Ethical Intuitive Extratim
Model A
Type abbreviations: EIE, ENFj, ET
Ego Block Elements: FeNi (
Nicknames: Mentor, Teacher, or archetype Hamlet.
WSS - The Icon
EIEs are best characterised by the bright and vibrant emotional states they experience and emit to others. For these types, the meaning of life is to feel, not merely to feel content, but to feel intensely and passionately. For them, there is no place for apathy, a lack of care or an absence of feeling. EIEs need to communicate their emotions to others through authentic self-expression, raising the surrounding emotional state by drawing people's attention to how they feel. The mood expressed is often heightened, perhaps to the dramatic, with the intent that this be the clearest, least ambiguous sign of their own emotional state. For this reason, EIEs may dislike displays from others that they think are 'shallow' or 'fake', and even when acting themselves, may see the need to believe or become what they are expressing. With this comes the natural expectation that others will partake in the feeling, the mood growing to encompass all around them, whether joy, despair or rage. Often, EIEs assess their value through the impressions they have made on others, and may sometimes create an image or persona of themselves to project to the people around them, looking to have that persona validated by those around them.Creative-Ni
Emotionality for the EIE has an ascetic, otherworldly nature, often aiming at the sublime, unusual and profound to encourage action for goals in the long term. They may express themselves in tones of inevitability, with something always going to happen, and may frequently have insights or hunches which come true despite all the odds. Rather than show nice, happy emotions, the EIE normally wants a deeper, more profound and authentic message to be displayed to those around them. In the crafting of this message, or the construction of a certain persona, image or desirable lifestyle, the EIE may give a great deal of thought, and spend time in their imagination, planning how something will be received and whether it will lead to the effect they wish to bring about, whether it is something that can be maintained over time. EIEs may fervently desire to belong to some group or circle, but such a circle will often have to have a sense of exclusivity to it, where only those on some higher or more important path are bestowed access.Super-Ego
EIEs tend to possess a fundamental discontent with the world around them and a need to avoid things that seem mundane or trivial. EIEs want to live extraordinary lives with purpose and meaning, and will quickly feel depressed in carrying out the humdrum of daily maintenance. The emotions they like to synthesise are rarely comfortable or restricted to the pleasant, resulting in these types often having a certain instability. Their passions may have them take things to the extreme, causing some EIEs to suffer mentally or physically. Indeed, pain and the darkness are all part of emotional authenticity, and often such dramatic intensity can wear away at their temporal, physical shells. Furthermore, details and the little things can remain a constant thorn in the side of EIEs when creating the perfect persona for people to admire them through. Some EIEs may go to painful lengths to make themselves look like beautiful demigods. Others will reject aesthetic as shallow, setting a more unwashed example.Role-Te
The EIE is aware of the need to be competent and productive in their different tasks. They recognise that they need to show to others an ability to get things done properly and an awareness of the facts behind issues they are addressing. Because of this, EIEs can be productive organisers, with an ability to not just get people working together but to also make sure they are working effectively for any goal. However, EIEs prefer not to focus on just the facts for the sake of facts, knowing that they can be boring or unappealing to their potential audience. Instead, EIEs prefer to play on sentiment and convey not merely the informative information, but the emotion that gives people the drive to act and the will to bring about meaningful change in the world. EIEs tend to tire of dry facts and procedural steps, preferring not to have to continuously research into improving themselves and their methods. Instead, they desire clarity in an unambiguous framework or ideology, setting out a perfectly consistent order that needs no further improvement.Super-Id
Unstable in their energy levels, an EIE may cycle between periods of overactive, restless impatience and paralysing hesitancy or doubt. The emotions given off by an EIE may be pleasant if deemed appropriate, but more often, there is a harsher edge that seeks to inspire more intense emotions in other individuals. EIEs are willing to give out messages that may shock or anger people if that is the mood they feel will lead to greater passion in others. This can manifest in the belief that positive change is best brought out through rebellion or subversive action against an oppressor. When perceiving a threat, EIEs are usually able to defend themselves and their friends with short bursts of vehemence. However, while this may scare off some people, they cannot hold out against all threats, and may take on someone more formidable than they can handle. EIEs respect strength and aspire to be seen as strong and powerful, although they actually lack the single-minded determination of other types. As a result, they often try to look the part if they cannot be the part, dressing to impress and, when financially successful, trying to demonstrate their elevated status to others through displays of wealth. Occasionally, it can also make them perceive challenges to their ideology as threats to be responded to aggressively, often leading to overreactions in scenarios of conflict.Suggestive-Ti
EIEs tend to lack confidence in their reasoning, and so, when faced with an argument threatening their logic, they can often hype up the emotional rhetoric instead of properly addressing the points. The kaleidoscope of emotions and ideas in the EIE is hard to clearly express, often resulting in a sort of nonsensical 'mush'. While delivering rousing, thought-provoking messages to people, their actions may be inconsistent with their arguments, with some expressions seeming to contradict what was previously said. Furthermore, in their desire to meaningfully reach out to anyone and everyone, the consistency of their ideology, what is important and what is of lower priority, may be forgotten. In regard to order and chaos, the EIE represents a paradox. On one hand, the EIE loves their freedom and will not be subjected to the rules of another against their will. On the other hand, EIEs can be very appreciative of someone consistently and authoritatively stamping their structured priorities onto reality, bringing a much needed signal to the noise. Sometimes, the creation of different personae and identification with people's reactions to those personae can lead the EIE to have a poor awareness of who they really are. They can greatly appreciate a no-nonsense confrontation in impermeable logic to help iron out their identities and what they stand for in absolute, unquestionable clarity.Id
Despite being largely carried by emotional investment, EIEs place a clear priority on the expression of the emotional states they are currently undergoing, with far less attention given to more stable, consistent attitudes towards people and things. When taken up by anger, the EIE will want to express this with unequivocal clarity against the person who angered them, even if this person may be a very close or dear friend. Similarly, they have little qualm being warm and magnanimous to strangers if that is the mood they want to convey. Frequently the dramatic emotions they experience are more important than the nature of the relationship they have with another. Rather than judge people as 'good' or 'bad', the EIE is far more interested in the euphoria they feel around people and being subjected to an overly dry or boring person can bring about as intense a negative reaction as if someone had drowned the cat. Although able to keep close relationships with others, EIEs are often more likely to characterise people in terms of circles of identity, rather than in terms of the particular individuals making up that circle.Demonstrative-Ne
Often, EIEs can be the zany generators of new ideas, concepts and perspectives. In many ways, they are seen as eclectic, creative visionaries bringing about novel changes in vogue, excitedly charging after the right opportunity if it presents itself. Able to explore a broad range of influences, they can then synthesise this into a singular enduring image to convey. They are likely to place themselves in environments of creative novelty, enjoying the forward-thinking quality of such an atmosphere and the potential for great change to come from it. However, any ideas or tangents that are not in line with their sense of greater purpose are clearly given as silly distractions, rather than something to seriously spend time on. EIEs demand that people are completely and enthusiastically united on a task and tend to not appreciate people leaving the general direction on their own explorations. When something is explained to them in a purely theoretical or speculative manner, they may be frustrated by its lack of straightforwardness, eschewing ambiguity in favour for absolute clarity.[1]
Model G
Mentor in four words: rebellious, gifted, imaginative, while intolerant.[2]
Social Mission: Emotional ideas, Emotional Inspiration
EI | E- into I+ (Fe- into Ne+)
The task of the Mentor in the community is to create motivation for the disclosure of abilities, to risk for the sake of the idea.[3]
EIEs are quite dramatic people. We all see them make a splash on forums, pick on people for perceived slights, and nobody likes being bullied, turned into an enemy. E- (Fe) function without a purpose can become a huge problem. Instead of using these dramatics to go after people, the society wants EIEs to inspire people. E- into I+ (Fe into Ne) is Emotional Inspiration. If EIE is not focused on inspiring people, they misuse their E and hurt people intentionally or unintentionally. One of my favourite EIE examples performing their mission is Gene Roddenberry who created Start Trek series to inspire us all to be better human beings. Emotion without a purpose is difficult to live with.[4]
Nobody can argue that Mentors can sour your day in an instant with their dramatic emotions, however, what the society really needs them to do is to inspire us to do better and to be better people.[4]
SHS - The Mentor
Social Mission
Leading -Fe
They own a wide range of emotional states. Dramatic emotions quickly turn into comical ones or are intertwined with them. With strangers, they can behave calmly and with dignity. Endowed with the gift of emotional sympathy - empathy. They experience the emotions of another person as their own. Overflowing with negative emotions often leads to mental breakdowns. Expressive in facial expressions, gestures, gaze, intonation, and other emotional signals. A good actor or speaker. Constantly transforms into some kind of image. It can be difficult for loved ones to endure their emotional pressure. Constantly exacerbates the situation and builds up emotional stress. They are not given to find harmony and peace of mind.Creative +Ne
In business, they show the most unexpected talents and abilities. They really want to be praised for their efforts and achievements. Tends to non-standard and sometimes shocking forms of behavior. Knows how to use the abilities of people in business, distributing roles in a group. Often a good teacher and educator of the team. Their personality is formed through hard work. Wants to benefit the whole of humanity, partial solution of problems does not suit them. Often they take an uncompromising position, it would seem, on a minor or secondary issue. Looking for the most challenging and exciting cases. However, they are very worried if they are criticized, as they perceive this as a collapse of their ideals. They are characterized by a sense of their own inferiority, which can be compensated by a demonstrative demeanor.Creative Self-Realization
Demonstrative -Ni
They understand well the developments of the situation over time. Anticipating an alarming situation, they prepare for it in advance - they think over alternative options. They warn people of imminent danger. A person who constantly hesitates and doubts. It can be difficult for them to make an important decision. However, after the decision is made, they will not change their mind and will not turn back. Their worldview over time can change to a diametrically opposite one. Internally they are very inconsistent. Captures well the falsehood and discrepancy between words and real behavior of people. Usually interested in topics related to fate and other mysterious phenomena. They like to retire and reflect on the meaning of life, the past and the future. They consider all problems from a global and philosophical point of view.Manipulative +Ti
Needs organization and order around them. This affects their physical well-being. They are relaxed by slow, meticulous activities that require concentration. Life according to a strict system is good for them. Ambiguities, unpredictability, and constant change of routine depress their health, they need a solid support. Grasps well the slightest deviations from the usual pattern of events. However, their logical conclusion is quite subjective. Their generalizations often suffer from one-sidedness. They like the logic of the system. They strive to streamline everything, limit it to reasonable, from their point of view, frameworks and rules. However, they make an exception for themselves.Social Adaptation
Role-playing -Te
Forces themselves to do something that brings concrete benefit. At the same time, they do the job efficiently, they do not like to redo matters. They like to overcome themselves by mastering difficult technologies. They are temperamentally impatient and restless. Sitting still for a long time leads to muscle pain. It is difficult for them to relax even during sleep. Often they have good organizational skills. However, long-term business activity greatly depletes them. They give people a lot of small orders, so they do not have time to keep track of everything and are nervous about it. It's hard for them to work in front of others witnessing them. Any fast movements and sharp sounds irritate them. However, a moderate sound background increases their performance.Launching +Se
They violently protest against force and rudeness. Set to be exceptionally polite and consider precautionary treatment. In a state of passion, they will stop at nothing. Their own strength increases dramatically in an extreme situation (panic, confusion). In this case, they behave confidently and decisively. At the same time, if they are emotionally and mentally broken, then they are defenseless against force. Perceives in such a situation that obedience to fate as inevitable. Only a sudden force can bring them out of their hysterical state. An unexpected blow sobers them up. To suppress uncontrollable emotions, they need outside help.Inflation
Brake -Si
They fear illness and physical suffering. For them, It is difficult to get rid of bad habits. In the sexual sphere, they often differ in extremes: from indifference to perversion. They pay a lot of attention to their appearance. They dress either emphatically pretentiously and aristocratically, or quite simply. The aesthetics of appearance gives them many joys or sorrows. In nutrition, they are capriciously selective, prone to combining foods with opposite tastes. However, they can also be completely unassuming in food, as long as it is served regularly. They evaluate their attitude towards themselves according to the desire of people to take care of them, to endure their strange tastes and habits. Doesn't like to be touched. Feels bad in confined spaces.Controlling +Fi
They are not sure about the strength of the relationship that binds them with other people. Looking for constant verbal and other confirmations of feelings. They are very jealous of their opponents. Predicts well the development of relationships over time. They are a critic and detractor of morals. They are either a faithful and devoted partner, or a windy Don Juan. Their painful place is the reliability of relationships with people whom they trusted. They do not forgive those who once let them down. They are very touchy and vindictive. They prefer to keep their distance from people. They greatly underestimate their own assessment in the eyes of others. Their other extreme in relationships are obsession and narcissism.[5]
[1] WSS, EIE - The Icon
[2] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2017), Sociotype in four words
[3] School of Humanitarian Socionics (2018), Social mission. Beta quadra sociotypes
[4] u/Radigand (2021), Social Mission - A Closer Look
[5] SHS, EIE - The Mentor
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