Sensing Ethical Extratim
Model A
Type abbreviations: SEE, ESFp, FR
Ego Block Elements: SeFi (
Nicknames: Politician, Ambassador, Caesar, or archetype Napoleon I.
WS Composite - The Politician
The SEE is always present in the here and now. An SEE knows exactly which relations he has influence over at the moment, and exactly how much influence he has (i.e. how far can he "push"). If an SEE wants someone that he does not "have", he can spend lots of time thinking about how to get it. The SEE finds it hard to be content with what he has.SEEs are quick to notice confrontational behavior. It is very obvious to an SEE when someone is displaying aggression, even in the most subtle passive-aggressive fashion. Confrontational behavior does not phase the SEE, whether his reaction is to respond with confrontation or hostility himself, creating an outwards appearance of indifference and unimpressiveness, or trying to calm down the offender/make them feel guilty. The various means available to the SEE to achieve the above goals are not nearly as important to the SEE as the end.
The SEE is motivated on some level in all of his affairs towards his goal of exclusiveness. He prefers to be in as high of a position of demand and respect as possible. It fills the SEE with joy to be have many different people competing for his attention and affection. Such a scenario reassures the SEE with the fact that he has been doing things right and that his hard work has paid off. Thus the SEE is often found surrounded by a large circle of friends and romantic interests.
An SEE views material objects as well as people in terms of how they can be used to achieve his goals. Upon losing a superficial friendship or a materialistic object, the SEE is sentimental only in terms of how it affects what he is currently striving for. For example, SEE would not see much point in being in the middle of the nowhere by himself with lots of gold and other showy yet useless objects. These things might only be important to him in regards to how they make other people think about him, or how it would indicate his status.
With extroverted sensing as his base, the SEE would much prefers to be a "go getter," out doing things as opposed to thinking about what he could be doing.
An SEE usually knows exactly how to make other people feel a certain way. This ability increases its power dramatically the more time he spends with a person. He can offer genuine, believable praise to an individual he wants to reward, and likewise can make a person very upset and/or ashamed in themselves. However, if an offender changes their ways in favor of the SEEs point of view, the SEE will be quick to reward the offender with praise, and appreciation, treating them like a good friend. Moral ground to an SEE completely depends on the situation and is anything but set in stone (hence the creative function)."Fake niceness" rarely fools an SEE. The SEE can easily tell whether a person is being genuine or just selfishly trying to fulfill their own needs.
The SEE can easily create sentiments of closeness and kinship, only to completely change these sentiments down the road. An SEE could be hanging out with a person (A) and act like the person's best friend, yet talk with another friend (B) and show sentiments of extreme distaste towards person 'A' in order to gain acceptance with 'B'. Sometimes if person 'A' and 'B' are together at a social function, the SEE will either have to pick sides or can treat both relations with acceptance and feelings of kinship. This can cause quite a bit of confusion in regards to the SEE's "true loyalties." The SEE prefers to maintain the respect and appreciation of his relations if at all possible. He knows that if he has an ally in many different groups, it will be harder for his enemies in said groups to act against him for fear of retribution from his other allies.
An SEE has the ability show up in a group of strangers and act like a long lost friend, gaining acceptance and trust of the group very quickly. He can quickly charm this group with his well-bred manners, genuine displays of like/dislike, and sometimes risky humor. When the SEE leaves, he can find out through his inside sources that he was the "talk of the town" after he left, much to the delight of the SEE.
SEE much prefers physical, tangible goals as opposed to abstract ideas. He appreciates those who are good at thinking about things to do, new ways to do things, and especially a unique activities to draw people together. However, the SEE does not hold these abilities in high regard in and of themselves, but only to the degree to which these ideas and strategies can be implemented to serve his ego block.Distress associated with this function accounts for the SEE's preference to have his pursuits be visible, close, available, and within the reach of his influence. An SEE prefers to get the things he wants immediately and without compromose using his talents of willpower and interpersonal influence. An SEE finds it difficult to give up on a goal unless clear victory or defeat is at hand. He usually will not give up on a friendship, goal, or romantic relationship until he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt (preferably through "in person" experience) that there is no way possible to resurrect the situation in face of his losses.
Not much value is placed on simply "getting your feet wet," starting new projects, or trying new things just "for the sake of it." He much more prefers to think in terms of the long term gains of his actions.
When it comes to achieving a goal, the SEE prefers to be equipped for to deal with any problems that might arise and handle them as they come. This is much more natural to him than planning for and expecting specific possible difficulties or outcomes. This is based in the SEE's "try it out, do your best, and hope for the best" outlook on things.
SEEs are generally cautious and mistrustful of new ideas and behavior styles that they have not seen, heard of, or experienced before. When people act in strange, unseen ways, they often don't know what the person's true intentions are and may suspect that the other person is trying to trick them or play a joke on them. SEEs need to see how other people react to the person and his new information, views, or behavior in order to make a proper assessment.
SEE can become very upset when people are late for unclear reasons and behave in other independent and unpredictable ways. This gives them the feeling of hanging in the air and general uncertainty about the future. Being action oriented people, this is difficult to bear.
The SEE hates when other people infer or remind him that he's not doing what he "should be doing." This is in complete opposite to his preference of following his whims and doing what he wants when he wants it, with as little structure as possible.They have trouble focusing on systematic decision making, sometimes leading to occasional large mistakes (e.g. an unnecessary, expensive purchase) that was not thought through. Such mistakes lead to shame, guilt, and disappointment within the SEE, although he does not broadcast these sentiments to many. SEE doesn't like having to weight out pros and cons or make the "right" or "proper" decision.
In regards to unsubstantiated, theoretical knowledge, the SEE can either accept the unproven parts in good faith, or he'll completely reject it as foolish, unnecessary, and unimportant.
The SEE can be afraid to make discussion about fields heavy in systematic knowledge, doubting his ability to convey such thoughts in a clear, composed, and valued manner.
Being as the SEE is more of a day-to-day, moment to moment type of person, they can suffer great difficulty regarding the long term consequences of their actions. People who they respect as having a firm grasp of the unfolding of events are considered very helpful to the SEE. When the SEE brings such a person into their fold, much trouble and wasted time and energy can be avoided due to such foresight, as opposed to the SEEs usual "try everything and see what works" method of solving problems.Mobilizing-Te
The SEE likes to constantly be doing things, but not if they don't apply to the long term perspective. If it is suggested that something needs to be done to make a situation better, the SEE can implement such suggestion with boundless faith, energy, and enthusiasm if the suggestion comes from a trusted source. Their dual, the ILI, provides much-needed nourishment in this area of knowledge as the ILI strives to make practical, logical understanding of an unfolding situation. SEE gladly considers suggestions or modifications to the methods he proposes to for achieving his goals, especially if such advice comes from a trusted source.Id
SEEs place little emphasis on this function despite having a strong sense of it. They prefer finding a state that is powerful or influential to one that is understated or nuanced. This often leads to an over-the-top attitude that can cause mutual disharmony because of their direct approach. They perceive this function but are unable to do much with regard to it and ignore it.Knows exactly what is needed for an attractive, comforatable environment and is very good at evaluating this in present environments. If the SEE is "stuck" in a social environment he does not prefer, he can appear to enjoy it and get along with others well for a while, but he will soon become bored and feel a constant nagging in the back of his head to "get the f*** out of here!" In such a situation, he will look for the first excuse possible to exit the situation elegantly and preserve the good will of others towards him.
When amongst those he holds a superficial relationship with, the SEE is very adept at livening up the mood, energizing others, and getting people excited about something. It usually bores him to do so though, and he would not seek out the company of such people who require this kind of involvement on a regular basis.There is a tendency for this type not to be phased by intense emotional situations. When others discuss "the horrible tragedy" of things, or lose control of their emotions, crying intensely and feeling sorry for themselves, the SEE realizes that these feelings are just temporary and inconsequential. During these brief periods where a friend is emotionally unstable and unable to take care of themselves, the SEE will tend to the real life aspect of things, keeping their feet on the ground and helping them with basic survival until this period passes.
After the function descriptions, we can add other interesting sections like "typical life problems of LSI and how to deal with them," "typical sentiments and life philosophy," etc.
WSS - The Opportunist
The SEE is most notable for their fiercely independent desire to do what they want when they want. Possessed with a strong, challenging and largely upbeat energy, they are usually the first to act impulsively on a situation according to their will, confronting their immediate reality to make it advantageous to them and those they care for. SEEs see success in being able to resist opposing forces and prevail on their own resourcefulness and determination, being their own boss and fighting off those who would command them. When placed in a social hierarchy, the only level satisfactory for the SEE is one where they answer to no one, resulting in them climbing straight for the top. In such activities, SEEs tend to show great gusto, as they love the vitality of pitting themselves against a hard problem and pushing through to the other side. For this reason, SEEs are regularly seen as gregarious go-getters, rising to the challenge and usually reaping the rewards. In the social sphere, SEEs tend to dominate with their ability to steer a conversation the way they want it to go. They tend to be quickly noticed in a room of people for this reason and people can find them captivating. Similarly, their natural social confidence is the source of much of their ambition, with SEEs conquering, not merely through force, but through the hearts and minds of those they have won over.Creative-Fi
Possessing a great need for social stimuli, SEEs like to see their friends regularly and meet with people face to face, so as to feel alive and not alone. Frequently, SEEs exercise their will in the sphere of interpersonal relations. SEEs are quickly able to size up a person, their subtle likes and dislikes, the invisible boundaries and the lines they can push. As such, they know how to charm a stranger or conquer the opposite sex. They are able to quickly form a rapport with another person and, if tactically useful, get them to willingly do what they want. The SEE tends to be the clear leader in most of their social relations, preferring to take the lead than be led by anyone else. As such, they tend to be the active half of any duo, with the other person tending to follow. SEEs are interested in people and derive much value from meaningful, quality time with others. However, SEEs are not so friendly to everyone. They know what they like and what they do not like. To those they do not like, an SEE can be a force to be feared. SEEs will usually make it quite clear when they are in contempt of a particular individual and can make that person the target of their fearsome temper. These situations are comparatively rare however, as the SEE is gregarious and proactive in fostering positive relations with others, and finding those people whom they can identify with in a meaningful and reciprocated way. SEEs can be very eager to protect these chosen few, and will do so tenaciously, going out of their way to help them. However, they can also be very demanding of such people, expecting much from them based on the closeness of their relation. As a result, befriending an SEE is often challenging, but rewarding.Super-Ego
SEEs are able to brainstorm and think about different ideas and initiatives in order to solve a particular issue. Similarly, SEEs reserve the ability to act decisively in areas of uncertainty, usually throwing aside caution so that they can jump in and pull through on sheer resilience. Usually their ability to improvise in the moment will serve them well, and an unexpected situation can usually be responded to and dealt with without much hindrance to the SEE's desires. However, SEEs prefer it when the matter is simple and straightforward and can be irritated by the delay of too much speculation, or if the problem is too abstract and cannot be fixed by some concrete action. Although a multitude of options is sometimes necessary for success, the SEE prefers there to be a clear goal or end for them to direct their energy towards, and can quickly grow impatient if ambiguity should leave them floundering in the options. Similarly, SEEs are able to keep an open mind when assessing others and can to an extent pick up on the inner potential of their acquaintances; what they could do rather than just what they have done. However, SEEs do not tend to indulge this way of thinking unless needed, preferring more immediate and decisive assessments of others based on the traits that are already apparent.Vulnerable-Ti
SEEs are fundamentally erratic in their thoughts and behaviours, which may belie a lack of logical clarity. SEEs tend to make their decisions impulsively and capriciously, doing what they want, when they want, and they usually fail to consider whether these decisions are consistent with what they have said or done before. As such, there is little about the SEE that will remain the same in all cases. For this reason, SEEs may strongly resist being analysed or defined by any theoretical system, as they tend to believe no fixed theory can adequately fathom their tempestuous nature. Occasionally, the desires of SEEs can be unreasonable, with their appetites driving them to want more than they are owed and shirk the rules for their desires and those of their friends. This may be interpreted as opportunistic or selfish by more orderly, principled sorts of people. Certainly, SEEs are more disposed to think in terms of what they are able to get, rather than their right to have it, and they may try to challenge or ignore the rule of law when they can get away with it. Usually, SEEs take the position of pure pragmatism, nothing being seen as intrinsically correct or out of bounds, and adopting wildly different policies from one situation to the next. For the SEE, "whatever works" is often sufficient. The need to be consistent and have a clear ideology or set of principles is foreign to the SEE who is more inclined to doing whatever they want and finding whatever can help them to do so, regardless of where it sits with previous attempts. Such theoretical propositions, to the SEE, are worthless unless converted into real, practical action that serves a need.Super-Id
Naturally disposed towards decisive action in the present, SEEs tend to be impatient and have difficulty looking far ahead to see the consequences of their actions. They may be headstrong and act without foresight, jumping into the fray without knowing the likely outcomes and hitting a brick wall. Similarly, they may have difficulty remembering and adequately learning from their past mistakes, being more inclined to base their actions purely on what seems to be the circumstances of the moment. For this reason, although they tend to achieve success, this is usually through impulsive, initiative-taking, surveying the immediate surroundings to gain a tactical advantage, rather than thinking ahead or developing a coherent strategy. However, they tend to appreciate the counsel of a select few who they know tend to be right about such things. SEEs benefit greatly from the foresight of others and a focus on greater purposes and goals brings a sense of meaning to the SEEs erratic hyperactivity, making it more clear as to why they should act in the first place. Although prone to pugnacity, SEEs will harbour a curious respect for those who are not afraid to say they think the SEE's latest scheme may be stupid and end in disaster. To such people, the SEE may return again and again, utilising such wisdom to advise their actions and better guide what they do along a path of predicted success.Mobilizing-Te
For SEEs, the key to success is knowledge and many will place great emphasis on learning from one's mistakes and self-improvement so that they can better tackle future obstacles. SEEs want to be able to see themselves as knowledgeable and may be eager to share whatever they may have learned. When trying to solve a new problem, the SEE may learn to try out a few options until something shows a sign of working, at which point, the SEE will push ahead at full pace. However, sometimes their tendency to rush into things and cut corners may cause them to slip, leading to a failure. SEEs are aware that they do not process factual and practical information as well as others and want to improve themselves so as to be minimise any incompetence on their part. They look forward to winning people over through not only charm but also their demonstrated intelligence and accumulated knowledge. As such, SEEs can benefit from the occasional factual support and know-how of a trusted source. They will tend to work very hard at matters that interest them, cutting out distractions and disciplining themselves into learning the necessary material and applying it efficiently in the field. Similarly, in a debate scenario, SEEs will combine their forceful tenacity with a honed knowledge of the relevant facts, being sharp enough to provide a well-sourced and evidenced comeback to most critiques.Id
SEEs tend to be restless, ambitious individuals, often trying to satisfy their appetite for improvement and achievement. As such, there is little room for restful relaxation. SEEs are characterised by an almost hyperactive energy state and are unlikely to sit and enjoy their surroundings when they can be acting upon it. However, SEEs tend to have a good eye for the details they are looking for and can quickly cultivate the right look to maximise impact on their surroundings. Understanding the importance of looking nice for a sense of personal pride and to have an appealing and inviting impact on others, SEEs can make themselves look sensual and gracious, cultivating the right aesthetic for the occasion. Doing so helps to sharpen the edge of their charm. Erratic in their energy, SEEs may be inclined to rest when there is nothing else to do, but will jump into action when there is something they want. In such situations, enjoyment of the present situation is pushed out of mind as something else becomes the object of their appetites. In the pursuit of their ambitions, SEEs tend to have a strong impact on the environment, while largely ignoring its effect on overall peace and harmony. Similarly, their toughness allows them to ignore pain when pushing unstoppably towards a goal. Although largely seeking to protect the needs of people they care for, SEEs are likely to do this in a way that takes people out of their comfort zones, preferring to push and challenge people in a way that takes them close to, but never over, their limits.Demonstrative-Fe
SEEs tend to be emotionally dynamic, oozing a dominant charisma that can quickly win people over and indirectly pick up the mood. This tends to attract a lot of attention, with SEEs rarely going unnoticed. However, despite often enjoying their impact in a social scene, SEEs do not care to play up to the crowd or maintain the moods they create. Although usually very charming, this operates on a case by case basis, with the SEE making lots of allies from different situations but also making enemies on occasion or agreeing to disagree. In regards to publicity and the common opinion, the SEE can be fiercely independent and unafraid of drawing controversy if the matter is something they feel strongly about. SEEs are motivated to express themselves sincerely, often with candor and even frightening pugnacity, should they feel a pressure from others to conform. Although sensitive to others needs, they are unlikely to flatter or excite others beyond a basic level of sincerity and will just as likely provide harsh, overblown critique if they feel that is more justified. They are usually very observant of the emotions used by others and will quickly call out ploys they feel are fake or manipulative. In addition, they may depend on changes in the mood and how others react to them as a useful measure of their impact on the surroundings.[1]
Model G
SHS - The Politician
Social Mission
Leading +Se
They understand well the balance and scales of power. They quickly catch who is strong and who is weak, who can be put pressure on, and who is better left untouched. They understand well the weak points of people with whom they are closely acquainted. By acting on weak points, they change other's behavior in a favorable direction. They do not submit to direct pressure attempts from others. Deftly dodges. Knows how to stand up for themselves. They react violently when they are limited in their choice. Commands those who are less determined and less self-confident than them. With a stronger partner, they communicate on an equal footing. Always finds a way to get attention.Creative -Fe
Their performance is highly dependent on their mood. In high spirits, they even take on hard work. But if there is no mood, then even very important work remains undone. They are energetic in those things that can be done immediately. If there is no quick return, but one has to work hard, they soon lose interest and will look for another direction for their efforts. Excitement and passion increase their performance. Creates around themselves the atmosphere of a holiday, a feast. They do their best work in an informal setting. They often disperse their energy in different directions: they do several things at once, easily switching from one to another. If the circle of hobbies continues to grow, then the effectiveness drops.Social Adaptation
Role-playing +Ne
Strives to present themselves as an original, non-standard personality that does not fit into any framework. Tends to oppose others. Can keep up a conversation on any topic, demonstrating their knowledge on a little bit of everything. They grasp information quickly, but shallowly. They periodically think, plunging into themselves. At such moments it seems to them that people do not perceive them as they really are. Quite capricious and fastidious. They will not fail to emphasize their wide possibilities and great prospects. Often at the same time, they argue and disagree, defending the opposite point of view out of principle.Launching -Te
Their mood depends on how well they are doing. To improve their emotional state, others need to offer them a profitable business. They tend to show either great generosity to extravagance, if the mood is upbeat, then frugality and even stinginess, if emotionally depressed. In business, their emotions are important to them. Not able to work if the activity seems boring to them. To them, any business can turn into entertainment, they give it the character of a show. They are very nervous and angry if they are bypassed in business or if material resources are distributed in such a way that they get less than others. Because of this, they can quarrel.Creative Self-Realization
Demonstrative +Fi
They are well versed in the system of relationships that develop between people. Knows how to tell a person what they want to hear from them. However, they are in no hurry to fulfill their promises, if they do not feel a special need for this. Balances between the interests of opposing camps, successfully negotiating or bargaining. If their own interests require it, they easily put up with former opponents. Knows how to build relationships. Rather, they play on negative relationships, dislikes, than positive connections. It's hard to end a relationship on their own. They try to make a person indirectly understand that they are not interested in the other. Doesn't like to let people come close to them because they feel that this imposes certain obligations on them. Easily makes acquaintances and feels more confident in a big company than alone and in everyday surroundings.Manipulative -Ni
Feels alert and healthy when their time is busy. Otherwise, having an excess of time, they lead a sedentary, lazy lifestyle, and mopes and criticizes everything. They like constant changes, development of events, and inconsistency. They often want to go somewhere, to completely change the situation. They feel as though time imposes what is convenient for them. Sometimes they hurry others, sometimes they slow down quick decisions in every possible way. Always finds something to complain about. They like to be persuaded by others for a long time, citing many examples and instructive stories from the past.Inflation
Brake +Ti
They do not like it very much when their conclusions on a particular situation or problem are not taken into account. Those who ignore their remarks are counted among their ill-wishers. Depends on the established order in the area where they live or work. They complain about the lack of discipline and disorganization, although they cannot provide it themselves, because they do not want to spoil relations and cannot work methodically. They respond to the accepted hierarchy. They communicate with a person either from a position from below, as a subordinate, or from a position from above, as a boss. They allow themselves not to stand on ceremony with their subordinates. Cannot be near people who are apathetic to them. They do everything to remove such people. They don't know what system they use.Controlling -Si
They don't like it when their comfort is violated. They fear for their material well-being and health. Never compromises their comfort. They monitor cleanliness and observes the rules of hygiene. They feel disdain. Criticizes the quality of products or the good quality of goods. Not ashamed of their body and physiological processes in it. They have a peculiar aesthetic taste, which does not always coincide with the generally accepted one. They are cautious in nature. Will not be the first to settle in an unknown place. Conservative in their habits in everyday life. Their other extreme is an indifferent attitude to their appearance.[2]
[1] WSS, SEE - The Opportunist
[2] SHS, SEE - The Politician
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