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Tactical / Strategic

Tactical types: ILE, ESE, LSI, IEI, ILI, ESI, LSE, IEE
Strategical types: LII, SEI, SLE, EIE, LIE, SEE, SLI, EII

Aushra Augusta

Tactical-Strategic Implementation in Theory of Reinin Dichotomies, Part 3

Victor Gulenko

Tactics / Strategy in Signs of Reinin

Socionics Working Group - 2003 Study of Reinin traits


Tactical types focus their attention on their current situation, on the nearest action, on the actual choices—in other words, they are more oriented at their course, the chain of events, instead of the goal towards which this chain may lead.

As a rule, they do not "fix" for themselves a single "point" which they want to hit or reach—in other words, a goal. Thus, the direction in which they are moving is liable to change.

In contrast to Strategic types, they are not inclined to constantly compare their current actions with the desired end state ("goal"). The emerging goals are evaluated in accordance to how well they fit their current route (how well the goal coincides with the direction they are adhering to).

All possibilities of events occurring now or those that have occurred in the past (that which has occurred or could have occurred) i.e. different scenarios, outcomes, they perceive as equivalent (equally likely to happen and equally likely to have happened).

They consciously do not set goals or do it very rarely (when pressured by the circumstances). They avoid setting distant (very long-term or global) goals: "Why plan—you still need to live to that moment".

Tactical types consciously operate with routes/pathways—they examine and contrast many different possible variations of present events and actions they can undertake (i.e. pathways), arrange them according to some kind of criteria (for example, for optimal efficiency).

If Tactical types assess their actions to be directed towards a concrete goal, when the goal is reached they feel a sensation of emptiness, disappointment.

Lexicon: in speech of tacticians words "way" "means" "methods" can often be heard. They are not inclined to speak of the purpose of their actions but rather substitute it with other concepts ("necessity" "dream" "interest" "task" and so on).


Strategic types focus their attention on a "point" they wish to reach, i.e. on the goal of their actions instead of the actions and events themselves.

Strategists, as a rule, do not fix their direction i.e. concrete actions the sequence of which leads to the goal. Thus, their "trajectory" by which they move towards fulfilling their goals can change.

They assess their actions and choices from the point of view of how closer they bring them to their desired objectives (goals). Being put before a choice, they reject those options that do not bring them closer.

In analyzing past, Strategists accentuate "key moments" (most significant stages) that led them to present point. They do not consider all versions of events as equivalent (they perceive the version that has actualized separately, by itself)

They consciously set goals and have difficulty scrapping them. May experience confusion if they are forced to change a goal. They experience satisfaction in achieving their set objectives (goals) and disappointment if they had to deviate away from it or could not achieve it.

Strategists consciously operate with goals. In situations where Strategists have several goals, they sort and arrange their goals into a hierarchy.

Without having a conscious goal, Strategists feel as if something is missing and their life is incomplete. They experience discomfort and feel disoriented.

Lexicon: in their speech Strategists often use words "goal" "aim" and other versions of this. Strategists clearly express their goals and purposes, precisely formulate and describe them, do not substitute them with other concepts unlike Tacticians.


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