerns. They are reassured by an objective, impartial analysis of a confusing situation. They will find themselves what to do specifically. Looking for a system of rational organization of life and health improvement. Feeling good about their body, they strive to find a method on how to avoid illness or hide figure flaws.Inflation
Brake +Ni
Has poor timing. Necessary work is often taken at the last minute, which dooms oneself to ruinous haste. Appreciates those people who warn them about how much time is left. They hesitate for a long time before making a cardinal decision that affects fate. They remember past mistakes but does not act according to practical experience, but according to subjective predilections. Suppresses premonitions of misfortunes and troubles. Sets themselves up for a positive outcome. Because of this, many of their hopes and expectations fail. Impatient, does not like to wait. Does not respect those who are late, philosophizes a lot, or wasting precious time.Controlling -Fi
Critically evaluates relationships between people. Openly condemns rudeness. Requires careful, correct attitude towards themselves. Likes to teach people ethics - politeness, good manners. Always stays close to people. They do not like arrogance, pomposity and mannerisms, although they themselves seek to create an image of aristocratic good pedigree. Gets angry when others argue with them. Tries to shame, to cause guilt. If the exhortations do not work, they can make a scandal. They do not tolerate well when people talk down to them. Has a painful sense of justice. Ensures that no one is offended, overlooked. For the sake of loved ones, they can go on any adventures.[5]
[1] WSS, ESE - The Host
[2] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2017), Sociotype in four words
[3] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2018), Social mission. Alpha quadra sociotypes
[4] u/Radigand (2021), Social Mission - A Closer Look
[5] SHS, ESE - The Enthusiast
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